Image classification for deep learning -- a detailed explanation of Vision Transformer(ViT) network

Deep learning image classification (XVIII) detailed explanation of Vision Transformer(ViT) network In the previous section, we talked about the self attention structure in Transformer. In this section, learn the detailed explanation of Vision Transformer(vit). Learning video from Bilibili , refer to blog Detailed explanation of Vision Tran ...

Posted by seaweed on Thu, 09 Sep 2021 21:09:01 -0700

Computer vision | interview question: 04. Detailed working mechanism and code implementation of NMS

problem See a sentence: NMS doesn't understand, what else to do Detection! Tiger's body is shocked... Understand is probably understand, but can the code be written??? In the target detection network, after the proposal is generated, the classification branch is used to give the confidence of each type of each box, and the regression branch i ...

Posted by Shroder on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:48:03 -0700

Pytorch machine learning -- NMS non maximum suppression and DIOU-NMS improvement in yoov5

Pytorch machine learning (VIII) -- NMS non maximum suppression and DIOU-NMS improvement in yoov5 catalogue Pytorch machine learning (VIII) -- NMS non maximum suppression and DIOU-NMS improvement in yoov5 preface 1, NMS non maximum suppression algorithm 2, Hard NMS non maximum code 3, DIOU-NMS   4, Soft NMS preface ...

Posted by spiyun on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 15:21:20 -0700

[image recognition] fingerprint feature extraction based on morphology matlab source code

1, Morphology Morphological operation is actually to change the shape of an object. For example, corrosion is "getting thinner" and expansion is "getting fatter". You can see from the following figure: ( Experience: morphological operations generally act on binary gr ...

Posted by Unknown_Striker on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 18:18:25 -0700