Spring Timing Task Details of spring schedule and spring-quartz
There are currently three main types of java timer tasks categorized technically by implementation:
(1) Java's native java.util.Timer class, which allows you to schedule a java.util.TimerTask task.This allows your program to execute at a certain frequency, but not at a specified time; and job classes need to integrate java.util.TimerTask, whic ...
Posted by blacksnday on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 21:09:05 -0700
Use of Spring Timer QuartzJobBean (work class inherits QuartzJobBean)
1. Introduction to the use of QuartzJobBean:
Timer functions are often used in project development, such as batching in the evening, processing accounts regularly, etc. jdk also provides Timer to implement timer tasks, a brief introduction to Timer implementation.The use of Timer is roughly divided into two steps:
First, write a task class th ...
Posted by cirene on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 20:55:11 -0700
Spring boot exception handling
Spring boot exception handling, usually in two ways
One is to use @ ControllerAdvice
The other is to use ErrorController, the default error handling BasicErrorController of springboot, which is the implemented interface
The first one is called adding interceptor. It's not good. The second one is less error information. It's also bad. It miss ...
Posted by JBS103 on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 08:25:40 -0700
docker + redis + beanstalkd + swoole to build a robust queue
The technologies used are docker + redis + beanstalkd + swoole
#Download redis and beanstalkd from the warehouse
docker pull redis:5.0.7
docker pull schickling/beanstalkd
#View image list
docker images
#Running beanstalkd in the docker container and mapping to the local host port 11300
docker run --name beanstalkd -d -it -p 11300 ...
Posted by genix2011 on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 07:46:22 -0700
How gRPC can save your development time
Thanks for sharing- http://bjbsair.com/2020-04-10/tech-info/53317.html
At this point, you should have heard of "gRPC" (at least once in the title). In this article, I will focus on the benefits of using gRPC as a communication medium between microservices.
First of all, I will try to briefly introduce the history of architecture evo ...
Posted by youscript on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 05:14:49 -0700
Using and improving EvictingQueue in guava
I. Introduction
Because some servers in the service are abroad, the network is very unstable, and the http request is very volatile. So we hope to switch to other servers to send http requests through http proxy when the network slows down.
What if the definition slows down?
If the last N http requests are executed and the execution time exceed ...
Posted by rlalande on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 05:00:36 -0700
"Self portrait tutorial 57" Python "FastBoot one click brush
Most Android mobile phones / car phones / TVs and other mobile terminal devices,
You can refresh the Android system version through fastboot, which is actually the swipe of multiple img files (image files).
Preparation stage
First, press the combination button (the combination button of each Android terminal is different, for example, some o ...
Posted by Stevis2002 on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 01:13:19 -0700
One of the Java collections - HashMap
Learn Java Deeply and Simply--HashMap
hash table It is also called hash list, which is a very important data structure. Scenarios and their richness are very important. The core of many caching technologies (such as memcached) is to maintain a large hash table in memory. This paper will explain the implementation principle of HashMap ...
Posted by bsgrules on Thu, 09 Apr 2020 20:54:51 -0700
Detailed usage of the Beautifulsoup module for python Crawlers
What is beautifulsoup:
Is a Python library that can extract data from HTML or XML files.It enables you to navigate, find, and modify commonly used documents through your favorite converter.(Official)
beautifulsoup is a parser that parses content specifically, eliminating the hassle of writing regular expressions.
Here we are using bs4:
1. Impor ...
Posted by vimukthi on Thu, 09 Apr 2020 19:51:55 -0700
Python glitz operation: seven ways to merge Dictionaries
WeChat official account: Python programming time.
Python language has many (and more and more) advanced features, which are very popular with Python enthusiasts. In the eyes of these people, to be able to write out the advanced features that ordinary developers can't understand is a master, a God.
But you know, in teamwork, showing off your s ...
Posted by msing on Thu, 09 Apr 2020 10:28:23 -0700