Android EditText Settings Editable, Non-Editable and Click Events
1. Set up non-editable and clickable events
2. Set non-editable and no click event
3. Set Editable
4. Source Code
4.1 XML Layout
4.2 Java Code
V. Summary
1. Set up non-editable and clickable events
public void setCanNotEditAndClick(View view) {
etContent.setFocus ...
Posted by talper on Fri, 10 Jan 2020 11:18:04 -0800
Drawing a rectangle with a brush and canvas in Android
In Android, the brush uses the Paint class, and the Canvas uses the Canvas class to represent it.
Basic steps of drawing
First, write a custom view class inherited from view, then rewrite its onDraw method, and finally add the custom view to actvity.
Pay attention to the ...
Posted by o2cathy on Fri, 10 Jan 2020 09:56:39 -0800
RxJava source code parsing back pressure + source code + synchronous asynchronous + principle
Article 3 of the seriesTo undertake the above: RXjava parsing (2) I gave you the source code of RXjava and this interview, and you told me that I couldn't get an offer?(leave the GitHub link, and you can find the content you need to obtain such as interview)
Back pressure problem
Backpressure refers to ...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Jan 2020 07:09:03 -0800
Difference between view fill and margin
What is the difference between the margin and fill of the view?
#1st floor
Filling is the space within the boundary between the boundary and the actual image or cell contents.A boundary is the space outside the boundary between the boundary and other elements next to the object.
#2nd floor
Sometimes you can achieve the same result b ...
Posted by jlive on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 18:54:14 -0800
Android screen 100% adaptation scheme
Android screen 100% adaptation scheme
1, Create a uutils utility class to calculate the scale of the control
Calculate the actual height of the equipment
//Datum width height
private static int STANDARD_WIDTH = 1080;
private static int STANDARD_HEIGHT = 1920;
//Actual device resolution
private float displa ...
Posted by BoarderLine on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 11:26:33 -0800
12. Glide framework - Android intensive course notes
1, introduction
2. Basic use of Glide
3. Glide
1, introduction
The image loading frameworks commonly used in Android are:
Google's official recommended framework is Glide, and the use of other frameworks is similar.
2. Basic use of Glide
1. Create a project named ...
Posted by cirma on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 10:49:14 -0800
Using Notification in Android to display notifications on the status bar
Show notification effect on status bar
Blog: attention to the public address Domineering procedural ape Get programming related ebooks, tutorials and free downloads.
Create a new NotificationActivity and get the notification manager through the getSystemService method.
T ...
Posted by tested_123 on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 10:47:41 -0800
Using the bottom navigation controller of Android BottomNavigationBar
Google added Bottom Navigation navigation control to its Material design. Android has never had an official navigation controller, and its own implementation is really multifarious. With this provision, it is similar to the bottom Toolbar of apple, and our APP will have the same style in the future. Let's see an effect first:
Posted by daveyc on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 06:58:23 -0800
Simple use of a beautiful Toast third-party library
I used to use the Android native Toast. I feel that there is no need to work hard on it. When I saw the Toast, it was immediately circled. It's really beautiful.
Project address
As we all know, the usage of Android native Toast is
1 Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"Toast show contents",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Method is divided into Co ...
Posted by CoreyR on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 06:00:45 -0800
arcgis for android 100.3 environment configuration and creation of graphic
At present, the latest version of ArcGIS for Android on the official website has been updated to 100.3. Today, use the latest version of sdk to create a map demo application, and use the API to configure the downloaded sdk. Note that you need to register a developer account for the sdk you downloaded. Download it in the followi ...
Posted by assafbe on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 08:03:07 -0800