Creating docker image warehouse with Harbor

1. Why use Harbor Harbor is open source, free software Harbor is for enterprise users Harbor has a friendly WEB management interface II. Harbor Official Resources Prerequisite 1: Installation of docker Delete the old versio ...

Posted by bennyboywonder on Wed, 02 Oct 2019 15:53:20 -0700

Canal Synchronizes MySQL with RocketMQ

I. Installation of Canal Docker Installation Stand-alone Canal Installation of RocketMQ Docker Installation Stand-alone RocketMQ 3. Configuring MQ of Canal Official documents 3.1 Modify the Canal Server configuration ################################################# ######### common argument ############# ################################## ...

Posted by bhavesh on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 13:14:41 -0700

Experience Recall (Pure Manual) => Python Version - Docker Uses Appium Simple Experiments

Docker-Appium Installation Github docker-appium address: Create temporary containers (for simple command testing) docker run --privileged -d -p 4723:4723 -v ~/.android:/root/.android -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --name container-appium appium/appium If using simulator, etc. (non-USB connection) The adb of the ...

Posted by joejoejoe on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 03:38:40 -0700

What is Sentry? docker deployment

What is Sentry? Docker deployment 1. what is Sentry? 2. Sentry deploys services using mirrors 2.1 Download Mirror: 2.2 Start redis and postgres 2.3 Generate the secret key, remember to save the key after generation 2.4 Initialization of data structures 2.5 Start sentry's three containers 2.6 docker ...

Posted by fernado1283 on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 02:02:22 -0700

Providing an external http interface API based on grpc through grpc-gateway

The advantages of grpc are no longer described, but how to provide Restful interface to the outside world and how to use grpc-gateway to convert grpc to Restful API when there is no desire to develop the same function repeatedly. install go get -u go get -u ...

Posted by kmussel on Mon, 30 Sep 2019 16:21:48 -0700

Install oracle 11g using Docker

 2019-07-30    0     0 1. Introduction Oracle Database, also known as Oracle RDBMS, or Oracle for short.Oracle is a relational database management system. With docker, it is no longer difficult to install oracle, just a few steps. It is important to note that before referring to this article, you need to have a foundation for wo ...

Posted by Xoom3r on Sat, 28 Sep 2019 11:02:39 -0700

vue-cli3 project from scratch to docker deployment

1. Create a vue project 1.1 Install @vue/cli # Global installation of vue-cli scaffolding npm install -g @vue/cli Copy code Wait until the installation is complete to start the next step 1.2 Initialization Project vue create vue-cli3-project Choose a Presupposition You can choose the default default, which includes babel,eslint We ch ...

Posted by shadysaiyan on Wed, 25 Sep 2019 03:55:05 -0700

zipkin+elk Micro-service Log Collection and Analysis System

docker installs elk log analysis system Install docker environment on win10 tip: win7/8 win7, win8 systems win7, win8, etc. need to be installed by docker toolbox. In China, you can download Ali cloud mirror at win10 Docker now has a dedicated installation package for the Win10 P ...

Posted by rochakchauhan on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 10:03:38 -0700

Part 2 of the Kubernetes series: Creating Kubernetes applications using the kubectl command

1. introduction The API Server of k8s provides a RESTful-style gateway interface that allows users to initiate requests to the k8s cluster. Such operations as creating a Pod or destroying a PodUsers can communicate with API Server through programming language following API Server's Gateway Interface Specification. They can also communicate wit ...

Posted by yurko on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 03:25:13 -0700

SpringBoot 2.0 + InfluxDB+ Sentinel Real-time Monitoring Data Store

Preface Alibaba provides a console that demonstrates Sentinel's basic capabilities and workflow without relying on the components necessary in a production environment, such as a persistent back-end database, a reliable configuration center, and so on.Sentinel currently stores monitoring and rule data in an in-memory mode, with a maximum stora ...

Posted by dearmoawiz on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 18:45:34 -0700