Teach you how to easily find the rules in javascript

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1 Overview of regular expressions

1.1 What is a regular expression

Regular expressions are patterns used to match combinations of characters in strings.Regular expressions are also objects in Javascript.
Regular tables are often used to retrieve and replace text that conforms to a pattern (rule), such as a validation form: User name forms can only enter letters, numbers, or underscores in English, and nicknames in Chinese (match).In addition, regular expressions are often used to filter out sensitive words in page content, or to get specific parts (extracts) we need from strings.

1.2 Regular Expression Features

  1. Flexibility, logic and functionality are very strong
  2. Complex control of strings can be quickly achieved in extremely simple ways
  3. More difficult to understand

2 Use of regular expressions in Javascript

2.1 Create regular expressions

  1. Created by the constructor of the RegExp object
var variable name= new RegExp(/expression/)
// Creating Objects with RegExp
var regexp = new RegExp(/123/)
  1. Create by Literal Quantity
var variable name=/expression/
var rg = /123/

2.2 Testing regular expression test

The test() regular object method, which detects whether a string conforms to this rule, returns true or false with the parameter Test String.

  • regexObj is a written regular expression
  • str Text we want to test
  • Is to detect whether str text conforms to the regular expression specification we wrote
var rg = /123/
console.log(rg.test(123)) //true
console.log(rg.test('abc')) //false 

3 Special characters in regular expressions

Composition of 3.1 Regular Expressions

A regular expression can be composed of simple characters, such as/ab c/, or a combination of simple and special characters, such as/ab*c/.Special characters, also known as metacharacters, are special symbols in regular expressions.
As there are many special characters, they are not listed here anymore. For reference:
MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
Here you can divide metacharacters into several types of learning:

3.2 Boundary Character

Boundary characters (placeholders) in regular expressions are used to indicate where a character is, mainly two characters.

If both ^ and $exist, an exact match is reached

var rg= /abc/ //No quotation marks are required in regular expressions
// /abc/Returns true as long as the string contains ABC
console.log(rg.test('abc')) // true
console.log(rg.test('abcd')) // true
console.log(rg.test('aabcd')) // true

var reg = /^abc/
console.log(rg.test('abc')) // true
console.log(rg.test('abcd')) // true
console.log(rg.test('aabcd')) // false

var reg = /^abc$/ //Exact match, abc string is required to conform to specification
console.log(rg.test('abc')) // true
console.log(rg.test('abcd')) // false
console.log(rg.test('aabcd')) // false
console.log(rg.test('abcabc')) // false

3.3 Character Class

Indicates that there is a series of characters to choose from, as long as one of them is matched, all the characters to choose from are placed in square brackets

var rg = /[abc]/; //Returns true as long as it contains a or b or c
console.log(rg.test('andy')) //true
var rg = /[abc]/; //Returns true as long as it contains a or b or c
console.log(rg.test('baby')) //true
console.log(rg.test('color')) //true
console.log(rg.test('red')) //false

var rg = /^[abc]$/ //Choose one of the three letters with a or b or c to return true
console.log(rg.test('aa')) //false
console.log(rg.test('a')) //true
console.log(rg.test('b')) //true
console.log(rg.test('c')) //true
console.log(rg.test('abc')) //false

var rg = /^[a-z]$/ //26 English letters Any letter returns true

var rg = /^[a-zA-Z]$/ //26 English letters (upper case and lower case) Any one returns true

var rg = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]$/
console.log(rg.test('c')) //true
console.log(rg.test('B')) //true
console.log(rg.test('_')) //true
console.log(rg.test('8')) //true
console.log(rg.test('-')) //true

//If there is ^ in the middle bracket, it means the opposite. Don't confuse the boundary character ^
var rg = /^[^a-zA-Z]$/

3.4 Quantifier

Quantifiers are used to set the number of times a pattern occurs

var reg = /^a*$/
console.log(reg.test(''))// true
console.log(reg.test('a'))// true
console.log(reg.test('aaa'))// true

var reg = /^a+$/
console.log(reg.test(''))// false
console.log(reg.test('a'))// true
console.log(reg.test('aaa'))// true

var reg = /^a?$/
console.log(reg.test(''))// true
console.log(reg.test('a'))// true
console.log(reg.test('aaa'))// false

var reg = /^a{3}$/
console.log(reg.test(''))// false
console.log(reg.test('a'))// false
console.log(reg.test('aaa'))// true

var reg = /^a{3,}$/
console.log(reg.test(''))// false
console.log(reg.test('a'))// false
console.log(reg.test('aaa'))// true
console.log(reg.test('aaaaa'))// true

var reg = /^a{3,5}$/ //Don't leave spaces after commas {3,5}
console.log(reg.test(''))// false
console.log(reg.test('a'))// false
console.log(reg.test('aaa'))// true
console.log(reg.test('aaaaa'))// true

User name validation

  1. If the username input is valid, the message is: the username is valid and the color is green
  2. If the username input is not valid, the following message is: the username does not conform to the specification and the color is green

User name validation analysis:

  1. User names can only consist of letters, numbers, underscores or dashes in English, and are 6-16 digits long.
  2. Prepare this regular expression pattern first
  3. If it conforms to the regular specification, add the right class to the space tag that follows.
  4. If it does not conform to the regular specification, add the wrong class to the space tag that follows.
<input type="text" class="uname"> <span>enter one user name</span>
        span {
            color: #aaa;
            font-size: 14px;
        .right {
            color: green;
        .wrong {
            color: red;
var reg=/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{6,16}$/
var uname = doucument.querySelector('.uname');
var spn = doucument.querySelector('span');
uname.onblur = function() {
    span.innerHTML = 'User name input format is correct'
  } else {
    span.innerHTML = 'User name input format error'

3.5 Bracket Summary

  1. Braces: quantifiers indicate the number of repetitions
  2. Brackets: Character collection.Match any character in square brackets
  3. Parentheses: indicates priority
var reg = /^[abc]$/  //a||b||c

var reg = /^abc{3}$/  //It just lets c repeat three times

var reg = /^(abc){3}$/  //abc repeat three times

3.6 Predefined Classes

Predefined classes are abbreviations of some common patterns when they refer to

Stand Number Verification

var reg= /^\d{3}-\d{8}|\d{4}-\d{7}$/ // | Yes or Meaning
var reg= /^\d{3,4}-\d{7,8}|\d{4}-\d{7}$/ 

4 Replacement in Regular Expressions

4.1 replace replacement

The replace() method implements a substitution string operation, and the substitution parameter can be a string or a regular expression.

stringObject.replace(regxp/substr, replacement)
  1. First parameter: substituted string or regular expression
  2. Second parameter: string to replace with
  3. Return value is a new string replaced
var str = 'lanfeng and qianduan'
var newStr = str.replace('front', 'qianduan')

Message Filter Sensitive Words

<textarea name="" id="message"></textarea> <button>Submit</button>
var text = document.querySelector('textarea');
var btn = document.querySelector('button');
var div = doucment.querySelector('div');
btn.onclick = function () {
	div.innerHTML = text.value.replace(/Passion/g, '**')

4.2 Regular Expression Parameters


There are three values for which switch (also known as modifier) matches in a pattern

  • g:Global Matching
  • i: ignore case
  • gi: Global Match + Ignore Case


This article mainly shares some points of knowledge and usage of regularity in javascript.

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Posted by phpMover on Thu, 05 Mar 2020 17:32:58 -0800