Spring boot dynamic operation timing task (start, stop, change execution cycle)
Reference link: https://my.oschina.net/sdlvzg/blog/1590946 Reference link: https://blog.csdn.net/chengqiuming/article/details/83684952
1. What is the Future type?
Future is the interface for canceling the execution result of a specific Runnable or Callable task, querying whether it is completed, and obtaining the result. If nece ...
Posted by blommer on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 00:12:15 -0700
A preliminary solution to the working principle of spring framework
1: Basic concepts of spring
1) Struts 2 is web framework, hibernate is orm framework
2) spring is a container framework, which creates beans and maintains the relationship between beans
3) Spring can manage the web layer, persistence layer, business layer, dao layer, spring can configure the components of each layer, and maintain the relati ...
Posted by werty37 on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 23:13:17 -0700
C language: rookie tutorial - structure
Rookie tutorial - C structure
The C array allows you to define variables that can store items of the same type,
Structure is another user-defined available data type in C programming,
It allows you to store different types of data items.
Structure is used to represent a record,
If you want to track the ...
Posted by jasonyoung on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 22:36:41 -0700
AOP learning notes
AOP overview
AOP terminology
Understanding of hands through practice (simple calculator)
What is AOP? (interview question), simply answering face-to-face programming can't satisfy the interviewer, it's better to combine your own understanding.
AOP overview
Posted by durahman on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 21:30:50 -0700
Minutes to connect your website to GitHub third-party login
OAuth2 and our little buddies have talked a lot. Let's practice with a practical case.
Here I use GitHub for third-party login.
Why GitHub?There are two considerations:
Programmers basically have GitHub accounts for easy testing.
In China, no matter QQ, WeChat, Weibo, etc., registration and auditing are required, which takes a lot of t ...
Posted by Stephen on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 10:08:22 -0700
SpringBoot event listening
The Spring framework provides a perfect event monitoring mechanism. The steps to implement event monitoring in the Spring framework are as follows:
Custom events, inheriting org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent abstract class
Define event listener, implement org.springframework.contex ...
Posted by phpsir on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 01:51:07 -0700
Springboot integrates flowable modeler without login, and queries the user / user group to change to its own system data
Before the flow chart was drawn, tomcat was used to start the flow modeler, but in this way, the data in your system cannot be queried when assigning task users / user groups. So now we need to integrate the flowable modeler into the project.
I searched a lot of articles before, but I didn't feel very clear. Maybe it was because I just got ...
Posted by garygay on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 00:30:35 -0700
EduCoder Python computing thinking training - advanced drawing level 2: sales price statistics of commercial housing
Task description
Task: please write code to draw bar chart of average selling price of all kinds of commercial housing.
Relevant knowledge
In order to complete this task, you need to master the drawing of stacked (parallel) histogram.
Draw stacked bar
The bar function is called as follows:
mat ...
Posted by Ravenous on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 00:10:36 -0700
An Initial Exploration of Object-Oriented Programming in Python
Many people come into contact with Python from crawlers. In fact, many languages can be crawlers, but Python is simpler than other languages.But Python is more than just a crawler; it is more widely used in artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and so on.Ancient Cloud: Wan Zhang Tall Building rises flat, in order to have consid ...
Posted by pleisar on Mon, 08 Jun 2020 11:20:42 -0700
With all due respect, I doubt you can enumerate in Java
Let's face it, enum (enumeration) is a keyword introduced in Java 1.5. It represents a special type of class. By default inherit From java.lang.Enum .
To prove this, let's create a new enumeration player type:
public enum PlayerType {
There are two keywords w ...
Posted by Irvin Amoraal on Sun, 07 Jun 2020 20:17:15 -0700