Data structure sequence table

1, Sequential storage structure Sequential table, full name sequential storage structure, is a kind of linear table. Linear tables are used to store data with "one-to-one" logical relationship, and sequential tables are no exception. When storing data in the sequence table, a whole physical space of sufficient size will be appli ...

Posted by atdawgie on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:17:05 -0800

Using C/C + + to call opencv library to program and display pictures under Ubuntu

1, Requirements: Learn and understand the internal code, location code coding rules and font data storage format of Chinese characters. Under Ubuntu, use C/C + + (or python) to call opencv library to program and display a picture, open a text file named "logo.txt" (there is only one line of text file, including your own name and ...

Posted by ou812 on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 08:22:44 -0800

PAT B1058 1073 multiple choice question (the meaning of the question is similar and can be compared)

1058 multiple choice questions (20 points) Correcting multiple-choice questions is more troublesome. Please write a program to help the teacher correct multiple-choice questions and point out which question is wrong most. Input format: Input gives two positive integers N (≤) on the first line   1000) and M (≤   100), which ar ...

Posted by rdub on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 05:01:30 -0800

❥ top ten sorting algorithms ❥ 20000 word nanny tutorial (text analysis + illustration + code implementation + example)

What is an algorithm? At ordinary times, children who study computer often hear the word algorithm. What is an algorithm? There is no clear definition of the algorithm. According to my personal understanding, the algorithm is to solve a specific problem and describe the ideas and steps of solving the problem. In fact, there are many ar ...

Posted by ledtear on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 00:46:36 -0800

[C language] character function and string function

catalogue Find string length 1.strlen String function with unlimited length 2.strcpy 3.strcat 4.strcmp String function with limited length 5.strncpy,strncat,strncmp String lookup 6.strstr String cutting 7.strtok Error message report 8.strerror Memory operation function 9.memcpy 10.memmove 11.memcmp 12. memset other 13. Some ...

Posted by Wayne Herbert on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 22:19:23 -0800

Please answer c language - structure [getting started]

1. Declaration of structure 1.1 basic knowledge of structure The objects we see in life are complex objects, such as describing a cat or a book. We can't use simple type or floating point type to describe these types 1.2 declaration of structure struct tag { member-list; }variable-list; Let's say I want to describe a pokemon I nee ...

Posted by delayedinsanity on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 19:41:02 -0800

[C language] realize a simple library management system

preface: I was a freshman. I had a whim and made a simple library management system some time ago. I gained a lot from doing this. Basically, I connected the basic knowledge of C language in series. Next, let's share how I implemented the system. (there is still much room for improvement) 1, First, some files to implement the project: The co ...

Posted by Hannes2k on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 06:12:31 -0800

C language -- on operators

Subscript references, function calls, and structure members [] subscript reference operator Operand: an array name + an index value #include<stdio.h> void main() { int arr[10]; //Create array arr[9] = 10; //Use subscript reference operators //The two operands of [] are arr and 9 } () function call operator The function ope ...

Posted by pkallberg21 on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 03:29:40 -0800

PTA C introductory exercise paragraph I - variables, expressions, branches, loops 7-21 - 7-25

7-21 overspeed judgment (10 points) Radar velocimeter simulating traffic police. Enter the vehicle speed. If the speed exceeds 60 mph, "speed" is displayed, otherwise, "OK" is displayed. Input format: The input gives a non negative integer no more than 500 in one line, that is, the vehicle speed measured by the radar. Ou ...

Posted by afatkidrunnin on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 22:08:31 -0800

Font reading and display of dot matrix Chinese characters and file transmission through serial port

1, Serial port transmission file 1. Serial port connection Cross connect the RXD and TXD pins of the two USB TO TTL serial ports, and connect the two USB interfaces to a laptop respectively to realize the serial port transmission between the two computers. Serial Interface is referred to as serial port for short. Serial Interface refers t ...

Posted by aunquarra on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 04:53:55 -0800