Comparison of Zookeeper native Java API, ZKClient and Apache cursor

Three java clients commonly used by zookeeper: zookeeper native Java API ZkClient Apache curator 1. zookeeper native Java API Zookeeper client provides basic operations, such as creating a session, creating a node, reading a node, updating data, deleting a node and checking whether a node exists. But for developers, the basic manipulation pro ...

Posted by kr9091 on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 02:57:08 -0800

Zookeeper 3.6.x ultimate operation and maintenance

At first, I refused to operate Zookeeper. I haven't done this thing, but I've always known about it, and I've never used it; Well, after reading the official website documents and trying for a period of time, I can only say "that's it ~". This article does not involve too much other people's blog knowledge, just look at it zk officia ...

Posted by Colton.Wagner on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 23:52:09 -0800

Dubbo consumer cluster, load balancing implementation, routing Router

As we know, there are usually multiple instances on the Dubbo server, and the Dubbo consumer has built-in policies for load balancing scheduling. Let's take a general look. The overall architecture of routing and load balancing officially given is as follows: Before we start, let's talk about a few concepts in Dubbo: Cluster is commonly known ...

Posted by mrobertson on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 06:19:54 -0800

Zookeeper 3.7.0 installation and deployment

1, Introduction 1.1 general Zookeeper It is an open source distributed framework that provides coordination services for distributed frameworks Apache project   Working mechanism: 1.2 features 1.3 data structure          Structure and of ZooKeeper data model Unix The fil ...

Posted by wildteen88 on Wed, 03 Nov 2021 15:20:03 -0700

Zookeeper actual combat - client use

preface This article mainly explains the classic usage scenarios of Zookeeper, the use of Zookeeper native client and Apache cursor open source client, and the configuration of Zookeeper cluster. Zookeeper mainly includes: Distributed configuration centerDistributed registryDistributed lockDistributed queueCluster electionDistributed ba ...

Posted by Rayhan Muktader on Tue, 02 Nov 2021 07:38:51 -0700

Zookeeper source code analysis - detailed explanation of zookeeper server

Previously: The first two articles mainly introduced the startup process of Zookeeper server under cluster mode and the process of leader election. After the leader election, each node in the cluster has corresponding roles: leader, Follower and Observer. Then, according to the corresponding mode, different services will be started respectivel ...

Posted by stickynote427 on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 21:13:00 -0700

Take you to the world of dubbo

preface With the deepening of current technology and the increasing number of services, it is not only a large amount of data and a large number of users, but also prone to high concurrency. So distributed systems are slowly emerging. This distributed system is mainly to split a complete system into micro services, so that each service is smal ...

Posted by Julian on Wed, 20 Oct 2021 22:40:45 -0700

Dubbo study notes

1, Installing zookeeper   1. Copy the new configuration file and modify the content in the configuration   2. Start zookeeper   3. Connect to zookeeper using zkCli.cmd   Test passed 2, Install the console 1. Package under Dubbo admin   2. Enter the following command   3. Put the generated jar pack ...

Posted by 9mm on Wed, 20 Oct 2021 12:01:09 -0700

Docker compose container rapid stand-alone orchestration

catalogue 1, Docker compose overview 2, YAML file format and preparation considerations 3, Common fields for Docker Compose configuration 4, Docker Compose common commands 5, Docker Compose file structure 6, Docker Compose environment installation 7, Use compose orchestration Installing and running nginx containers using compose orche ...

Posted by m0rpheu5 on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 16:12:36 -0700

zk --- distributed lock

What is a distributed lock For example, when "process 1" uses the resource, it will first obtain the lock. After "process 1" obtains the lock, it will maintain exclusive access to the resource, so that other processes cannot access the resource. After "process 1" uses up the resource, it will release the loc ...

Posted by pchytil on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 13:55:31 -0700