Quick start to golang [8.2] - Secrets of automatic type inference

Preceding text Quick introduction to golang [1] - Introduction to go golang quick start [2.1]-go language development environment configuration windows golang quick start [2.2]-go language development environment configuration - macOS golang quick start [2.3]-go language development environment configuration linux Get started with golang [3]- ...

Posted by KILOGRAM on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 08:26:47 -0700

Elastic search: simple addition, deletion, modification and search

Today, let's talk about the addition, deletion, modification and query of ES, which is helpful to understand the code of spring boot integration es next week. First of all, we create an index of EST first, and then if all the screenshots are taken, the reading fluency is too low, so we will use the shorthand form [request type URL] next. The f ...

Posted by escabiz on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 06:17:18 -0700

C ා design three-tier architecture based on interface Unity

Introduction The purpose of interface oriented (Abstract) programming is to reduce the coupling degree of programs, and to conform to the principle of dependency inversion. Therefore, the typical three-tier architecture UI, BLL and DAL will be expanded to UI, IBLL, BLL, IDAL and DAL after they are designed based on the interface. In the last on ...

Posted by ragtek on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 02:46:55 -0700

Reality is more complicated than theory

Let's think about a practical problem. When spring comes, we are going to buy clothes. At the same time, as a clothing manufacturer, we are going to release new clothes. If you are a technical consultant of a clothing manufacturer, please analyze what kind of clothes belong to this year's fashion trend and what would you do? First of all, as a ...

Posted by RedMaster on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 02:23:30 -0700

Architect's mental skill, detailed explanation of the state mode of participating in e-commerce order business development

State mode is also common in life scenes. For example, we usually change the order status of online shopping, as well as the status of taking the elevator. In the process of software development, there may be different situations for a certain operation. Generally, the most direct way to deal with multi situation problems is to use if...else o ...

Posted by fuji on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 00:23:03 -0700

Injecting StringRedisTemplate exception into SpringBoot

StringRedisTemplate was used in writing a mall project and the result test started incorrectly: BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'userController': Injection of resource dependencies failed, BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named 'redisTemplate' is expected to be of type 'org.springframework.data.redis.core.StringRedisTe ...

Posted by JAM on Fri, 20 Mar 2020 22:58:43 -0700

Java Proxy Mode and Dynamic Proxy Details

Java's dynamic proxy has a wide range of usage scenarios in practice, such as Spring AOP for the most scenarios, acquisition of Java annotations, logging, user authentication, and so on.This article takes you through proxy mode, static proxy, and native dynamic proxy based on JDK. proxy pattern Whether you are learning static or dynamic proxies ...

Posted by Majes on Fri, 20 Mar 2020 21:05:53 -0700

Dubbo Source Learning-Service Reference (Service Startup Phase)

In the previous article, we looked at the process of publishing a dubbo service, and this article outlined the process of analyzing dubbo service references. 1. What should service consumers do? Generate proxy objects (help us achieve communication details) Set up a communication connection (netty) Get the service provider address (subscript ...

Posted by gooman on Fri, 20 Mar 2020 19:56:52 -0700

java object oriented 2 (32) reflection advanced + Advanced explanation

Reflection advanced explanation Warm reminder: if you don't know much about reflection, you can go to a few introductory articles to learn more! Review: Why reflection: call private content in a class at will. Class is more flexible.   Reflection: get a member method / member variable in a class specifically   Reflection fixation steps: ...

Posted by paulb on Fri, 20 Mar 2020 12:01:37 -0700

Auto configuration of spring boot

Spring boot auto configuration is mainly completed by @ EnableAutoConfiguration, @ Conditional, @ EnableConfigurationProperties or @ ConfigurationProperties.@EnableAutoConfiguration enables automatic configuration. Its main function is to call loadFactoryNames() in the spring core package to load the written automatic configuration in th ...

Posted by StateGuy on Fri, 20 Mar 2020 11:02:12 -0700