js Learning from the Past and Learning from the New 3 --- Learning Liao Xuefeng's js Course

1.map Because the map() method is defined in JavaScript Array, we call Array's map() method and pass in our own function, and we get a new Array as a result: function pow(x) { return x * x; } var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; arr.map(pow); // [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81] The parameter passed in by map() is pow, which is the func ...

Posted by saku on Mon, 15 Apr 2019 01:03:31 -0700

Detailed use of Picasso

Put it down first. I remember the second half of the year before last when I started contacting and using Glide. The reason for using Glide is simple. How good are all kinds of exaggerated Glide on the Internet, such as loading pictures to save memory, loading GIF pictures, Google recommendation and so on. But now I find a strange phenomenon. ...

Posted by robviperx on Mon, 15 Apr 2019 00:06:31 -0700

The use of google's grpc in golang

GRPC is a high-performance, cross-language RPC framework of google open source. It is based on HTTP2 protocol, protobuf 3.x and Netty 4.x. I wrote a previous article on the use of the rpc package of the golang standard library, and this article goes on to talk about google's grpc. introduce In gRPC, client applications can directly call the m ...

Posted by IlikeTheWeb on Sun, 14 Apr 2019 20:15:33 -0700

mySQL Data Recovery

mysql data recovery Author: xluren mysql does not open mysqlbinlog by default. Log in to mysql and execute the following commands. The results are as follows: mysql> show binlog events; Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> The return result is empty So to modify the configuration file, open this option [mysqld] datad ...

Posted by mattonline on Sun, 14 Apr 2019 00:18:33 -0700

RecyclerView Update and Principle

Basic Use of RecyclerView Update and Principle and Separation Line Resolution To put it another way: Startup page is not simply a few seconds into the home page, app startup speed has a lot to do with app startup page. Commands can be used to detect startup speed, (hot and cold startup) how to optimize and accelerate application startup spe ...

Posted by chixsilog on Sat, 13 Apr 2019 18:09:33 -0700

virtual reality

Concept: virtual reality (VR), short for virtual technology, is the use of computer simulation to create a three-dimensional virtual world, providing users with visual and other sensory simulation, so that users feel as if they are experiencing the situation, can observe things in three-dimensional space in a timely and unlimited manner. Func ...

Posted by mmosel on Sat, 13 Apr 2019 12:15:33 -0700

CardView& Source code analysis

Preface CardView as a card control was introduced in Android 5.0 system, inherited from the effect of adding rounded shadows in FragmentLayout layout. Google introduced MD design Elevation and Z-axis displacement in 5.0. The purpose is to highlight the hierarchical relationship between different elements and to be more cool when displaying ...

Posted by sogno on Sat, 13 Apr 2019 09:36:34 -0700

On the Use of document.cookie

Set cookieEach cookie is a name/value pair. You can assign the following string to document.cookie: document.cookie="userId=828";   If you want to store more than one name/value pair at a time, you can use semicolons and spaces (;), for example: document.cookie="userId=828; userName=hulk";   Semiconductors (;), commas (,), equal ...

Posted by squimmy on Sat, 13 Apr 2019 00:09:34 -0700

The Bottom Navigation Bar of Android Learning Implements the Android Characteristic Bottom Navigation Bar

Android There are many ways to implement the bottom navigation bar, such as TabHost, TabLayout, or TextView, which can achieve the effect of the bottom navigation bar, but there is no official and unified navigation bar style of Google. Today, we are talking about the recent addition of Google to Material. Bottom Navigation Bar in design ...

Posted by Bootsman123 on Fri, 12 Apr 2019 11:21:33 -0700

Simple implementation of observer and watcher for Vue

Non-Ding Blind Cattle Series ~=. = In daily project development, we pass js objects to the data option in the vue instance as the basis for updating the view. In fact, vue will traverse its attributes and set their get/set with Object.defineProperty, so that the attributes of data can respond to data changes: Object.defineProperty(obj, name, { ...

Posted by skyer2000 on Fri, 12 Apr 2019 09:18:31 -0700