storm drpc example

order This article mainly demonstrates an example of storm drpc To configure version: '2' services: supervisor: image: storm container_name: supervisor command: storm supervisor -c storm.local.hostname="" -c drpc.servers='[""]' -c drpc.port=3772 -c drpc.invocations.port=3773 -c drpc.http.p ...

Posted by temidayo on Sun, 27 Jan 2019 14:33:15 -0800

linux basic learning [8]

Virtual Machine Management I. Installing Virtual Machines with Local Mirrors 1. Graphic Interface Installation virt-manager ##Open Virtual Machine Manager File - > New Virtual Machine, select the local image Select the size of the immediate storage space and CPU Select allocated sto ...

Posted by ahmad03 on Fri, 25 Jan 2019 10:42:14 -0800

Elastic search Curator uses

introduce Elastic search Curator helps you plan or manage your Elastic search index and snapshot in the following ways: Get a complete list of indexes (or snapshots) from the cluster as an operational list Iterate the list of user-defined filters and gradually remove the index (or snapshot) from the list as needed. Perform va ...

Posted by g_p_java on Thu, 24 Jan 2019 07:30:13 -0800

Storm Learning-Cluster Submission Topology

1. Write a word-count case. Some of the introductions have been introduced in the code comments. There is no extra space to write about the use of storm. The code is as follows:1. Write a spout to generate a sentence, as follows /** * @Auther: 18030501 * @Date: 2018/10/24 14:25 * @Description: Data stream generator * * sp ...

Posted by Popgun on Thu, 24 Jan 2019 02:12:15 -0800

TP5 video upload, mall add video upload function

New Shop Mall for development needs to do a video upload function and download the plug-in for file upload. First introduce the JS of the plug-in 6.png Then label the html page you need to add <div class = "control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="file">Video upload:</label> <div id="zyupl ...

Posted by tomerg3 on Thu, 24 Jan 2019 01:57:14 -0800

Unexpected error occurred in scheduled task.

SpringBoot 2 Timing Task Native Test was successful, but the server could not run. The prompt error is as follows Unexpected error occurred in scheduled task. java.lang.NullPointerException: null Detailed errors are as follows, because the project is placed on the server will report errors. So you have to output the log to the se ...

Posted by OLM3CA on Mon, 21 Jan 2019 12:30:13 -0800

FunDA (12) - Demonstration: strong typed data sources

The main purpose of FunDA design is to solve the problem of missing data source interline swimming operations in batch operation tool libraries such as FRM (Functional Relation Mapping) such as Slick. The result set produced by FRM is a static set, which lacks dynamic update operation mode. FunDA's solution is to transform the static set genera ...

Posted by luddeb on Wed, 02 Jan 2019 16:18:08 -0800

Spring 4.3.x Analysis of xml configuration parsing process (9) - parsing the config tag of aop namespace

Summary spring created a simplified definition of AOP in xml files Namespaces, which I call AOP namespaces for short. When spring encounters a non-default namespace in parsing the xml configuration file content, it looks for the processor corresponding to the namespace in all spring.handlers files in ...

Posted by Hiro on Tue, 01 Jan 2019 03:03:08 -0800

Embrace Firebase, Firebase Realtime Database. (including github source code), you are welcome to pay attention.

 1  T  R E      I •COMIC• D   3 5    O  Firebase can help you build better mobile applications and expand your business. How does it work? Firebase Realtime Database allows direct and secure access to databases from client code, so you can build rich collaborative applications. Data is kept ...

Posted by andysez on Mon, 17 Dec 2018 02:18:06 -0800

Based on SSH Framework-CRM Customer Resource Management System-Simple Small Project Development Record-CRM System-03

I. Editorial staff and the echo of basic information @Override public CrmStaff findById(String staffId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub CrmStaff findStaff = this.getHibernateTemplate().get(CrmStaff.class,staffId); return findStaff; } //Inquiring employees according to id @Override public CrmStaff findById(String staffId) { ...

Posted by Hardwarez on Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:03:09 -0800