Android network programming
Chapter 9 network programming
Android system provides the following ways to realize network communication: Socket communication, HTTP communication, URL communication and WebView.
One of the most commonly used is HTTP communication. This chapter describes how to use HTTP protocol to communicate with the server on the mobile phone.
9.1 introd ...
Posted by n00854180t on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 09:12:19 -0800
All stages of this adaptation for Android
Android 4.4
Publish ART virtual machine and provide options to enable it.The underlying implementation of HttpURLConnection is changed to OkHttp.
Android 5.0
ART becomes the default virtual machine and completely replaces Dalvik virtual machine.The Context.bindService() method requires an explicit intent. If an implicit intent is provided, an ...
Posted by Ceril on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 07:04:04 -0800
Python_ Tkinter (button, text box, multiline text component)
Used to define button components in the gui interface
](Parent component for storage,attribute parameter...)
Component 1 button
It has the following properties:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.title("Window title")
# Whether the window size can be changed, width and height. True indicates that it can b ...
Posted by adityakonda on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 01:27:55 -0800
Android Getting Started tutorial | OkHttp + Retrofit method to cancel the request
In an interface, the user initiates a network request. For some reason, the user leaves the current interface before the network request is completed. It is better to cancel the network request. How do I find this network request and cancel it?prefaceIn an interface, the user initiates a network request. For some reason, the user leaves the cur ...
Posted by unrelenting on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 18:39:11 -0800
uniapp front end source code (APP + applet + H5)
Open source code is the static part of the source code of the client-side uniapp, which provides learning and use
It can be run by importing hbuilder. At present, it is suitable for applets, Android, IOS and H5
Game type, my information, my request, find the great God immediately
Editor, I want to play the game, I want to find, other requi ...
Posted by alpha2zee on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 16:29:35 -0800
First Line of Code 3rd Edition-3rd Chapter (Notes)
Start with what you can see and explore Activity
Activity is a component that can contain an application user interface, mainly for interacting with users. An application can contain zero or more activities. Although an application can have no activities, it is best to have them, since they are meant to interact with the user and t ...
Posted by lostincoding on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 09:52:58 -0800
DreamCamera2 common preview questions modification scheme
DreamCamera2 common preview questions modification scheme Like collection FAQ number FAQ202072398 creator tianfu.qiu Release time 2021-08-09 09:53:39 Product: SPCSS_SC9863A,SPCSS_SC9863A_ZTE,SPCSS_UMS312,SPCSS_UMS512 Component: 02-Camera-APP Chip: SC7731E,SC9820E,SC9863A,UMS312,UMS512 keyword Camera App
[QUESTION] DreamCamera2 common previe ...
Posted by chopps on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 21:09:34 -0800
Practice | how does Google I/O application adapt to large screen UI?
From May 18 to 20, we held Google's annual conference in the form of full online I/O Developer Conference , including 112 conferences, 151 codelabs, 79 developer gatherings, 29 seminars, and many exciting releases. Although this year's conference did not release a new version of Google I/O application, we still updated the code base to show s ...
Posted by RobertPaul on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 19:42:35 -0800
Android project development: Compass (implemented in two ways)
In Android, you can use built-in sensors (direction sensor, acceleration sensor, geomagnetic sensor, etc.) to realize the compass function and write an app that can identify the location of the mobile phone. This paper will describe two methods to write compass app, one is to use direction sensor, the other is to combine acceleration sensor ...
Posted by swizzer on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 18:36:37 -0800
Android learning column - Baidu map allows "I" to be displayed on the map (picture and text + code)
Series articles
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Create a new project named LBSTest. Baidu map (7) let "I" display on the map (picture and text + code) There should be a small cursor on the mobile phone map to display the current position o ...
Posted by roflpwnt on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 15:20:10 -0800