Docker-swarm Cluster Deployment and High Availability Configuration of Swarm Cluster Management Nodes
I. Docker deployment
yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
yum-config-manager --add-repo
yum makecache fast
yum install docker-ce
service docker start
vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
#Add to
--graph /data/docker --storage-driver=overlay ...
Posted by feest on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 03:18:42 -0700
CentOS 7 deploys Kubernetes 1.13.10 cluster using binary
CentOS deploys Kubernetes 1.13.10 cluster using binary
1. Installation environment preparation:
Deployment node description
IP address
host name
k8s installation ...
Posted by rostros on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 03:11:24 -0700
Kubernetes 1.16.0 Fast Upgrade
Kubernetes 1.16.0 has been officially released. Quick upgrade (including domestic mirror quick download links) includes three main steps: updating kubeadm/kubectl/kubelet version, pulling mirror and upgrading Kubernetes cluster. Reference Locked version of software on Ubuntu is not updated > Install a specific DockerCE version.
Posted by rUmX on Sun, 22 Sep 2019 23:51:50 -0700
PHP Multiprocess Pen Series
This series of articles will explain the pcntl_* series of functions, so as to better understand the process-related knowledge.
PCNTL process control support in PHP is turned off by default. You need to recompile the CGI or CLI version of PHP with the -- enable-pcntl configuration option to turn on process control support.
If the built-in PHP ...
Posted by Dumps on Thu, 19 Sep 2019 23:47:04 -0700
Build deployment Docker container based on entOS7 in Linux environment
1. Overview of Docker containers
Differentiate Docker container technology from VM virtual machine technology:
Docker container technology [Container]: container virtualization technology
evernotecid://394EFE90-9CE0-4D65-A8CD-DFEC0DC8061E/appyinxiangcom ...
Posted by corruption on Thu, 19 Sep 2019 10:49:23 -0700
Docker Container Series Articles Docker file of Docker Container Technology
Previously, the relevant articles are as follows:
Docker Container Series Introduction to Docker Technology (1)
Docker Container Series Introduction to Docker Technology (II)
Docker Container Series: How many of these 20 Docker Command s do you know?
A Brief Introduction to Docker file
Docker can use the content of Dockerfile to automatically b ...
Posted by pjsteinfort on Wed, 18 Sep 2019 00:18:47 -0700
mongodb profile details, memory limitations, user validation yaml format
17:18:30 May 27, 2019 Siemens Phoenix 275 more readings
Category Column: MongoDB
Copyright Statement: This is an original blogger article that follows CC 4.0 BY-SA Copyright Agreement, reproduced with a link to the original source and this statement.
Links to this article:
Posted by jolly on Tue, 17 Sep 2019 19:52:58 -0700
Tutorial - How to integrate superset in your own application
Superset is an incubator project of apache, positioned as a modern, quasi-commercial BI system
Apache Superset (incubating) is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application
Superset is an incubation project of apache, positioned as a modern, quasi-commercial BI system.
Superset (Caravel) is an open source data anal ...
Posted by stopblackholes on Tue, 17 Sep 2019 05:57:13 -0700
Rapid deployment of kubernetes cluster through RKE
RKE:Ranchar Kubernetes Engine RKE is written by golang, download the binary files of the corresponding system directly.Download address:
preparation in advance
1. Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS version is recommended; if CentOS 7 is used, version 7.3 or more is recommended.2. The hostna ...
Posted by yame conoces on Sun, 15 Sep 2019 22:08:16 -0700
Docker Container Series Articles Introduction to Docker Technology
Docker Contrast VM
Docker's Network Model
Dokcer provides communication between containers by using Linux bridges. Docker has four network modes
They are the following four modes
Host mode, specified using -- net=host.
Container mode, specified using -- net=container:NAMEorID.
None mode, specified using -- net=none.
Bridge mode, specified wit ...
Posted by newbtophp on Sun, 15 Sep 2019 21:23:42 -0700