Machine Learning Basics - Neural Network (Debugging Optimization) (Random Initialization, Gradient Detection)

1: Random Initialization When we use gradient descent or other advanced optimization algorithms, we need to select some initial values for the parameter theta.For advanced optimization algorithms, we assume by default that we have set the initial value for the variable theta: Similarly, for the gradient descent method, we also need to initi ...

Posted by crazychris on Mon, 11 May 2020 18:12:09 -0700

Linear and Frame Layouts

The second time, the puppy was very calm. Today let's talk about the layout of Android Q. The problems I encountered and what I learned. Don't laugh at the bulls. If something goes wrong, the puppy will change when he sees it. Today, my student began to lay out with us. Looking at the data, there seem to be five or more layouts, but Ouch, basi ...

Posted by Studio381 on Sun, 10 May 2020 17:27:02 -0700

[utils] get EnumUtil tool class of enumeration through a field value in enumeration

Sometimes, in this case, we have the value of one of the enumeration fields, and then get the information of enumeration or other fields through this value. If there is no tool class, we need to add corresponding methods to each enumeration. Through the method of tool class, we can reduce the code generation and make it more concise and bea ...

Posted by Dysan on Sun, 10 May 2020 07:47:56 -0700

PHP implementation of file compression and decompression

In php, sometimes we need to use the compressed file operation, which can save disk space; and the compressed file is smaller, convenient for network transmission, and efficient. Let's learn about the compression and decompression related operations of php There is a ziprarchive class in PHP, which is specially used for compression and decompr ...

Posted by doremi on Sat, 09 May 2020 01:58:02 -0700

[actual combat] license plate detection and recognition based on SVM of OpenCv

This issue continues to share the SVM practice project: license plate detection and recognition, and also introduces some dry goods In retrospect, Last issue introduced the SVM model training of OpenCv , this issue will continue to introduce the recognition process. This flow chart is still classic and intuitive. Let's share what we said ...

Posted by Cornelia on Thu, 07 May 2020 21:11:53 -0700

Two-way authentication of https requests and SSL using the Jetty plug-in in eclipse

link Full program source download, csdn not yet validated 1. Include both https and socket ssl test codes 2. All passwords are 123456 Environmental preparation Install run-jetty-run plug-in in eclipse csdn download resource java environment support, need to use keytool command start Generate server certificate keytool -genkey -alias ...

Posted by SecureMind on Thu, 07 May 2020 10:31:07 -0700

android Popupwindow is blocked by a pop-up soft keyboard

Previously, a page contained PopupWindow, PopupWindow had an EditText input box, click EditText input PopupWindow popped out from the bottom of the screen, and the soft keyboard directly blocked PopupWindow. When entering content, we hope the soft keyboard will not block the PopupWindow and will not affect the user's n ...

Posted by kevinritt on Thu, 07 May 2020 09:15:48 -0700

Java paging data through laypage plug-in of layui

Recently, you need to paginate the data on a page of spring MVC + mybatis project. The general idea is to create two hidden input boxes on the page to save the pageNum of the current page and the number of pieces of data displayed on each page pageSize. Modify the corresponding values each time you paginate, and then transfer the pageNum and pa ...

Posted by w00kie on Thu, 07 May 2020 07:05:21 -0700

Python Testlink use case import tool excel 2xml

Case story: Testlink is a common use case management tool used by many companies, Testlink supports the development of test plans, the simultaneous management and maintenance / execution of test cases by multiple people online, and the automatic generation of test reports. I personally do not recommend Excel offline management test cases, Howe ...

Posted by atyndall on Thu, 07 May 2020 06:57:12 -0700

C ා implement shellcode process start injection eip injection

First of all, code principle 1. Use CreateProcess to create a process marked with create "suspend The natural process will be suspended after the DLL is created and loaded. The create? Suspend tag was originally prepared for the debugger. 2. Then use GetThreadContext to get the thread context of the process and save it (important).... ...

Posted by PHPFEEDER on Tue, 05 May 2020 18:29:28 -0700