Python Testlink use case import tool excel 2xml

Keywords: Python Excel xml encoding

Case story: Testlink is a common use case management tool used by many companies,
Testlink supports the development of test plans, the simultaneous management and maintenance / execution of test cases by multiple people online, and the automatic generation of test reports.
I personally do not recommend Excel offline management test cases,
However, the official version of Testlink does not support Excel import, only Xml import.

Without this Excel import function, it's a pity,
But Python is a panacea. It's not hard to transfer Excel to Xml.

Preparation stage
  1. To operate Excel module, openpyxl has always been preferred. Directly pip install openpyxl is enough
  2. To operate Xml module, I suggest that ElementTree is preferred, but its source code needs to be modified for the following reasons: 3, 4 steps.
  3. according to Official documents of Testlink , if a single use case, its xml is as follows, look dizzy, don't advise, just do it!
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <testcase internalid="1" name="VTS Testing—— arm64-v8a VtsFastbootVerification">
        <externalid />
            <![CDATA[VTS Testing—— arm64-v8a VtsFastbootVerification]]>
            <![CDATA[Android Device passed USB Connect to Ubuntu system]]>
                    <![CDATA[Step1:  Function vts-tradefed Get into vts Console]]>
                    <![CDATA[Result1: Successful entry vts Console]]>
                    <![CDATA[Step2:  implement run vts -m VtsFastbootVerification]]>
                    <![CDATA[Result2: Operation results Pass,vts Pass the test]]>
            <keyword name="Android 9">

4. As you can see from the above Xml, there is a very strange! [CDATA [*]],
The content contained by this tag will be represented as plain text and should not be parsed by an XML parser,
But this tag, the ElementTree of Python, cannot be generated normally,
So after many studies, I modified the source code of ElementTree and added 901902 lines,

You can download the etree folder from this material case,
The etree of import in this case can be understood as a third-party module, an unofficial ElementTree module.
5. We need to set the test case Excel template as follows:

6. We need to consider to realize batch conversion of multiple Excel. The input is Excel input,
After running excel, the output is XML_Output, and its file directory is as follows:

Python object oriented class form

Because the code involved in this case is somewhat difficult and relatively long,
Directly in the form of object-oriented classes to model and program design.

Modeling: first imagine a blank world and what kinds of things (nouns) the world needs.
We need two classes. One is the ExcelReader class, which is used to read Excel to get case data,
One is the XMLWriter class, which is used to write the Excel data obtained above into the Xml file.

# coding=utf-8

import os
import re
import shutil
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element, SubElement

SUMMARY_COL = 1  # Use case title
PRECONDITION_COL = 2  # Preset conditions
EXECUTETYPE_COL = 3  # Execution mode of use case, manual and automatic
IMPORTANCE_COL = 4  # Priority of use cases
STEPS_COL = 5  # Execution steps of use cases
EXCEPTED_RESULT_COL = 6  # Expected results of use cases
KEYWORD_COL = 7  # Project to which the use case belongs

class ExcelReader(object):
    """Read Excel file and get all cases contents"""

    def __init__(self, excel_file):
        self.excel_file = excel_file

    def __parse_steps(self, steps_str):
        """Analytical cutting required Step1:XXXXStep2:XXXXStep3:XXXXX And get the execution steps Step Specific text of"""
        steps_str = steps_str + " "
        new_steps_list = []
        number_list = []
        steps_count = 1
        for i in range(1, 20):
            if ("Step%s" % i in steps_str):
                steps_count = i
        for x in range(1, steps_count + 1):
            number_list.append(int(steps_str.find("Step%s" % x)))
        for j in range(0, len(number_list) - 1):
            new_steps_list.append(steps_str[number_list[j]:number_list[j + 1]])
        return new_steps_list

    def __parse_results(self, result_str):
        """Analytical cutting required Result1:XXXXResult2:XXXXResult3:XXXXX And get the expected results Result Specific text of"""
        result_str = result_str + " "
        new_result_list = []
        number_list = []
        steps_count = 1
        for i in range(1, 20):
            if ("Result%s" % i in result_str):
                steps_count = i
        for x in range(1, steps_count + 1):
            number_list.append(int(result_str.find("Result%s" % x)))
        for j in range(0, len(number_list) - 1):
            new_result_list.append(result_str[number_list[j]:number_list[j + 1]])
        return new_result_list

    def get_all_cases(self):
        """Read to Excel All test cases are written and stored in a list """
        all_case_list = []
        excel = load_workbook(self.excel_file)
        _, excel_name = os.path.split(self.excel_file)

        sheet =
        max_rows = sheet.max_row
        for row_num in range(2, max_rows):
            print("Processing%s No%s That's ok" % (excel_name, row_num))
            casedict = {}
            summary = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=SUMMARY_COL).value
            # print(summary)
            if summary:
                precondition = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=PRECONDITION_COL).value
                execution_type = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=EXECUTETYPE_COL).value
                importance = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=IMPORTANCE_COL).value
                steps = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=STEPS_COL).value
                excepted_results = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=EXCEPTED_RESULT_COL).value
                keyword = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=KEYWORD_COL).value
                if keyword == None:
                    keyword = ""
                casedict["internalid"] = "1"
                casedict["summary"] = summary
                casedict["status"] = "7"
                casedict["preconditions"] = precondition
                casedict["keyword"] = keyword
                if (importance == "" or importance == None):
                    print(u"Format error, The first%s That's ok, \"priority\"column, Cannot be empty!" % row_num)
                    return None
                    importance = importance.strip()
                    importance = importance.capitalize()  # title case
                    if (importance == "Medium" or importance == "M"):
                        casedict["importance"] = "2"
                    elif (importance == "High" or importance == "H"):
                        casedict["importance"] = "3"
                    elif (importance == "Low" or importance == "L"):
                        casedict["importance"] = "1"
                        print(u"priority error , The first%s That's ok, \"priority\"column, Must be High, Medium, Low perhaps H, M, L!" % row_num)
                        return None
                if (execution_type != 'Manual' and execution_type != "automatic" and execution_type != "manual"):
                    print(u"Format error, The first%s That's ok, \"Execution mode\"column, Must be\"Manual\"or\"automatic\"!" % row_num)
                    return None
                    if (execution_type == u"Manual"):
                        casedict["execution_type"] = "1"
                        casedict["execution_type"] = "2"
                if ("Step1" not in steps):
                    print(u"Format error,  The first%s That's ok, \"testing procedure\"column,Must use Step1:, Step2:, Step3:...Format, etc!" % row_num)
                    return None
                    steps_list = self.__parse_steps(steps)
                    for i in range(1, len(steps_list) + 1):
                        casedict["step" + str(i)] = steps_list[i - 1]
                if not (re.match(r".*Result.*", excepted_results)):
                    print(u"Format error,  The first%s That's ok, \"Expected results\"column,Must use Result1:, Result2:, Result3:...Format, etc!" % row_num)
                    return None
                    result_list = self.__parse_results(excepted_results)
                    for i in range(1, len(result_list) + 1):
                        casedict["result" + str(i)] = result_list[i - 1]
        # print(allcase_list)
        return all_case_list

class XmlWriter():
    '''Write to XML'''

    def __init__(self, all_cases_list, save_path):
        self.all_cases_list = all_cases_list
        self.save_path = save_path

    def write_xml(self):
        xml_file = ElementTree()
        testcases_node = Element("testcases")
        for eachcase in self.all_cases_list:
            testcase_node = Element("testcase", {"internalid": eachcase["internalid"], "name": eachcase["summary"]})
                SubElement(testcase_node, "externalid").append(CDATA(eachcase["externalid"]))
                SubElement(testcase_node, "version").append(CDATA(eachcase["version"]))
            SubElement(testcase_node, "summary").append(CDATA(eachcase["summary"]))
            SubElement(testcase_node, "preconditions").append(CDATA(eachcase["preconditions"]))
            SubElement(testcase_node, "execution_type").append(CDATA(eachcase["execution_type"]))
            SubElement(testcase_node, "importance").append(CDATA(eachcase["importance"]))
            SubElement(testcase_node, "status").append(CDATA(eachcase["status"]))
            stepsnode = SubElement(testcase_node, "steps")
            for i in range(1, 20):
                    step = eachcase["step" + str(i)]
                    result = eachcase["result" + str(i)]
                    stepnode = SubElement(stepsnode, "step")
                    SubElement(stepnode, "step_number").append(CDATA(str(i)))
                    SubElement(stepnode, "actions").append(CDATA(self.__remove_step_num(step)))
                    SubElement(stepnode, "expectedresults").append(CDATA(self.__remove_result_num(result)))
                    SubElement(stepnode, "execution_type").append(CDATA(eachcase["execution_type"]))
                keywords_node = SubElement(testcase_node, "keywords")
                keyword_node = SubElement(keywords_node, "keyword", {"name": eachcase["keyword"]})
                SubElement(keyword_node, "notes").append(CDATA(""))

        xml_file.write(self.save_path, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
        return xml_file

    def __remove_step_num(self, text=None):
        """# Exclude Step: character ''“
        step_text = re.sub(r"Step\s+:", "", text)
        return step_text

    def __remove_result_num(self, text=None):
        """# Exclude Result: character ''“
        result_text = re.sub(r"Result\s+:", "", text)
        return result_text

    def __indent(self, elem, level=0):
        i = "\n" + level * "    "
        if len(elem):
            if not elem.text or not str(elem.text).strip():
                elem.text = i + "    "
            for e in elem:
                # print e
                self.__indent(e, level + 1)
            if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip():
                e.tail = i
        if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
            elem.tail = i
        return elem

def CDATA(text=None):  # In order to match the CDATA format in the display xml, this part is all in uppercase.
    """generate CDATA Label related xml data"""
    element = Element("CDATA")
    element.text = text
    return element

if __name__ == '__main__':
    curpath = os.getcwd()
    excel_folder = os.path.join(curpath, "Excel_Input")
    excel_list = os.listdir(excel_folder)

    xml_folder = os.path.join(curpath, "XML_Output")

    # Delete the old XML output folder first

    if not os.path.exists(xml_folder):

    # Batch by batch analysis of Excel
    for each_excel in excel_list:
        print("*" * 60)
        print("Processing%s" % each_excel)
        print("*" * 60)
        e_obj = ExcelReader("%s%s%s" % (excel_folder, os.sep, each_excel))
        all_cases_list = e_obj.get_all_cases()
        excel_name, posfix = os.path.splitext(each_excel)
        x_obj = XmlWriter(all_cases_list, "%s%s%s.xml" % (xml_folder, os.sep, excel_name))

    print("\nExcel to XML All processed! XML Build to XML_Output folder!")

Download the case materials

Including: test case template, etree package (including ElementTree), Python script
Jump to download the selfie tutorial on the official website
Wusanren products, please feel free to download!

Testlink import effect

Go to the official website to view Excel to XML and import the video of Testlink.

For more and better original articles, please visit the official website:
Selfie course (Python course of automatic test, compiled by Wu Sanren)
Original link:
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Posted by atyndall on Thu, 07 May 2020 06:57:12 -0700