R language combat Topsis comprehensive evaluation method

This paper introduces Topsis comprehensive evaluation method, illustrates its calculation process through a practical case, and realizes it by using R language. 1. Overview of TOPSIS method The full name of TOPSIS is technology for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution. TOPSIS method was first proposed by C.L.Hwang and K.Yoon ...

Posted by sgs on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 12:48:33 -0800

IO stream and File class

1. IO stream object IO: input output IO is used to flow data from one device to another Data files flow from disk to memory, from disk to mobile storage device, and from one computer to another Everything is bytes: any data file is composed of bytes, and bytes are the smallest storage unit in the computer (Java source code, games, music, mov ...

Posted by bhavin_85 on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 05:24:33 -0800

ggplot2 Toolbox 2

1. Label Mainly use the function geom_text() adds labels at specific x and y coordinates label geom_text() supports modifying most graphic attributes of all geometric objects because there are countless ways to adjust the presentation of text family sets the font. Currently, there are only three general fonts: sans (default), serif and mono S ...

Posted by jen56456 on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 04:07:25 -0800

[data analysis and visualization] key points of data drawing 3 - spaghetti map

Key points of data mapping 3 - spaghetti map Broken line diagrams with too many lines usually become unreadable. This kind of diagram is generally called spaghetti diagram. Therefore, this kind of chart can hardly provide information about the data. Drawing example Let's take the evolution of female baby names in the United States from 1 ...

Posted by webguy262 on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 22:19:03 -0800

spring transaction related

Java video tutorialhttps://www.xin3721.com/eschool/Javaxin3721/ When I went to the interview before, I was asked how to solve a spring nested transaction. When asked, I was speechless. It happened that the current project just used nested transactions. Distributed transactions are also being attempted. So now I have learned something about nest ...

Posted by jhoop2002 on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 08:41:15 -0800

JAVA branch structure switch structure for loop

1 branch structure Although the program with sequential structure can solve the problems of calculation and output But you can't judge and choose. For the problem of making judgment before selection, we should use the branch structure 1.2 form 1.3.1 exercise: Commodity discount cases Create package: cn.tedu.basic Create class: TestDiscoun ...

Posted by kristianblom on Sun, 07 Nov 2021 18:51:47 -0800

JAVA Foundation (day 7) nested for loop while do while

1 nested for loop 1.1 general There are at least two for loops. Judge whether the inner layer can be executed according to the conditions of the outer layer If it can be executed, loop the inner layer code, and then continue to judge whether to execute the next loop of the outer layer loop 1.2 nested for m   1.3 exercise: nested for loop ...

Posted by Saviola on Sun, 07 Nov 2021 14:42:30 -0800

python Basics - if, while, for loop exercise 2021-10-31

1, Simple arithmetic practice 1: Input two variables on the console and exchange the values of these two variables [complete with XOR] #The console inputs two variables and exchanges the values of the two variables #[complete with XOR] print("Please enter a,b Value of: ") a = int(input("Please enter a Value of")) b = int(input("Please enter b ...

Posted by sevenupcan on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:51:09 -0700

List common operations are more elegant than for loops

introduction After using JDK1.8, most list operations can be written using lamada expressions, which can make the code simpler and develop faster. The following are the common operations of lamada expressions I use in my work on list. I like to collect suggestions. Taking the user table as an example, the user entity code is as follows: public ...

Posted by ali_2kool2002 on Fri, 29 Oct 2021 17:32:13 -0700

R reshape2 converting data tutorial

reshape2 is a package written by Hadley Wickham, which can easily convert data between wide and long formats. 1. Length width data format Wide data format Each variable of wide data format corresponds to a column, for example: ## ozone wind temp ## 1 23.61538 11.622581 65.54839 ## 2 29.44444 10.266667 79.10000 ## 3 59.11538 ...

Posted by dirkie on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 20:06:39 -0700