Implementation of dependency injection for type cript node JS
Dependency injection is usually what we call ioc mode. Today we share the ioc mode implemented by typescript language. The main component used here is reflection-metadata, which can acquire or set metadata information. Its function is to get the original data and then create reflections similar to those in C#. First, look at the first. Section ...
Posted by cristal777 on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 22:44:54 -0700
Notes on Building Java Automation Environment
Notes on Building Java Automation Environment (2)
automated testing
In Note 1, we have completed the development of a key construction project, xml designated planning test set, data decoupling and allure report generation. Next is:
Browser driver is started by configuration
Page element location decoupling, mapping JavaBean locator ...
Posted by karq on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 21:42:55 -0700
Netty-Pipeline Depth Analysis
First of all, we know that in NIO network programming model, IO operations are directly related to channel, such as client request connection, or sending data to the server, the server must obtain this data from the client channel.
So what is Channel Pipeline?
In fact, this channel Pepiline is a component added by netty to the native channel. A ...
Posted by vladj on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 20:41:59 -0700
Facebook Currency Libra Learning-6. Issue your own token Token case (with source code)
In this short overview, we describe our initial experience with implementing technology behind eToro's tagged assets, the MoveIR language (eToken), for deployment on the Libra network.
The Libra protocol is a deterministic state machine that stores data in a versioned database.Use a new domain-specific language: Move.Move allows programmable t ...
Posted by ChompGator on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 11:40:02 -0700
[Logu P2472] [SCOI2007] Lizard
Title link:
Title Analysis:
With a network stream, let's first analyze the problem:
In a \(r*c\) diagram, some numbers are distributed, and others are filled with \(0\). We start from the specified numbers and can move to a number within \(d\) or outside the diagram each time. The original number will be \(-1\) and can't be negative at a ...
Posted by Nicholas Reed on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 10:42:01 -0700
When uploading excel on a client's computer, the excel mime-type type is application/octet-stream
mime-type application/octet-stream failed background validation when uploading excel on a client's computer
Interactive process
Users use wps to create files saved in the format mime-type->user uploads excel->browser gets file mime-type and passes Content-Type in the request body:mime-type->obtained by browser passes to server ...
Posted by Arrow on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 10:14:46 -0700
java IO: Stream Encoder Addendum
Here are three more methods: flushLeftoverChar(), writeBytes(), close().
I. Flush Left over Char ()
private void flushLeftoverChar(CharBuffer var1, boolean var2) throws IOException {
if (this.haveLeftoverChar || var2) {
if (this.lcb == null) {
this.lcb = CharBuffer.allocate(2);
} else ...
Posted by ns1025 on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 03:31:14 -0700
NKOJ P3545 approach (monotone queue/binary lookup)
Time limit: 10000 MS Space limit: 165536 KB
Problem Description
For a number sequence A, there are several queries. For each query, it is required to find a non-empty continuous segment in sequence A so that the absolute value of the sum of the segments is as close as possible to P.
Input format
The first line has two numbers ...
Posted by henka on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 03:13:19 -0700
Data Structure Binary Search Tree
Binary search tree is a special form of binary tree. The binary search tree has the following properties: the value in each node must be greater than (or equal to) any value in its left subtree, but less than (or equal to) any value in its right subtree.
In this chapter, we will introduce the definition of binary search tree in more d ...
Posted by tommyinnn on Thu, 18 Jul 2019 22:48:21 -0700
[Reprint]. Net is explained in detail using RabbitMQ
Introduction to RabbitMQ
It must be mentioned that rabbitmq is an open source implementation of a message queuing protocol (AMQP) provided by LShit, written by Erlang, known for its high performance, robustness and scalability (and therefore inherits these advantages).
Baidu Encyclopedia is also very clear about RabbitMQ. It is suggested that w ...
Posted by Sanoz0r on Thu, 18 Jul 2019 20:42:48 -0700