Implementation of C language minesweeping game (detailed analysis)

Let's sort out our ideas first, and then write the mine sweeping code. In this way, we can write the code efficiently 1. First of all, play the game with at least one interface! The interface allows people to choose whether to play the game or quit, or continue to play after playing the game 2. Initialize array 3. Print chessboard 4. Number ...

Posted by ltd on Thu, 11 Nov 2021 10:38:57 -0800

c language file operation

1. Why use files Our general data persistence methods include storing data in disk files, databases, etc. Using files, we can store the data directly on the hard disk of the computer, so as to achieve the persistence of the data. 2. What is a document Files on disk are files. But in programming, we generally talk about two kinds of files: pr ...

Posted by Pintonite on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:39:12 -0800

Beginning to learn c language: small exercises of branching and cycling

1. Print prime numbers between 100-200 Trial division Idea: the definition of prime number is that the number except 1 and itself cannot be divided, and integers can be written in the form of c=a*b, with a or B < = sqrt(c) (sqrt means square opening). That is to say, if the number before sqrt(c) can be divided, it means that it is not a pr ...

Posted by PHP'er on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 16:03:56 -0800

C language learning notes

1, What is C language C language is a strongly typed language. Once the type of variable is determined, it can not be changed in its whole life cycle. int main()//Main function framework { return 0; /// * * / cannot be nested in c language } A c language source program can be composed of multiple source files, but there ca ...

Posted by michelledebeer on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 15:06:56 -0800

Implementation of Sanzi chess -- Application of two-dimensional array

Through the application of array, function and loop knowledge, we can independently create a project - Sanzi chess. First of all, we should have a general idea and logic for the implementation of Sanzi chess. File creation If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. In order to better complete the project, first create th ...

Posted by grantson on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 13:35:33 -0800

C language entry-level game - minesweeping

      In the last issue, we realized the small game of Sanzi chess in C language   C language implementation of Sanzi chess        Today, let's write a minesweeping game. When it comes to minesweeping, I believe everyone is familiar. Maybe many friends are still experts in minesweeping.   In fact, minesw ...

Posted by agent_smith_sp on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 12:04:48 -0800

C language learning notes - bit field

    in C language, Boolean bool variables are often used when operating data with only true and false states. If multiple states need to be observed at the same time, the operation efficiency of selection bits will be higher. 8 bits of a byte are used to represent 8 states respectively. It saves memory and is more efficient to process ...

Posted by a.beam.reach on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 10:52:26 -0800

Introduction to algorithm C-206. Reverse linked list

LeetCode problem brushing - algorithm learning plan (Introduction) Title Description Introduction of ideas If the linked list is bidirectional, reversing the linked list is very simple. You only need to exchange the forward pointer and backward pointer. But now the topic specifies a single linked list, how to reverse it? In fact ...

Posted by lordshoa on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:14:53 -0800

C implementation recursion

1, Recursion The programming technique of program calling itself is called recursion Recursion can usually transform a large and complex problem layer by layer into a smaller problem similar to the original problem The main idea of recursion is to make big things small 2, Two necessary conditions for recursion There is a constraint. When thi ...

Posted by Tanus on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 06:07:33 -0800

(following Mr. Hao bin) C language - structure

Structure 1 - why do you need a structure? What is a structure? First learn the important, second important, and then make up; The structure of C language is helpful to learn Java classes             Listen carefully in class and be efficient, otherwise you can't do anything    ...

Posted by hijack on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 05:51:01 -0800