Portable file operations - Files

Portable file operations - Files Separator In Windows system, backslash '' or slash '/' is used as the separator of the path. However, when using backslash, it needs to be noted that a single backslash represents the escape character, so when using backslash as the separator of the path, it needs ...

Posted by lettie_dude on Wed, 04 Mar 2020 00:13:12 -0800

Python 3 Standard Library: itertools iterator function

1. itertools iterator function itertools includes a set of functions for processing sequential datasets.The functions provided by this module are inspired by similar features in functional programming languages such as Clojure, Haskell, APL, and SML.The goal is to be able to process quickly, use memory efficiently, and join together to represen ...

Posted by moagrius on Thu, 27 Feb 2020 18:19:38 -0800

ADB? Debug ADB (ADB sets the code sorting of its own log and sets the ADB's own log to be visible)

Preface Preceding text Overview of ADB (I)ADB(2) ﹣ adbd ﹣ main() function code sortingADB(3) ﹣ adbd ﹣ adbd ﹣ main() function code sortingCode sorting of the host side of ADB (IV)ADB(5) sorting out the code related to the adb server on the host side First of all, we know that ADB indirectly call ...

Posted by Nimbuz on Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:26:40 -0800

Common commands for text processing tool grep

Grep is a powerful text search tool that searches for text using specific pattern matches, including regular expressions, and outputs matching lines by default.The grep family of Unix includes grep, egrep, and fgrep. Format Usage: grep [Options]...Mode [File]...Search mode in each file or standard input.By default, a pattern is a basic regular ...

Posted by Jeremias on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 08:38:17 -0800

Python 3 standard library: difflib difference calculation tool

1. difflib difference calculation tool This module provides classes and functions for comparing sequences. For example, it can be used to compare files and produce different information in various formats, including HTML and context, as well as differences in uniform formats. For a comparison of directories and files, see the filecmp module. cl ...

Posted by meltingpoint on Mon, 17 Feb 2020 19:51:07 -0800

How to get password from shell script without echo

I have a script that automates processes that need access to password protected systems. Access the system through a command-line program that accepts the user password as a parameter. I want to prompt the user to type their password, assign it to a shell variable, and then use that variable to build the command line of the accessor (which, ...

Posted by trampolinejoe on Mon, 17 Feb 2020 03:23:02 -0800

Win32 process communication -- the use of mail slot

Post slot Mail slot is a one-way interprocess communication mechanism provided by Windows operating system, which can be used in single machine or multi machine distributed environment on network. For relatively short low-frequency messages, it is usually easier to use a mail slot than a named pipe o ...

Posted by supergrover1981 on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 05:56:33 -0800

CoolFire lecture series lecture 1

Author: CoolFire [coolfires@hotmail.com] (2001-10-12 15:00:00) CoolHC Volume 1 By CoolFire Author E-Mail: coolfires@hotmail.com Lin Zhenglong, a famous hacker in Taiwan, is the leader of Chinese hackers. Won COG information security Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011Lin Zhenglong Baidu Encycl ...

Posted by random1 on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 22:57:36 -0800

Detailed explanation of how python obtains the executed command parameters through getopt module

This article mainly introduces to you the relevant information about how python obtains the executed command parameters through getopt module. The example code is introduced in detail in this article, which has a certain reference learning value for your study or work. The friends who need it will learn ...

Posted by PHPrev on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 06:37:12 -0800

Linux Network Programming TCP Application Example

Use TCP sockets to develop a program that simulates a user's remote login. (1) Design of server-side programs Server-side concurrency This program uses a multi-threaded approach to achieve the server's response to multiple client connection requests. The main program binds the socket to a self-s ...

Posted by egalp on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 20:37:26 -0800