Hibernate Validator - object grouping validation (probably the most comprehensive explanation in the old world)

Then I broke it down last time. I didn't see the children's shoes in the first chapter Click here Play back the content of the previous chapter Entity class @Data @AgeSalaryType public class Student { private Long id; @NotBlank(message = "Name cannot be empty") private String name; @ ...

Posted by apol on Fri, 19 Jun 2020 04:52:25 -0700

[Python and Office software] xlwt and Excel table: cell format, font format, alignment, border and filling, etc

Python xlwt module Excel table foundation 3: cell format, font format, alignment, border and fill, etc preface: 1. Data type settings 2. Font settings 3. Cell alignment 4. Cell border settings 5. Fill settings 6. Cell protection last: preface: The first two sections of the blog introduce some ba ...

Posted by PallaviDalvi on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 01:01:27 -0700

python operating Excel to realize automatic report

Excel is one of the most widely used tools in daily office. Learning it well can help us save time, improve work efficiency, and learn to use Excel flexibly and efficiently. I think those who can use most excel built-in formulas and VBA are experts. But the more advanced is to use the program to op ...

Posted by x_maras on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 01:52:44 -0700

This paper grasps the methods of data horizontal merging by various common softwares

There is a recorded video at the end of the article. If you are not comfortable with the article, you can slide to the end of the article and watch the video. I hope you like it~ In the work, we often meet the need of merging multiple tables into one table; in the interview, we are sometimes asked by th ...

Posted by minus4 on Sat, 13 Jun 2020 23:34:35 -0700

Java implementation converts txt file to xls file

Recently, the project uses the conversion of txt file and xls file. Here are the specific ideas. Next, use java code to convert txt to xls. Here, use the jxl.jar Package, which is a tool class library for operating Excel tables through Java. The jar package supports font, number and date operations, can modify cell at ...

Posted by Harbinger on Wed, 03 Jun 2020 09:31:15 -0700

Dragonfly FM course has a wide variety of courses. Use python to climb the hot course rankings

  Preface The text and pictures in this article are from the Internet. They are for study and communication only. They do not have any commercial use. The copyright is owned by the original author. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for processing.   Now there are many kinds of courses in APP for all kinds of learning, and ...

Posted by Benmcfc on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 01:50:16 -0700

Sorting out the use of some functional functions

Some commonly used functional functions About native JS File size unit conversion /** * @desc bytesToSize Byte unit conversion * @param bytes Incoming data in bit */ const bytesToSize = function (bytes) { const k = 1024; if (!bytes || bytes === 0) return '0 B'; if (typeof (bytes) == 'string') { return bytes } else { ...

Posted by gilijk on Sat, 30 May 2020 08:29:56 -0700

Java creates SmartArt graphics in PPT and reads text in SmartArt graphics

1, Overview and environmental preparation SmartArt graphics can express the logical relationship between content and viewpoint through different layout and combination of text and graphics, which can quickly and effectively convey the intention and information of designers. This visual representation of graphic expression is commonly used in PP ...

Posted by FezEvils on Tue, 26 May 2020 09:18:31 -0700

Using log4net to output the log file to csv format

When we write a program, we will record some logs during the program running. log4net, as a durable log component, is worthy of our trust. In small and medium-sized companies, there is often no professional log server to handle the logs generated by the application program, and the poorly formatted log file makes it difficult to count, analy ...

Posted by ericm on Tue, 26 May 2020 00:58:54 -0700

Python playing with Excel: automatic function filling and data sorting

In the work, we often use excel to deal with data and display, but for some work we can use the help of programs to achieve efficient problem-solving effect. For example, the json returned from the interface is parsed and saved in Excel, the data in excel is processed according to certain rules and then written into a new EXCEL file, and the co ...

Posted by 3r0ss on Sun, 24 May 2020 23:33:32 -0700