8-Quick Start Linux Playing Typical Applications-Cache Services: Redis&memcached

9-Cache Service The amount of services hosted by database services is limited. Add caching service layer between program and database. Redis & memcached memcached basic operations explain command install yum install memcached start-up memcached -d -l -m -p Stop it kill pid The daemon runs after-d. How much memory is ...

Posted by rage2021 on Mon, 17 Dec 2018 09:18:04 -0800

Mac installs MySQL, modifies MySQL's initialization password, defaults character set to utf-8, and disposes of my.cnf files without taking effect

As a little whitewash who just used Mac to learn programming, the biggest pain is that other students have teachers'installation packages, and I can only find software on the Internet by myself. After installing the software, I find that the configuration process is different from them, alas (covering my face). Fortunately, it's not hard work, ...

Posted by Danestar on Sat, 15 Dec 2018 19:21:03 -0800

Caffe2 Handwritten Character Recognition (MNIST-Create a CNN from Scratch) [8]

This tutorial creates a small neural network for handwritten character recognition. We use MNIST data sets for training and testing. The training set of this data set contains 60,000 images of handwritten characters from 500 people, and the test set contains 10,000 test images independent of the training set. You can refer to this tutorial. Ipy ...

Posted by miles_rich on Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:48:23 -0800

Ubuntu 16.04 Installs Nvidia Driver & Installs cuda &&?

Reference Link 1: Ubuntu Series Switches Intel and NVIDIA graphics cards (pits I encountered on Linux graphics cards) Reference link 2: The most complete Ubuntu 16.04 installation in history is nvidia driver + cuda9.0+cuDnn7.0 Reference link 3: 1. Install Nvidia graphics card driver, reference link 1 Distinguish from refe ...

Posted by miltonos on Wed, 12 Dec 2018 22:48:06 -0800

Using ngx_http_image_filter_module of Nginx to make real-time picture thumbnails

You're still using it. ImageMagick Create thumbnails of uploaded pictures on the website? In fact, there are better ways to put one in place, simple and effective. Nowadays, there are many cloud storage services supporting image space, and according to the set rules to generate image thumbnails in the space, such as UpYun, Aliyun OSS support. ...

Posted by skatermike21988 on Wed, 12 Dec 2018 22:36:07 -0800

Install Python 3 under Centos 7; use pip&virtualenv&SS to build a virtual environment and build SS services;

First, python is installed by default under Centos, but it is still python 2. To better use the extension adapted to Python 3, we installed Python 3. Installation of basic dependencies: sudo yum install -y ncurses-libs zlib-devel mysql-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' II. Prepa ...

Posted by bluns on Wed, 12 Dec 2018 09:33:06 -0800

Raspberry Pi AP Functional Improvement: System D Service Encapsulation and the Use of dnsmasq

PrefaceIn the last article "Raspberry pi Setting up Automatic Dial-up, Building Wireless Routing Environment", the author uses hostapd and udhcpd programs to create wireless hotspots, address allocation and DNS server settings. This article will improve the raspberry pie AP based on the environment of the previous article: using dnsma ...

Posted by weaselandalf on Tue, 11 Dec 2018 13:18:05 -0800

On mac, import csv files into MySQL, ERROR 1290 (HY000), ERROR 13 (HY000)

Installation of mysql and Workbench on mac is very fast, mainly because it tramples a lot of holes when importing csv data. mysql start Click MySql in system preferences to enter the interface to start mysql. Enter mysql-u root-p in terminal and enter password to login mysql. Before importing data, please ensure that the imp ...

Posted by Anarking on Mon, 10 Dec 2018 07:21:04 -0800

Two pits using Ruby Gem under Mac OS X

Original link Recently, I need to install two things on my mbp with gem, and then I flatten two pits. Make a note of this as a record of the same problems I will encounter in the future. The first is the Connection Research problem. The symptoms are simple. With gem install, the effect is as follows: gem install xxx ERROR: While executin ...

Posted by mikkex on Mon, 10 Dec 2018 04:42:05 -0800