Basic use of AMD - requireJS in JavaScript modular programming

AMD of JavaScript modular programming requireJS basic use Tags (space delimited): JavaScript Reference article AMD specification AMD is the abbreviation of "Asynchronous Module Definition", which means "Asynchronous Module Definition". It loads the module asynchronously, and the loading of the module does not affect the ru ...

Posted by nlhowell on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 07:59:20 -0700

Using Python as a hacker to brutally crack wifi password

The first few articles mainly introduced the knowledge of using delphi to develop back door and simple remote control. Some partners said delphi was out of date and nobody used it. But I think programming language is just a way to realize functions, just use the language you are familiar with or like. DELPHI hacker programming (1): implementati ...

Posted by QbertsBrother on Wed, 29 Apr 2020 20:49:33 -0700

Go language -- detailed explanation of slice

Go language -- detailed explanation of slice Blog description The information involved in this article comes from Internet collation and personal summary, which means personal learning and experience summary. If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete, thank you! Explain Go language slicing is an abstraction of arrays. The leng ...

Posted by adamjones on Wed, 29 Apr 2020 09:14:34 -0700

A good paging plug-in of Mybatis com.github.pagehelper

1. Need to import the jar package of PageHelper If maven is not used, just import the jar package into the lib folder. The PageHelper plug-in has open source on github, Address:   If maven is used, the plug-in can be introduced in pom.xml as fol ...

Posted by Brown on Wed, 29 Apr 2020 09:07:49 -0700

Using jstat to observe the state of jvm

jstat -gc pid time For example: print jvm usage every 3 seconds [root@i-5uvhvror bin]# ./jstat -gc 17474 3s S0C S1C S0U S1U EC EU OC OU MC MU CCSC CCSU YGC YGCT FGC FGCT GCT 2560.0 2560.0 1712.5 0.0 2790912.0 1661843.1 5592576.0 230780.6 136704.0 129435.4 15872.0 ...

Posted by BenProl on Wed, 29 Apr 2020 03:01:14 -0700

Spring Boot + Spring Security for automatic login

Automatic login is a very common function in software development. For example, we log in to QQ email: Many websites will see similar options when we log in. After all, it's a very troublesome thing to let users enter their user name and password. The automatic login function is that after the user logs in successfully, if the user closes the ...

Posted by mentalist on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 19:02:09 -0700

Implementation principle of synchronized

What's the difference between having synchronized or not? What does synchronized lock as a pessimistic lock? How to use synchronized code block In the previous three articles, we talked about two uses of synchronized: synchronization method and synchronization code block, as well as two lock mechanisms: Lock instance object and lock Class obj ...

Posted by Jonah Bron on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:58:00 -0700

Five ways to add new columns in the PySpark data box

Too much data is being generated every day. Although sometimes we can use tools such as Rapids or parallelism to manage big data, Spark is a good tool if you use TB level data. Although this article explains how to use RDD and basic Dataframe operations, I missed a lot when using PySpark Dataframes. Only when I need more functions can I read an ...

Posted by Journey44 on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 02:02:59 -0700

High concurrency scenario - Request merging uncover HystrixCollapser - asynchronous implementation with Queue and thread pool

background In the high concurrency scenario of the Internet, there will be a lot of requests, but the database connection pool is relatively small, or the CPU pressure and processing logic need to be reduced. It is necessary to change a single query to batch query multiple and return. For example, in Alipay, query "personal information&quo ...

Posted by joebudden on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:59:13 -0700

13. Spring cloud Alibaba Chapter 13, upgrade, service registration and configuration center Nacos

Spring cloud Alibaba Chapter 12, upgrade, service registration and configuration center Nacos 1, Why spring cloud Alibaba 1. Why With the micro service framework of spring cloud, why do you want to use the framework of spring cloud alibaba? The most important reason is spring Almost all components in the cloud use Netflix products, and ...

Posted by Liz_SA on Mon, 27 Apr 2020 20:09:31 -0700