Reread Dog Book 3-Web form
Web form
Cross Site Request Forgery protection
By default, flask WTF can protect all forms from Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. When a malicious website sends a request to another website that the attacker has logged in, it will trigger a CSRF attack. In order to implement CSRF protection, the flash WTF program needs to set a key. ...
Posted by hach22 on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 00:17:18 -0700
[Special Topic on semantic segmentation] work related to semantic segmentation -- work related to ENet network
ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
Paszke, A., Chaurasia, A., Kim, S., & Culurciello, E. (2016). ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation. ArXiv, abs/1606.02147.
# Initial block of the model:
# Input
# / \
# / \
#maxpoo ...
Posted by nikifi on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 21:12:21 -0700
Docker deployment process of python
The process of deploying python using Docker:
1. The Docker hub pulls the python image.2. Create a container and add third-party libraries required for the project in the container3. Make the container in step 2 as a mirror4. Use images for intranet environments.
1. Pull the python basic image:
xiaoyuanzi@xiaoyuanzi-virtual-machine:~$ do ...
Posted by plastik77 on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 20:04:09 -0700
day10 -- function basis
Introduction to day10 function
Elementary functionParameters of functionReturn value of function
1. Initial function
What exactly is a function?
Function can be regarded as a collection of a lot of function code.
def Function name():
Write code in function
Function name
# For example:
# Define a function ...
Posted by trassalg on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 16:40:05 -0700
Summary of Python basic syntax knowledge points
Python learning notes
1. The first phthon program
print("Hello World!");
2. Basic grammar knowledge
2.1 notes
# Single line note content
Multiline comment content
print("Two representations of annotations");
2.2 prompt information in phcharm
Gray wavy line: indicates irregular writingGreen wavy line: indicates that there may ...
Posted by lilywong on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 15:02:38 -0700
Python implements operations such as image padding and Gaussian convolution (no packet transfer)
Running environment and compiling tools
WindowsVS Code
Programming language and library version
Question 1 black and white image grayscale scanning (20 points)
Implement a function s = scanLine4e(f, I, loc), where f is a gray image, I is an integer, and loc ...
Posted by devarishi on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 14:32:32 -0700
7-3 valid bracket judgment (30 points)
This question comes from Li Kou. I also saw this question in this week's Blue Bridge Cup training. I think the complexity of this question is higher than that of the Blue Bridge Cup training, so I took out the Blue Bridge Cup training. Let's analyze the Blue Bridge Cup training first, and then draw out the differences.
The combinati ...
Posted by may on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 13:56:55 -0700
Python implementation bubble_ Select_ Insert_ Quick Sort Method
Python implements multiple sorting methods
Bubble sort
Overview and Principle Bubble Sort is a basic sorting algorithm. Bubble sorting compares two adjacent elements in the list in turn, replacing the order of the adjacent elements according to the sorting method. To reach the beginning of the list after a round of comparison, make the large ...
Posted by Scip on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 09:58:53 -0700
Strong! Eight Python tips for optimizing speed-up!
Author Wang Zhanghao
Python is a scripting language, which has some shortcomings in efficiency and performance compared to compiling languages such as C/C++. However, there are many times when Python's efficiency is not as exaggerated as you might think. This article summarizes some of the Python code a ...
Posted by gammaster on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 09:47:11 -0700
40,000 words [Python Advanced Programming] Babysitter-style teaching, advanced feel laborious? It's easy to learn that
A few days ago, when I chatted with a young man, I found a problem. He started learning Python from scratch, finished learning lists, dictionaries, functions, etc. Then he began to learn more about crawling. It took more than a month to learn nothing, but he couldn't do it at all.
In fact, the main reason for this problem is that the Python ...
Posted by Imperialoutpost on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 09:07:18 -0700