Jenkins: parametric Construction: Branch | module | rollback | print log

@Jenkins notesNew task in Jenkins notes: remote server for Jenkins notes: parametric Construction: multi branch | multi module | rollback | print log: and build different parameters according to your own needsMulti branch ...

Posted by Aus on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 20:17:57 -0800

Ubuntu 16 installing Nvidia driver (GTX1060 graphics card)

Overview of this articleThe desktop computer is the HP dark spirit 3rd generation graphics card GTX1060 purchased in 2018. This paper records the process of installing Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS and Nvidia driver on this machine;In addition, there are some summaries of pit avoidance. If you encounter similar problems, you can refer to them;Pure Ubuntu ...

Posted by mikeylikesyou on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:42:57 -0800

Fully distributed cluster

Fully distributed cluster in installation mode 1. Introduction to fully distributed mode Fully distributed refers to using multiple machines to build a complete distributed file system in a real environment. In the real world, hdfs Related daemons in are also distributed in different machines, such as: -1. namenode As far as possible, the dae ...

Posted by Stryves on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:34:03 -0800

Audio and video interception based on FFMPEG (C++Qt version)

Audio and video interception based on FFMPEG (C++Qt version) This blog is based on the previous blog: The last blog realized the file encapsulation conversion. We add a little more function on this basis. The implementation can arbitrarily intercept audio and video within a period of ...

Posted by Centrek on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:30:31 -0800

SpringBoot default connection pool HikariCP

HikariCPNow many companies are using HikariCP. HikariCP has also become the default connection pool of SpringBoot. With SpringBoot and microservices, HikariCP will be widely popularized.Next, Chen will take you to analyze why HikariCP can be favored by Spring Boot from the perspective of source code. The article directory is as follows:catalogu ...

Posted by Revan on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:18:50 -0800

Linux - shell script multitasking concurrent execution

shell script multitasking concurrent execution Transferred from: Normally, the commands in the Shell script are executed serially. When a command is executed, the next command will be executed. For example, the following code: #!/bin/bash for i in {1..10};do echo $i done echo "END" Execution results: ...

Posted by Jax2 on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:17:27 -0800

MongDB Aggregation implements multi table Association query

Initial dataThe table data initialization statement is placed in the appendix of the article.Table corresponding Java entity class:public class Grade { String id; String gradeName; // The following are the properties used to associate query storage data Student student; List<Student> students; Contact contact; } ...

Posted by BarmyArmy on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:10:08 -0800

Explore the ancestor of Python class - metaclass

Everything in Python is an object Python is an object-oriented language, so numbers, strings, lists, collections, dictionaries, functions, classes, etc. in Python are objects.Use type() to view various object types in PythonIn [11]: # number In [12]: type(10) Out[12]: int In [13]: type(3.1415926) Out[13]: float In [14]: # character string I ...

Posted by aebstract on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:07:17 -0800

Introduction to basic programming knowledge of network programming framework t-io

As the most popular open source network programming framework software in China, t-io is famous for its simplicity and ease of use. Compared with netty, the same function is much simpler and the amount of code is greatly reduced. If you want to use t-io well, you should first learn some basic knowledge of t-io. This article mainly introduces th ...

Posted by Hipster on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:07:19 -0800

Detailed explanation and examples of Go reflection mechanism [Go language Bible notes]

reflexGo language provides a mechanism to update variables or check their values, call their methods and the internal operations they support at run time, without knowing the specific types of these variables at compile time. This mechanism is called reflection (the definition of reflection here is roughly the same as that in other languages). ...

Posted by cesarcesar on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:03:48 -0800