VUE implements Studio management background: drop-down selection list (Select) control, input series of input box

This time Github upload is wrong, and the serial number in the title is wrong. I think this way: "VUE implements Studio management background (11): drop-down selection list control, input box series" has actually been transferred to this way: "VUE implements Studio management background (9): drop-down selection list control, inpu ...

Posted by amelhedi on Sun, 08 Mar 2020 04:50:21 -0700

VUE implements Studio management background: OptionBox, a comprehensive attribute input interface, which can be cascaded and reset

To facilitate code reading, the test data has been separated and placed in the mock Directory: If you read the code, just pay a little attention. This time, the most important part of RXEditor interface is attribute input component, which can display whether data has been modified or reset to default value in batch. The effect is as follows: ...

Posted by Ulujain on Sun, 08 Mar 2020 01:00:01 -0800

How to deal with the error white screen in Ant Design Pro production environment

background When using Ant Design Pro for development, if it is a component rendering error, the whole page will be directly white screen in the production environment, resulting in a very poor user experience. Generally speaking, when there is a page error, it's OK to prompt the page error. The menu bar on the left should be able to be used nor ...

Posted by Soccerplayer1316 on Sat, 07 Mar 2020 22:59:25 -0800

mongoose - the Nodejs framework of object-oriented operation mongodb

introduce Whether mysql or mongodb, the traditional way to interact with database is to write code according to the API they provide. The APIs they provide are often not easy to understand and hard to remember. If you pass wrong parameters and write a wrong symbol, you need to check the document. The ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework ...

Posted by jollyjumper on Sat, 07 Mar 2020 08:35:50 -0800

Events in js

Events in js Events in javascript can be understood as an interactive operation in HTML documents or browsers. 1, How to bind events 1. Inline This mode is the most traditional way to handle events. In the inline model, the event handler is an attribute of the HTML tag that handles the specified e ...

Posted by MikeSnead on Sat, 07 Mar 2020 02:20:18 -0800

JavaScript DOM of front-end web

JS HTML DOM When the web page is loaded, the browser creates the document object model of the page. With the HTML DOM, JavaScript can access and change all elements of an HTML document. DOM document operation Find HTML elements Method describe Example document.getElementById(id) Find elements ...

Posted by onepixel on Sat, 07 Mar 2020 00:22:46 -0800

Usage and summary of Rudex

Usage and summary of Rudex What is Redux Redux is a popular JavaScript framework that provides a predictable state container (data state management framework) for applications. Redux is based on a simplified version of the Flux framework, a framework developed by Facebook. In the standard MVC framew ...

Posted by Druid on Thu, 05 Mar 2020 20:25:58 -0800

Vue.js - (simple review, knowledge sorting)

VUE Vue (pronunciation / vju ː /, similar to view) is a set of progressive JavaScript framework for building user interface. Unlike other large frameworks, Vue is designed for bottom-up, layer by layer applications. Vue's core library only focuses on visual layers, which facilitates integration with th ...

Posted by andy75180 on Thu, 05 Mar 2020 20:22:21 -0800

Teach you how to easily find the rules in javascript

Article Directory 1 Overview of regular expressions 1.1 What is a regular expression 1.2 Regular Expression Features 2 Use of regular expressions in Javascript 2.1 Create regular expressions 2.2 Testing regular expression test 3 Special characters in regular expressions Composition of 3.1 Regula ...

Posted by phpMover on Thu, 05 Mar 2020 17:32:58 -0800

Quickly grasp the relationship between ES6 iterator Generator and async and its usage

1. Traverser iterator 1.1 for traversal First of all, how do you traverse an array when you first get out of js? var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9] for (let i = 0;i < arr.length;i++) { console.log(arr[i]); } 1.2 forEach traversal It looks like a dumb bunch, so ES5 has studied a foreach method for you, but it can't break, change t ...

Posted by scottjcampbell on Thu, 05 Mar 2020 08:44:54 -0800