How to deal with sudden traffic peak gracefully in microservice governance

Why do I need to reduce the load In micro service clusters, the call link is perplexing. As a service provider, there is a mechanism to protect itself, which prevents the caller from calling himself down without any brain calls and ensuring the high availability of his services. The most common protection mechanism is the current limiting mecha ...

Posted by ark014 on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 20:32:15 -0800

How to deal with sudden traffic peak gracefully in microservice governance

Why do I need to reduce the loadIn micro service clusters, the call link is perplexing. As a service provider, there is a mechanism to protect itself, which prevents the caller from calling himself down without any brain calls and ensuring the high availability of his services.The most common protection mechanism is the current limiting mechani ...

Posted by buddhika2010 on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 20:18:47 -0800

The most powerful introductory tutorial of SpringBoot takes you quickly into the world of SpringBoot

SpringBoot tutorial 01 introduction 1.1 how spring simplifies development Lightweight and minimally intrusive programming based on POJO, everything is bean;Loose coupling is realized through IOC, dependency injection (DI) and interface oriented;Declarative programming based on AOP and conventions;Reduce style codes through facets and templat ...

Posted by kelly3330 on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 15:49:53 -0800

[elasticsearch] learning notes -p8 (realize data synchronization between elasticsearch and mysql)

Video directions 👉 Station B dark horse micro service Super recommended! MQ implements data synchronization between elasticsearch and mysql The hotel data in elasticsearch comes from MySQL database. Therefore, when MySQL data changes, elasticsearch must also change. This is the data synchronization between elasticsearch and mysql. 1. ...

Posted by n5tkn on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 19:39:56 -0800

Construction of centos7 Nacos service registry

Construction of centos7 Nacos service registry Since the spring cloud registry Eureka has long stopped maintenance, we use Nacos official: Welcome to the world of Nacos! Nacos is dedicated to helping you discover, configure, and manage microservices. Nacos provides a set of easy-to-use feature ...

Posted by Royalmike on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 05:25:26 -0800

In depth understanding of Spring Cloud and microservice construction Chapter 10 routing gateway Spring Cloud Zuul

In depth understanding of Spring Cloud and microservice construction Chapter 10 routing gateway Spring Cloud Zuul 1, Introduction to Zuul Zuul, as a network management component of microservice system, is used to build Edge Service and is committed to dynamic routing, filtering, monitoring, elastic scaling and security. Zuul's important r ...

Posted by TreColl on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 04:14:33 -0800

2 - [high concurrency - service] - 1 Hystrix

1 background of hystrix With the improvement of business complexity and the continuous splitting of the system, a user-oriented API has layers of nested RPC calls, and the call chain may be very long. This will cause the following problems: Reduced API interface availability Citing an official example of Hystrix, suppose that an application ...

Posted by warmwind on Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:13:16 -0800

Spring Cloud Alibaba uses Seata to resolve the whole process of distributed transactions

Why do distributed transactions occur# With the rapid development of business, website system often evolves from single architecture to distributed and micro service architecture, while for database, it changes from stand-alone database architecture to distributed database architecture. At this time, we will split a large application system in ...

Posted by o2cathy on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 08:02:19 -0800

20 - unified Gateway - Global filter

Global filter The gateway provides 31 kinds of filters learned in the previous section, but the function of each filter is fixed. If we want to intercept requests and do our own business logic, we can't do it. 3.5.1. Global filter function The global filter is also used to handle all requests and microservice responses entering the gateway, ...

Posted by grantp22 on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 02:43:23 -0800

A brief introduction to Spring Cloud and a simple introductory example

1 Overview Spring Cloud is based on Spring Boot, which provides several components to help enterprises build micro-service systems. The main functions it provides are: Service Registry/Service Registration/Service Call/Load Balancing/Circuit Breaker, etc. Generally, it uses the existing open source software, which is based on the concept of Spr ...

Posted by colmtourque on Thu, 11 Nov 2021 08:38:49 -0800