Love and marriage system source code, system optimization is the basis to ensure performance
The essence of optimization
The purpose of source code optimization of marriage and love system is to ensure the robustness of the program. Sometimes it is not necessary to spend too much time when the program can run normally.
Cyclic optimization
Take an example, please pay attention to this code, the source code of marriage and marriage sy ...
Posted by johnh2009 on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 09:47:40 -0800
LockSupport explained in detail. It took 6 months to successfully join Alibaba
void park(): blocks the current thread. If the unpark method is called or the current thread is interrupted, it can be returned from the park() method void park(Object blocker): the function is the same as method 1. An Object object is added to the input parameter to record the blocking objects that cause thread blocking, so as to facilitate ...
Posted by quikone on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 04:23:54 -0800
Fluent writes a beautiful login interface, which directly hits the soul of excellent open source framework
[the external chain image transfer fails, and the source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-ekogkz67-163106606054) (/ / upload images. Jianshu. IO / upload_images / 16595031-0569b7ef72c3b468. PNG? Imagemogr2 / Auto orient / strip|imageview2 / 2 / w / 828 / format / web ...
Posted by Toneboy on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 02:58:19 -0800
Jetpack Compose is easy to enter the pit. It's all about advanced salary increase
Here, we can learn:
1. Compose is a declarative UI, not a traditional command UI. Instead of holding View to setXXX(), it uses functions to describe a UI state. 2. Compose adopts the idea of attribute refinement and behavior isolation. For example, in the demo, text is the direct attribute of text, and background is an attribute of modifier. ...
Posted by phelpsa on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 02:19:04 -0800
Compose + MVI + Navigation to quickly implement Android client
Recommended by Haowen: Author: Ricardo mjiang
At the end of July this year, Google officially released the 1.0 stable version of Jetpack Compose, which shows that Google believes that Compose can be used in the production environment. I believe that the wide application of Compose is in the near future. Now should be a better time t ...
Posted by abo28 on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 00:31:08 -0800
Local and global references in JNI
Local and global references in JNI
In the previous article, I introduced creating object arrays in JNI. This article is the eleventh in the JNI series. It introduces how to call Java methods and static methods in Native code in JNI.
The outline of the series is as follows:
Introduction to JNIJNI basic typeJNI StringJNI arrayJNI instance vari ...
Posted by Nomaad on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 17:24:54 -0800
Android learning column - Baidu map let Baidu map display (picture and text + code)
Series articles
Tip: go to the Android learning column and watch more! Click me directly – > Android learning column
Create a new project named LBSTest. Baidu map (5) let Baidu map display (picture and text + code)
Realization effect
activity_main.xml (modified)
The content in the layout file is very simple, ...
Posted by Paul15679 on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 02:16:11 -0800
Two years after using the Kotlin language, I have something to say
Why can Kotlin write Android programs? Because the code written in Java language needs to be compiled into a. class file to execute, and the code written in Kotlin will also be compiled into a. class file. For the Android operating system, it does not need to care or care about the language in which the program is developed, as long as the fina ...
Posted by javamint on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 20:21:19 -0800
Android - the end of Gradle tutorial
So far, the Gradle foundation and Kotlin foundation have been explained. Therefore, in this article, we will explain in detail the construction optimization of Gradle and how to migrate from Groovy to KTS!
Don't say much, just start!
1. Gradle build optimization
Optimization is all about configuration. Just go through it quickly! Fo ...
Posted by sebmaurer on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 14:30:20 -0800
Data sharing using Content Provider
The Content Provider is used to share data between different applications. The application uses a ContentResolver object to manipulate the specified data.
1 Content Provider overview
The Content Provider implements a set of general methods to provide data addition, deletion, modification and query functions. The application obtains the Cont ...
Posted by standalone on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 16:58:45 -0800