uniapp front end source code (APP + applet + H5)

Keywords: Python iOS Android uni-app

Open source code is the static part of the source code of the client-side uniapp, which provides learning and use

It can be run by importing hbuilder. At present, it is suitable for applets, Android, IOS and H5

Game type, my information, my request, find the great God immediately

Editor, I want to play the game, I want to find, other requirements, mine

Quickly match the game information and find the great God immediately

Select great God, game requirements (game type, gender, game

(area) accompanying avatar, accompanying nickname, times of receiving orders, games

Type, praise, price, label

Home page game classification navigation game classification page

Filter bar

Avatar, name, label, evaluation degree, order receiving times, game category

Limited time special offer, online status, price

Avatar, name, label, evaluation degree. Number of orders received, game

Accompanying list type, online status, price

Accompanying avatar, online status, id, large picture of attention (King's home page, information introduction), title, number of services and amount

Play time, can be connected to the region, can be connected to the segment, play characteristics

User comment, comment avatar, comment nickname, comment content, comment picture.

Details of the attendant discount, remarks of the attendant avatar, attendant nickname, purchase skills (King glory, etc.), how much is the purchase unit price per game (increase or decrease), opening meeting

Order now

Total amount, payable immediately


Game play order message

Search contact

Nickname, status, dialog box: chat content, message time

Information chat interface: play with nickname (online status), attention, game

Type, price, order now, chat dialog bar, send message

system information

User avatar, nickname, id, invitation QR code

Attention, fans, visitors, footprints

Open   Monthly, quarterly, annual, exclusive privileges, open now

Order time, order status (completed, cancelled, in progress), accompanying avatar, accompanying nickname, game type, several games, paid in money

Order amount, evaluation, another order

Order status (payment on behalf (order cancellation), order to be received (optional)

Black record (refund), in progress (refundable), completed (comment))

Play avatar, play nickname, contact ta

Order details, black game, order time, order number, cost, total

My game type, amount, refund type, refund amount. Refund original

Refund reason, refund description, submission

Gold coin balance, recharge

Select the gold coin recharge amount

My wallet

Payment method: immediate payment

Help and feedback online customer service release

Source code download address:

Play APP source code: play APP uniapp front-end source code adaptation supports Android+IOS+H5 + applet, which can be used by uniapp developers


	<view class="content">
		<view class="padding-lr padding-top-sm bg flex" @click.stop="goSearch">
			<view class="flex justify-between margin-right-sm" @tap.stop="getPlace" style="line-height: 68rpx;">
				<!-- <u-image src="../../static/images/index/place.png" width="27rpx" height="37rpx"class="margin-top-xs" ></u-image> -->
				<view class="localName text-white margin-left-sm">Xi'an City</view>
			<u-search placeholder="Search God" v-model="keyword" shape="square" disabled :show-action="false" :animation="true"
		<scroll-view scroll-x class="bg nav text-white">
			<view class="flex text-center">
				<view class="cu-item flex-sub" :class="index==TabCur?'text-orange cur':''"
					v-for="(item,index) in tabData" :key="index" :data-id="index" @click="">
			<view class="wrap padding-sm">
				<u-swiper :list="swiperList"></u-swiper>
			<view class="" style="color: #BFBFCB;">
				<u-grid :col="5" :border="false">
					<u-grid-item bg-color="#111224" v-for="(item,index) in gridData" @tap="goNav(item)">
						<u-image :src="item.image" mode="" width='92' height="92"></u-image>
						<view class="grid-text margin-top-sm">{{item.title}}</view>
			<view class="bg margin-lr-sm padding-sm radius">
				<view class="flex justify-between text-white padding-bottom-sm">
					<view>Enjoy low price</view>
					<view>more<u-image class="margin-left-sm" style="display: inline-block;" width="14upx" height="24upx"
				<view class="flex justify-between">
					<view @click="goOrder">
						<view class="u-relative">
							<u-image width="200upx" height="200upx" :src="src"></u-image>
							<view class="u-abso"
								style="bottom: 0;left: 0;color: white;background: rgba(0,0,0,.4);padding: 0 5upx;">
									style="width: 10upx;height: 10upx;background: #1AD566;border-radius: 10upx;display: inline-block;margin: 0 8upx 4upx 0;">
						<view class="margin-top-xs text-white text-df">Glory of Kings</view>
						<view class="margin-top-xs" style="color: #FF711B;">
							<u-image width="20upx" height="20upx" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 6upx;"
							3 currency/game
					<view @click="goOrder">
						<view class="u-relative">
							<u-image width="200upx" height="200upx" :src="src"></u-image>
							<view class="u-abso"
								style="bottom: 0;left: 0;color: white;background: rgba(0,0,0,.4);padding: 0 5upx;">
									style="width: 10upx;height: 10upx;background: #1AD566;border-radius: 10upx;display: inline-block;margin: 0 8upx 4upx 0;">
						<view class="margin-top-xs text-white text-df">Glory of Kings</view>
						<view class="margin-top-xs" style="color: #FF711B;">
							<u-image width="20upx" height="20upx" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 6upx;"
							3 currency/game
					<view @click="goOrder">
						<view class="u-relative">
							<u-image width="200upx" height="200upx" :src="src"></u-image>
							<view class="u-abso"
								style="bottom: 0;left: 0;color: white;background: rgba(0,0,0,.4);padding: 0 5upx;">
									style="width: 10upx;height: 10upx;background: #1AD566;border-radius: 10upx;display: inline-block;margin: 0 8upx 4upx 0;">
						<view class="margin-top-xs text-white text-df">Glory of Kings</view>
						<view class="margin-top-xs" style="color: #FF711B;">
							<u-image width="20upx" height="20upx" style="display: inline-block;margin-right: 6upx;"
							3 currency/game

				<u-dropdown-item v-model="value1" title="Intelligent optimization" :options="options1"></u-dropdown-item>
				<u-dropdown-item v-model="value2" title="Not limited to men and women" :options="options2"></u-dropdown-item>
				<u-dropdown-item v-model="value3" title="Price" :options="options3"></u-dropdown-item>
			<!-- <view class="margin-lr-sm">
				<view class="flex justify-between margin-bottom bg padding-sm" @click="goOrder">
					<u-image src="../../static/images/index/image_dijia1.png" width="200upx" height="200upx" mode="">
					<view class="flex-sub margin-left text-white flex flex-direction justify-between">
						<view class="flex justify-between">
								<view class="margin-right-xs" style="display: inline-block;">
									Ming sauce attachment
								<view class="round"
									style="display: inline-block;background-color: #582D4D; color: #FF659A;padding: 2upx 8upx;">
									<u-icon name="woman" color="#FF659A" size="24"></u-icon>
							<view class="radius"
								style="color: white;background: #243E6A;padding: 0 8upx;display: inline-block;">
									style="width: 10upx;height: 10upx;background: #1AD566;border-radius: 10upx;display: inline-block;margin: 0 8upx 4upx 0;">
						<view class="flex radius"
							style="background: url(../../static/images/index/bg.png)100% no-repeat;line-height: 34upx;">
							<u-image src="../../static/images/index/wangzhe.png" width="34upx" height="32upx"></u-image>
							<text class="margin-left-xs margin-right-sm">Glory of Kings</text>
							<text>Supreme star shine</text>
						<view class="flex" style="color: #3390FF;">
							<view class="margin-right">Score 5.0</view>
							<view>Service 48 people</view>
						<view><text style="color: #FF6F1B; "> 7 coins < / text > / Bureau < / View >
				<view class="flex justify-between margin-bottom bg padding-sm" @click="goOrder">
					<u-image src="../../static/images/index/image_dijia1.png" width="200upx" height="200upx" mode="">
					<view class="flex-sub margin-left text-white flex flex-direction justify-between">
						<view class="flex justify-between">
								<view class="margin-right-xs" style="display: inline-block;">
									Ming sauce attachment
								<view class="round"
									style="display: inline-block;background-color: #582D4D; color: #FF659A;padding: 2upx 8upx;">
									<u-icon name="woman" color="#FF659A" size="24"></u-icon>
							<view class="radius"
								style="color: white;background: #243E6A;padding: 0 8upx;display: inline-block;">
									style="width: 10upx;height: 10upx;background: #1AD566;border-radius: 10upx;display: inline-block;margin: 0 8upx 4upx 0;">
						<view class="flex radius"
							style="background: url(../../static/images/index/bg.png)100% no-repeat;line-height: 34upx;">
							<u-image src="../../static/images/index/wangzhe.png" width="34upx" height="32upx"></u-image>
							<text class="margin-left-xs margin-right-sm">Glory of Kings</text>
							<text>Supreme star shine</text>
						<view class="flex" style="color: #3390FF;">
							<view class="margin-right">Score 5.0</view>
							<view>Service 48 people</view>
						<view><text style="color: #Ff6f1b; "> 7 coins < / text > / Bureau < / View >
				<view class="flex justify-between margin-bottom bg padding-sm" @click="goOrder">
					<u-image src="../../static/images/index/image_dijia1.png" width="200upx" height="200upx" mode="">
					<view class="flex-sub margin-left text-white flex flex-direction justify-between">
						<view class="flex justify-between">
								<view class="margin-right-xs" style="display: inline-block;">
									Ming sauce attachment
								<view class="round"
									style="display: inline-block;background-color: #582D4D; color: #FF659A;padding: 2upx 8upx;">
									<u-icon name="woman" color="#FF659A" size="24"></u-icon>
							<view class="radius"
								style="color: white;background: #243E6A;padding: 0 8upx;display: inline-block;">
									style="width: 10upx;height: 10upx;background: #1AD566;border-radius: 10upx;display: inline-block;margin: 0 8upx 4upx 0;">
						<view class="flex radius"
							style="background: url(../../static/images/index/bg.png)100% no-repeat;line-height: 34upx;">
							<u-image src="../../static/images/index/wangzhe.png" width="34upx" height="32upx"></u-image>
							<text class="margin-left-xs margin-right-sm">Glory of Kings</text>
							<text>Supreme star shine</text>
						<view class="flex" style="color: #3390FF;">
							<view class="margin-right">Score 5.0</view>
							<view>Service 48 people</view>
						<view><text style="color: #FF6F1B; "> 7 coins < / text > / Bureau < / View >

			</view> -->
			<view style="height: 650rpx;"></view>


	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				keyword: '',
				TabCur: 0,
				tabData: [{
						title: 'recommend'
						title: 'Glory of Kings'
						title: 'Game for Peace'
						title: 'League of Heroes'
						title: 'Cross Fire'
				scrollLeft: 0,
				swiperList: [{
						image: 'https://cdn.uviewui.com/uview/swiper/1.jpg',
						title: 'The stars last night, the wind last night, the West Bank of the painting building and the east of Guitang'
						image: 'https://cdn.uviewui.com/uview/swiper/2.jpg',
						title: 'The body has no colorful Phoenix wings, and the heart has a touch of communication'
						image: 'https://cdn.uviewui.com/uview/swiper/3.jpg',
						title: 'Who reads that the west wind is cool alone, the rustling yellow leaves close the sparse windows, meditate on the past and set the setting sun'
				gridData: [{
						image: '../../static/images/index/wangzhe.png',
						title: 'Glory of Kings'
						image: '../../static/images/index/chiji.png',
						title: 'Game for Peace'
						image: '../../static/images/index/doudizhu.png',
						title: 'fight against landlords'
						image: '../../static/images/index/cf.png',
						title: 'Cross Fire'
						image: '../../static/images/index/feiche.png',
						title: 'QQ Flying car'
						image: '../../static/images/index/diwurenge.png',
						title: 'Fifth personality'
						image: '../../static/images/index/yunding.png',
						title: 'Yunding chess'
						image: '../../static/images/index/huangye.png',
						title: 'Wild fighting'
						image: '../../static/images/index/shouwang.png',
						title: 'Watch pioneer'
				src: '../../static/images/index/image_dijia1.png',
				value1: 1,
				value2: 1,
				value3: 1,
				options1: [{
						label: 'Intelligent sorting',
						value: 1,
						label: 'Distance first',
						value: 2,
						label: 'Popularity first',
						value: 3,
						label: 'Same city',
						value: 4,
				options2: [{
						label: 'Unlimited gender',
						value: 1,
						label: 'Limited to boys',
						value: 2,
						label: 'Limited to girls',
						value: 3,
				options3: [{
						label: 'Price',
						value: 1,
						label: 'From high to low',
						value: 2,
						label: 'From low to high',
						value: 3,
		onLoad() {

		methods: {
			tabSelect(e) {
				this.TabCur = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;
				this.scrollLeft = (e.currentTarget.dataset.id - 1) * 60
			//Get address and latitude and longitude
			getPlace() {
					success: (res) => {
						// this.address = res.address + res.name
						this.address = res.name
						this.latitude = res.latitude
						this.longitude = res.longitude
			// Jump game list
			goNav(e) {
					url: '/pages/index/game/gameList?name=' + e.title
			// Jump search
			goSearch() {
					url: '/pages/index/search/index'
			// Jump order
			goOrder() {
					url: '/pages/index/game/order'

	page {
		background-color: #111224;

	.bg {
		background-color: #1E1F31;

Posted by alpha2zee on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 16:29:35 -0800