Istio Sidecar injection principle

Keywords: Go Docker iptables Google JSON


In short, Sidecar injection adds the configuration of additional containers to the Pod template. This refers to the Pod in which the Envoy container is applied.

Currently, the containers required by Istio service grid are:

Istio init is used to set iptables rules so that inbound / outbound traffic passes through the Sidecar agent.

Initialization containers differ from application containers in the following ways:

  • It runs before the application container is started, and it runs until it is finished.
  • If there are multiple initialization containers, each container should complete successfully before starting the next one.

So you can see how perfect this container is for setup or initialization jobs that don't need to be part of the actual application container. In this case, istio init does and sets the iptables rule.

The container of istio proxy is the real Sidecar proxy (based on envy).

The following describes two ways to inject Istio Sidecar into a pod:

  1. Manual injection using istioctl
  2. Enable automatic injection of the Istio Sidecar injector for the namespace to which the pod belongs.

Manual injection directly modifies the configuration, such as deployment, and injects the agent configuration into it.

When auto injection is enabled for the namespace to which the pod belongs, the auto injector will use the admission controller to automatically inject the agent configuration when the pod is created.

Inject by applying the template defined in istio sidecar injector configmap.

Automatic injection

When you set the istio-injection=enabled tag in a namespace and the injection webhook is enabled, any new pod will automatically add Sidecar. please note that unlike manual injection, automatic injection occurs at the pod level. You will not see any changes in the deployment itself.

kubectl label namespace default istio-inhection=enabled
kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection
default        Active    1h        enabled
istio-system   Active    1h
kube-public    Active    1h
kube-system    Active    1h

Injection occurs when a pod is created. Kill the running pod and verify that the newly created pod is injected into sidecar. The original pod has a container with a READY of 1 / 1, while the pod injected with sidecar has a container with a READY of 2 / 2.

Principle of automatic injection

Automatic injection is realized by using k8s permission webhook. Permission webhook is an HTTP callback mechanism used to receive and process access requests. It can change the objects sent to the API server to perform custom default setting operations. Details can be found Admission webhook file.

Istio sidecar injector webhook configuration corresponding to istio will call back the / inject address of istio sidecar injector service by default.

kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
  name: istio-sidecar-injector
  - name:
        name: istio-sidecar-injector
        namespace: istio-system
        path: "/inject"
      caBundle: ${CA_BUNDLE}
      - operations: [ "CREATE" ]
        apiGroups: [""]
        apiVersions: ["v1"]
        resources: ["pods"]
        istio-injection: enabled

The callback API entry code is in pkg/kube/inject/webhook.go in

// Create a new instance for automatic sidecar injection
func NewWebhook(p WebhookParameters) (*Webhook, error) {
    // ... omit ten thousand words
	wh := &Webhook{
		Config:                 sidecarConfig,
		sidecarTemplateVersion: sidecarTemplateVersionHash(sidecarConfig.Template),
		meshConfig:             p.Env.Mesh(),
		configFile:             p.ConfigFile,
		valuesFile:             p.ValuesFile,
		valuesConfig:           valuesConfig,
		watcher:                watcher,
		healthCheckInterval:    p.HealthCheckInterval,
		healthCheckFile:        p.HealthCheckFile,
		env:                    p.Env,
		revision:               p.Revision,
    //api server callback function, listening for / inject callback
	p.Mux.HandleFunc("/inject", wh.serveInject)
	p.Mux.HandleFunc("/inject/", wh.serveInject)
    // ... omit ten thousand words

	return wh, nil

serveInject logic

func (wh *Webhook) serveInject(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// ... omit ten thousand words
	var reviewResponse *v1beta1.AdmissionResponse
	ar := v1beta1.AdmissionReview{}
	if _, _, err := deserializer.Decode(body, nil, &ar); err != nil {
		handleError(fmt.Sprintf("Could not decode body: %v", err))
		reviewResponse = toAdmissionResponse(err)
	} else {
         //Execute specific inject logic
		reviewResponse = wh.inject(&ar, path)

    // Respond to the content after inject sidecar to k8s api server
	response := v1beta1.AdmissionReview{}
	if reviewResponse != nil {
		response.Response = reviewResponse
		if ar.Request != nil {
			response.Response.UID = ar.Request.UID

	// ... omit ten thousand words

// Injection logic implementation
func (wh *Webhook) inject(ar *v1beta1.AdmissionReview, path string) *v1beta1.AdmissionResponse {
    // ... omit ten thousand words
    // injectRequired determines whether automatic injection is set
	if !injectRequired(ignoredNamespaces, wh.Config, &pod.Spec, &pod.ObjectMeta) {
		log.Infof("Skipping %s/%s due to policy check", pod.ObjectMeta.Namespace, podName)
		return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
			Allowed: true,

	// ... omit ten thousand words
	// Return the object to be injected into Pod
	spec, iStatus, err := InjectionData(wh.Config.Template, wh.valuesConfig, wh.sidecarTemplateVersion, typeMetadata, deployMeta, &pod.Spec, &pod.ObjectMeta, wh.meshConfig, path) // nolint: lll
	if err != nil {
		handleError(fmt.Sprintf("Injection data: err=%v spec=%vn", err, iStatus))
		return toAdmissionResponse(err)

    // Execute container injection logic
	patchBytes, err := createPatch(&pod, injectionStatus(&pod), wh.revision, annotations, spec, deployMeta.Name, wh.meshConfig)
	if err != nil {
		handleError(fmt.Sprintf("AdmissionResponse: err=%v spec=%vn", err, spec))
		return toAdmissionResponse(err)

	reviewResponse := v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
		Allowed: true,
		Patch:   patchBytes,
		PatchType: func() *v1beta1.PatchType {
			pt := v1beta1.PatchTypeJSONPatch
			return &pt

	return &reviewResponse

injectRequired function

func injectRequired(ignored []string, config *Config, podSpec *corev1.PodSpec, metadata *metav1.ObjectMeta) bool { 
    // HostNetwork mode skip injection directly
	if podSpec.HostNetwork {
		return false

    // k8s system namespace (Kube system / Kube public) skip injection
	for _, namespace := range ignored {
		if metadata.Namespace == namespace {
			return false

	annos := metadata.GetAnnotations()
	if annos == nil {
		annos = map[string]string{}

	var useDefault bool
	var inject bool
    // Whether the priority judgment is stated` `Annotation, overwriting naming configuration
	switch strings.ToLower(annos[annotation.SidecarInject.Name]) {
	case "y", "yes", "true", "on":
		inject = true
	case "":
        // Use namespace configuration
		useDefault = true

	// Specifies that Pod does not need a label selector injected into Sidecar
	if useDefault {
		for _, neverSelector := range config.NeverInjectSelector {
			selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(&neverSelector)
			if err != nil {
			} else if !selector.Empty() && selector.Matches(labels.Set(metadata.Labels))
                // Setup does not require injection
				inject = false
				useDefault = false

	// Always inject sidecar into the pod matching the tag selector, ignoring the global policy
	if useDefault {
		for _, alwaysSelector := range config.AlwaysInjectSelector {
			selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(&alwaysSelector)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warnf("Invalid selector for AlwaysInjectSelector: %v (%v)", alwaysSelector, err)
			} else if !selector.Empty() && selector.Matches(labels.Set(metadata.Labels)){ 				  // Setup requires injection
				inject = true
				useDefault = false

	// Use default injection policy if none is configured
	var required bool
	switch config.Policy {
	default: // InjectionPolicyOff
		log.Errorf("Illegal value for autoInject:%s, must be one of [%s,%s]. Auto injection disabled!",
			config.Policy, InjectionPolicyDisabled, InjectionPolicyEnabled)
		required = false
	case InjectionPolicyDisabled:
		if useDefault {
			required = false
		} else {
			required = inject
	case InjectionPolicyEnabled:
		if useDefault {
			required = true
		} else {
			required = inject

	return required

From the above we can see whether the priority of Sidecar injection is

Pod Annotations → NeverInjectSelector → AlwaysInjectSelector → Default Policy

createPath function

func createPatch(pod *corev1.Pod, prevStatus *SidecarInjectionStatus, revision string, annotations map[string]string,
	sic *SidecarInjectionSpec, workloadName string, mesh *meshconfig.MeshConfig) ([]byte, error) {

	var patch []rfc6902PatchOperation

	// ... omit ten thousand words

    // Injection initialization start container
	patch = append(patch, addContainer(pod.Spec.InitContainers, sic.InitContainers, "/spec/initContainers")...)
    // Inject Sidecar container
	patch = append(patch, addContainer(pod.Spec.Containers, sic.Containers, "/spec/containers")...)
    // Inject mount volume
	patch = append(patch, addVolume(pod.Spec.Volumes, sic.Volumes, "/spec/volumes")...)
	patch = append(patch, addImagePullSecrets(pod.Spec.ImagePullSecrets, sic.ImagePullSecrets, "/spec/imagePullSecrets")...)
    // Inject new comments
	patch = append(patch, updateAnnotation(pod.Annotations, annotations)...)

    // ... omit ten thousand words
	return json.Marshal(patch)

Summary: it can be seen that the whole injection process is actually the original Pod configuration is de parsed into a Pod object, the yaml content to be injected (such as Sidecar) is de sequenced into an object, and then it is append ed to the corresponding Pod (such as Container), and then the modified Pod is re parsed into yaml content and returned to the api server of k8s, and then k8s Take the modified content and schedule the two containers to the same machine for deployment, so that the corresponding Sidecar injection is completed.

Uninstall sidecar auto injector

kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration istio-sidecar-injector
kubectl -n istio-system delete service istio-sidecar-injector
kubectl -n istio-system delete deployment istio-sidecar-injector
kubectl -n istio-system delete serviceaccount istio-sidecar-injector-service-account
kubectl delete clusterrole istio-sidecar-injector-istio-system
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding istio-sidecar-injector-admin-role-binding-istio-system

The above command does not remove the injected sidecar from the pod. You need to make a rolling update or delete the corresponding pod directly, and force deployment to recreate the new pod.

Manual injection of sidecar

Manual injection of deployment requires the use of istioctl Kube inject

istioctl kube-inject -f samples/sleep/sleep.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

By default, the configuration within the cluster will be used, or the local copy of the configuration will be used to complete the injection.

kubectl -n istio-system get configmap istio-sidecar-injector -o=jsonpath='{.data.config}' > inject-config.yaml
kubectl -n istio-system get configmap istio-sidecar-injector -o=jsonpath='{.data.values}' > inject-values.yaml
kubectl -n istio-system get configmap istio -o=jsonpath='{.data.mesh}' > mesh-config.yaml

Specify the input file, run Kube inject and deploy

istioctl kube-inject 
    --injectConfigFile inject-config.yaml 
    --meshConfigFile mesh-config.yaml 
    --valuesFile inject-values.yaml 
    --filename samples/sleep/sleep.yaml 
    | kubectl apply -f -

Verify that sidecar has been injected into 2 / 2 of the sleep pod under the READY column

kubectl get pod  -l app=sleep
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sleep-64c6f57bc8-f5n4x   2/2     Running   0          24s

Principle of manual injection

The code entry for manual injection is in istioctl/cmd/kubeinject.go

There are some differences between manual injection and automatic injection. Manual injection changes the Deployment. Let's see what it does:

Configuration before Deployment injection:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello
  replicas: 7
      app: hello
      tier: backend
      track: stable
        app: hello
        tier: backend
        track: stable
        - name: hello
          image: ""
            - name: http
              containerPort: 80

Configuration after Deployment injection:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: hello
  replicas: 7
      app: hello
      tier: backend
      track: stable
  strategy: {}
      annotations: '{"version":"2343d4598565fd00d328a3388421ee637d25d3f7068e7d5cadef374ee1a06b37","initContainers":["istio-init"],"containers":["istio-proxy"],"volumes":null,"imagePullSecrets":null}'
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: hello "" istio
        tier: backend
        track: stable
      - image:
        name: hello
        - containerPort: 80
          name: http
        resources: {}
      - image:
        name: istio-proxy
        resources: {}
      - image:
        name: istio-init
        resources: {}
        fsGroup: 1337
status: {}

You can add a container image

 - image:
        name: istio-proxy
        resources: {}

There are two options for where to get the injected content template.

  1. - injectConfigFile specifies the corresponding injection file
  2. - injectConfigMapName the ConfigMap name of the injection configuration

If it is found that Sidecar is not injected successfully during the operation, you can check the injection process above to find out the problem according to the way of injection.


Posted by asparagus on Mon, 25 May 2020 05:12:54 -0700