Go through python date and time processing

Official Python column article 33, students stop, don't miss this article starting from 0! In the previous article, we learned a little about time acquisition in Python. This time, we continue to learn the time zone conversion and formatting of dates. What other date operations are commonly used in development? Time zone conversion displa ...

Posted by Silver_Eclipse on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 14:13:50 -0800

[deep learning] Wu Enda deep learning - Course1 neural network and deep learning - week 2 basic programming of neural network

Learning links: [Chinese] [Wu Enda's after class programming assignment] Course 1 - neural network and deep learning - assignment for the second week ○ operation objectives What we need to do is build a simple neural network that can recognize cats 1, Use environment Here, Anaconda is used for environment configuration and PyCharm is u ...

Posted by J@ystick_FI on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 11:38:13 -0800

The crawler uses selenium to crawl the title, host id, live content type and heat information of each room where fighting fish live is broadcast

Daily Share: Never start self-denial because of the denial of others. Life is a subjective process. Whether people like you or not is actually a matter of the other side's world. So when people don't like you, don't feel inferior and don't mean to be nice. You should focus on being yourself. Idea analysis: URL (url of web page)Create driver ...

Posted by RedRasper on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 10:05:49 -0800

Loop statement training in Python

Loop and conditional statement training in Python Loop statements: while loop and for loop (there is a do... While structure in C language, but it is not supported in python) Conditional statements: if... elif... else statements (can be nested) While format: (parameters in while will not increase automatically) Format: while judgment condit ...

Posted by jmr3460 on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 21:31:02 -0800

Java | teach you to implement a lottery system (Java version)

Source: blog.csdn.net/wang258533488/article/details/78901303 1 Overview In project development, there are often the needs of marketing activities such as lucky draw, such as integral turntable, scratch music, slot machine and so on. In fact, the implementation method of the background is the same. This paper introduces a common implementation ...

Posted by Rizla on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 20:38:29 -0800

My girlfriend was not at home in the middle of the night and stole her whereabouts in Python. What was the result?

Target scene Sometimes my girlfriend plays outside alone and asks where she is, but she doesn't tell me. However, you want to know the "location" of your girlfriend. What should you do? In fact, you can do this routine for your girlfriend to pretend that you are bored at home. You can help her repair the map and ask her to send ...

Posted by Aeiri on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 19:27:40 -0800

[Python hundred days basic series] Day43 - Dash_DAQ indicator, joystick, knob, LED, digital input

6, Indicator light daq.Indicator() 6.1 default indicator import dash from dash.dependencies import Input, Output import dash_daq as daq from dash import html app = dash.Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div([ # Indicator light assembly daq.Indicator( id='my-indicator-1', label="Default indicator", ), html. ...

Posted by kcpaige89 on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 16:15:34 -0800

205 Ruby first experience: array, hash and regular expression [Rails back-end development training camp]

The previous lectures introduced Ruby's basic data objects "string" and "value". Ruby has more than these two data objects. The structure of data objects involved in most Ruby programs is much more complex. This lecture summarizes arrays, hashes, and regular expressions. Don't worry, the knowledge here will be briefly explai ...

Posted by TheCase on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 15:46:20 -0800

python higher order: magic function

Summary: Dynamic Language: Python is a dynamic language, with the duck model at the bottom: when you see a bird walking like a duck, swimming like a duck, and calling like a duck, it can be called a duck. In the duck type, the focus is not on the type of object itself, but on how it is used. In programming, duck typing is a style of dynamic ty ...

Posted by OopyBoo on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 09:28:29 -0800

Use of Python MySQL database connection driver aiomysql

In the last blog post, I introduced the use of MySQL database to obtain pymysql. For reference: https://www.cnblogs.com/minseo/p/15597428.html This article introduces the use of asynchronous MySQL asynchronous driver aiomysql 1. Install asynchronous module If there is no module, install the module using pip first pip3 install asyncio pip3 inst ...

Posted by Soumen on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 08:10:33 -0800