Performance tuning of Flask
Article directory
Tools used
Test code
Flash runs directly
Other ways
usWSGI and ngnix
Reference resources
At present, the performance of the platform is found to be relatively low in the process of using, so we need to find a way to optimize the performance ...
Posted by kylebragger on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 04:21:08 -0800
docker-03.docker container management
1. Details of docker common commands
1.1 docker info
Containers: 3 Number of containers
Running: 2 Number of containers running
Paused: 0 Suspended docker Number
Stopped: 1 Stopped docker Number
Images: 15 Mirror number
Server Version: 17.03.3-ce docker Edition
Storage Driver: overlay Storage drive ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Feb 2020 03:48:41 -0800
Ingress-nginx deployment use for Kubernetes
Blog Outline:Introduction to Ingress1) Ingress Composition2) How Ingress works3) What can Ingress solve?Configuring Ingress-nginx1) Build registry private warehouse2) Create a Pod for testing2) Create tomcat services and their services3) Ensure that the above resource objects are successfully created4) Create Ingress-controller resource objec ...
Posted by phertzog on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 09:47:47 -0800
docker builds the front and back end separation project to deploy https to the Internet server through Nginx
1: Project preparation:
1. Install docker and docker compose (the project is deployed through docker)
2. The project can be deployed successfully in the Intranet
3. Write docker compose file and log in docker
Two: Implementation
1. Docker compose create; docker compose start start project
2. P ...
Posted by jdiver on Wed, 19 Feb 2020 00:07:55 -0800
kubernetes component - kubectl command line tool management
Main points:1. Overview of kubectl2. kubectl syntax3. kubectl Management Commands4. Similarities and differences between create and apply commands5. Example demonstration1. Overview of kubectl
Kubectl is a command line interface for running commands against the Kubernetes cluster.The configuration file for Kubectl is in the $HOME/.kube directo ...
Posted by Zay on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 08:18:40 -0800
Zabbix distributed monitoring - Zabbix monitors Httpd and Nginx
Article directory
1, zabbix monitoring httpd service
2, zabbix monitoring nginx
Font adjustment of web interface
Add a new monitoring item nginx.accept
3, Different types of picture switching
This experiment is based on the previous one, and has monitored server2 and server3
1, zabbix monitor ...
Posted by LuaMadman on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 04:19:53 -0800
Ansible? Quick start
Article directory
1 Introduction to ansible
2 environment construction
3 Ansible installation
4 Ansible Inventory file
4.1 password based connection
4.2 connection based on secret key
4.3 use of host group
4.4 temporarily designated inventory
4.5 Inventory built in parameters
5 An ...
Posted by fredriksk on Mon, 17 Feb 2020 21:53:56 -0800
Automatic creation of pv for K8S data persistence
1. Types of data persistence:1.emptyDir: Can only be used as temporary storage.If the container is deleted, the data still exists, and if the Pod is deleted, the data is deleted.2.HostPath: Less scenarios increase the coupling between Pod and nodes.3.PV, PVC: based on NFS services.The PV state must be Available, the access mode must be the sam ...
Posted by rdoylelmt on Sun, 16 Feb 2020 15:26:03 -0800
Overview of mysql database and its basic operation 1
1, Introduction of database and related concepts
Database: warehouse for storing data;
data base
A collection of data organized according to a data model and placed in storage
2.DBMS(DateBase Management System)
Database management system
Service software for manipulating and managing da ...
Posted by kkeim on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 04:54:00 -0800
66 Linux Tomcat nginx reverse agent
Experimental catalogue
Please be sure to check the basic environment settings of the previous blog
nginx reverse proxy
Dynamic and static separation based on nginx reverse agent
httpd reverse proxy tomcat
Using ajp protocol to reverse proxy tomcat in httpd
Jump to the end of the article
Please ...
Posted by boyakasha on Thu, 13 Feb 2020 06:32:54 -0800