Beego Learning Notes 6: Paging Implementation

Implement Paging 1> Business logic for paging implementation 1->N data are displayed on each page. For the total number of data records M, the number of pages M%N==0?M/N:M/N+1; 2->Page Rendering Paging html Part 3>Switch pages, input parameters, background processing, and retrieve new eligible data 4>Paging method, js paging, and ...

Posted by irishred8575 on Sun, 19 Jul 2020 07:40:52 -0700

Go cli Daily Library

Introduction to ## cli Is a library for building command line programs.We've previously described a library for building command line programs cobra .Functionally, they are similar, and cobra has the advantage of providing a scaffold for easy development.cli is very simple, all initialization is to create oneCli.AppThe object of the structure.A ...

Posted by printf on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 17:14:20 -0700

Write a calculator program using fyne

brief introduction In the previous article, we introduced fyne, a high-skin GUI library for Go.This article goes on to show how to write a simple calculator program using fyne.The program works as follows: Control Layout We useWidget.EntryTo display the input numbers, operators, and operation results.Create one firstWidget.EntryObject, set to ...

Posted by hrichman on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 18:32:58 -0700

A quick tutorial of building server project based on Hunt Framework 3.2.0

Hunt Framework is a full stack Web framework developed in D language, similar to Laravel / SpringBoot / Django, etc., which enables D language developers to create projects quickly. The built-in super multi business specifications are convenient for developers to use out of the box, and convenient for managers to review project code more easily ...

Posted by jesse_james on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 02:11:58 -0700

interface design principles using Golang

Interface interface Interface is one of the basic features of GO language. It can be understood as a type of specification or convention. It's different from java and C ා in that it doesn't need to show that it implements an interface. It doesn't inherit or subclass or "implements" keywords. ...

Posted by maxonon on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 22:21:01 -0700

casbin of Go daily

brief introduction Privilege management is a necessary module in almost every system. If the project development needs to realize the right management every time, it will undoubtedly waste the development time and increase the development cost. As a result, the caspin library appears. Caspin is a powerful and efficient access control library. I ...

Posted by topsub on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 18:44:09 -0700

Istio police agent & envoy start process

Opening Through the previous article Istio Sidecar injection principle It can be found that the Sidecar application has been injected at the same time when the application is submitted to the kubernate deployment. If you are careful, you can also find that in addition to the application of istio proxy, there is also an Init Containers of istio ...

Posted by nediaz on Wed, 27 May 2020 05:10:20 -0700

Write a simple game in golang

In the last article, I left some questions. Although I have added a setting "bomb", the location around the bomb is not passable, but the number of bombs is still too small, so it's a bit monotonous. If I want to enrich the game, I need to increase the number of bombs. There is a problem here. If the location of the bomb is random, t ...

Posted by tmaiden on Mon, 25 May 2020 07:05:31 -0700

Istio Sidecar injection principle

concept In short, Sidecar injection adds the configuration of additional containers to the Pod template. This refers to the Pod in which the Envoy container is applied. Currently, the containers required by Istio service grid are: Istio init is used to set iptables rules so that inbound / outbound traffic passes through the Sidecar agent. Initi ...

Posted by asparagus on Mon, 25 May 2020 05:12:54 -0700

Understanding Go language object-oriented programming: interface and polymorphism

Hi, Hello, this is Mingo. During my time of learning Golang, I wrote detailed study notes on my personal WeChat official account "Go programming time". For Go language, I am also a beginner, so writing things should be more suitable for students who are just in contact. If you are just learning Go language, do not pay close attention ...

Posted by elementaluk on Mon, 18 May 2020 21:49:47 -0700