Chapter 6 Introduction to Shell script programming

3.bash configuration file There are many bash shell configuration files, which can be divided into the following categories 3.1 it is divided into two categories according to the effective scope Global configuration: for all users /etc/profile /etc/profile.d/*.sh /etc/bashrc Personal configuration: only valid for specific users ~/.bash_p ...

Posted by cristalmolix on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 17:10:41 -0700

Want to thoroughly understand how large manufacturers achieve Redis high availability? Just read this article! (1.2W, recommended Collection)

High Availability HA (High Availability) is one of the factors that must be considered in the architecture design of distributed systems. It usually refers to reducing the time when the system cannot provide services through design. Assuming that the system can always provide services, we say that the availability of the system is 100%. If the ...

Posted by double-f on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 18:03:56 -0700

Chapter 6 Introduction to Shell script programming

2.7.11 script security and set set command: can be used to customize the shell environment $- variable h: hashall, after the option is turned on, the Shell will hash the path where the command is located to avoid querying every time. Turn off the H option through set +h i: Interactive comments, including this option, indicates that the curre ...

Posted by phynias on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 17:11:27 -0700

Chapter 6 Introduction to Shell script programming

1. Fundamentals of programming Linus: Talk is cheap, show me the code 1.1 procedure composition Program: algorithm + data structureData: is the core of the programData structure: the type and organization of data in a computerAlgorithm: how to process data 1.2 programming style Process oriented language To do one thing, arrange two st ...

Posted by mitsubishi2002 on Thu, 21 Oct 2021 17:09:36 -0700

[Flutter actual combat BLoC mode RxDart Provider mode]

I think the BLoC model Observer mode + thread scheduling + Dart asynchronous syntax feature + fluent encapsulation Dart asynchronous syntax features: dart API, Stream, FutureFluent encapsulation: StreamBuilder (encapsulating: Dart feature + fluent UI) The concept of old students is normal, so the following article focuses on Stream ------- ...

Posted by sukanya.paul on Sun, 26 Sep 2021 12:18:23 -0700

What an artifact! One click to generate a beautiful blog website, really fragrant!

As a programmer, if you like to output technical articles, you must have had the idea of building a personal blog website. After comparing a lot of blog frameworks, I found that the blog website built with the theme of Hexo + Hexo theme matrix not only has a beautiful interface, but also has powerful functions. Today, I will take you to build a ...

Posted by rammac13 on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 22:56:56 -0700

Java interface configuration framework magic API

1. magic three frameworks magic-api Interface rapid development framework For the Java based interface rapid development framework, the interface will be written through the UI interface provided by magic API, which will be automatically mapped to HTTP interface. Common HTTP API interface development can be completed without defining Java ...

Posted by eyespark on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 18:24:35 -0700

Spring Boot will always drop God! 10 minutes to get you started

Why SpringBoot Because currently developing WEB applications, Spring Boot is the fastest and most popular way to start Spring projects. No matter what kind of application we want to build, it can let us start and run as soon as possible. There is basically no need to configure anything in the early stage, and the built-in application server al ...

Posted by VMinder on Thu, 09 Sep 2021 23:03:23 -0700

Performance comparison between shallow and deep copies

Preface In daily development, object conversion is frequently used, which can be roughly divided into shallow copy and deep copy. If subdivided, deep copy can be subdivided into several types. This paper makes a series of tests based on several mainstream deep copy methods, and explores the principles and scenarios. Readers are welcome to d ...

Posted by wilorichie on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 10:36:46 -0700