UVA - 12105 Bigger is Better(DP)
First, such problems, dynamic programming of a number, are generally diverted from other residuals
Then this topic uses a more important nature of large number redundancy, that is, large numbers can be manipulated one by one to achieve the purpose of redundancy, which can be referred to Here
M ...
Posted by tomasd on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 18:21:14 -0700
10 Minutes Quick Start Shiro Beginners Tutorial
Current User
Now we can start doing something that we really care about - performing security operations.
When protecting our applications, the most relevant questions we may ask ourselves are "Who is the current user" or "Is the current user allowed to do XXX?"
When we write code or design user interfaces, it is common to a ...
Posted by dkode on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 19:00:54 -0700
To learn Python well, you must understand 35 key words in Python
Every programming language has some special words called keywords. The basic requirement to treat keywords is to avoid repetition when naming them. This article introduces the keywords in Python. Keywords are not built-in functions or built-in object types. Although it's better not to rename them, you can also use names that are the same as bui ...
Posted by jockey_jockey on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 01:05:56 -0700
Java basic knowledge: object oriented
1. Definition of object-oriented
Creating objects can be things or things. In the program, objects are used to map things in reality, and objects are used to describe the relationship between them.2, Features of object-orientedEncapsulation
Encapsulation is the core idea of object-ori ...
Posted by tomlei on Mon, 22 Jun 2020 23:39:31 -0700
Python core
Python orchestration
Co programming is a way to realize concurrent programming
Simple reptiles
import time
def crawl_page(url):
print('crawling {}'.format(url))
sleep_time = int(url.split('_')[-1])
print('OK {}'.format(url))
def main(urls):
Posted by jerastraub on Mon, 22 Jun 2020 22:14:24 -0700
What does Python mean by closures?
Closure is a common concept in programming language, but to be honest, the term is a bit obscure. After checking the information on the Internet for half a day, I still don't know what to do.
What I wonder is: what kind of problem is this thing used to solve? Or what is his role?
First of all, function
After consulting many materials, the summa ...
Posted by saradrungta on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 21:57:13 -0700
Elasticsearch Series - Index Management for Production Clusters
Indexing is one of the most frequent daily operations we use in Elasticsearch. This article takes a look at the indexing operations of Elasticsearch from the perspective of operations personnel.
basic operation
From the perspective of running children's shoes, let's take a look at the daily operation of the index in addition to CRUD, or ...
Posted by jossejf on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 17:38:00 -0700
Python Web Crawler Warfare: Jiayuan discovered amazing secrets after crawling nearly 60,000 Miss and Sister data
It's 11/11 again. I don't know when it started. 11/11 changed from "Singles Day" to "11/11 Shopping Carnival". The last single dog festival was also successfully conquered and became a holiday for couples to give gifts and love.
Turning over the quiet to silent chat list, I suddenly woke up. No, we can't go on like this. Wh ...
Posted by dan7474 on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 15:01:24 -0700
Price programmer: How many of the five must-know methods for Java asynchronous invocation to synchronize?
Let's start with the understanding of asynchronization and synchronization:
Synchronous call: The caller waits continuously for the result to be returned during the call.
Asynchronous call: During the call, the caller does not directly wait for the result to be returned, but performs other tasks, usually in the form of a callback function.
I ...
Posted by algy on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 14:45:01 -0700
Project: Online OJ--MinMIn's Online OJ
MinMin's Online OJ
1. Project objectives
Similar to Leetcode, a simple title-brushing project is implemented. Users can access the title list page in the browser, click on the title to enter the title details page, and write, compile, run the code here, and return the results to the browser page
2. Functions implemented by the project
1. You c ...
Posted by otuatail on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 14:40:08 -0700