Implementation of FTP File Transfer in Terminal Based on Python

Implementing FTP File Transfer in Terminal Code structure: .├──├── readme.txt└── Operating screenshots:   readme.txt tftp file server Project function: * The client has a simple page command prompt * Functions include: 1. View the File List (Ordinary File) in the Server File Library - > os. ...

Posted by wisedj on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 19:49:19 -0700

Installation of the latest version of swoole and functional testing of TASKS

Today we will install and test the multi-concurrent and high-performance network communication extension of php. This extension is developed by using C voice. After loading into PHP, it realizes multi-concurrent and asynchronous communication at the level of PHP. It simulates many characteristics of go voice and greatly broadens the application ...

Posted by karassik on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 19:12:30 -0700

UVA-11235 Frequent values ST table Given a non-decreasing sequence Ai, you only need to support one operation: finding the number of occurrences of the most numbers in an interval. Thought: st table. First, the original sequen ...

Posted by Cherry on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 18:44:25 -0700

Using python to realize small projects

Our friends are from all corners of the country. We can use python's powerful database to realize the statistics of friends. Tools: wxpy library, wordcloud library, matplotlib library, openpyxl library, pandas library, numpy library. 1, first realize the landing and acquisition of friend data operation. ...

Posted by missyevil on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 12:42:42 -0700

3DES Data Encryption (3DES/ECB/zeroPadding) PHP <== 7.0.x

1. Introduction to 3DES _3DES (Triple DES) is an encryption algorithm for the transition from DES to AES (in 1999, NIST designated 3-DES as the transition encryption standard). Its implementation is as follows: Let Ek() and Dk() represent the encryption and decryption process of DES algorithm, K represents the key used by DES algorithm, M repre ...

Posted by jb60606 on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 05:23:26 -0700

Composer Domestic Acceleration, Modification of Mirror Source

Why slow? Because composer commands are executed by default to obtain specific software information from composer official mirror source abroad, the speed of accessing foreign servers from home is relatively slow without using proxy and turning over the wall. How to Modify Mirror Source You can use the Composer full volume mirrors provided ...

Posted by aladiyat23 on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 01:47:09 -0700

Initial knowledge of jwt in php

Using token to authenticate 1. Client logs in with account password 2. The server receives the request and verifies the correctness of the account and password. If it is correct, the server sends back a Token. 3. The client receives Token and stores it. Every time it accesses, it needs to carry token ...

Posted by jaslife on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 16:03:31 -0700

Compatibility of Logic Operators of SQL Statements "AND", "&&"

Recently, I plan to transfer my blog to the typecho platform and choose a theme that I personally prefer. Akina for Typecho Theme Template Thank you for the open source sharing of the theme, but there was a "500 Database Query Error" problem at the beginning of the use process.Add the following code at the beginning of the index.php f ...

Posted by phpCCore Brad on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 09:15:08 -0700

Introduction to Spring Boot Cached Application Memcached

This chapter is a tutorial on the use of Mmecached in Spring Boot. Memcached and Redis have their own advantages. This paper mainly studies how to apply integrated Mmecached in Spring Boot. spring boot 1.5.x/2.x memcached jdk 1.8+ Source code download of this project 1 Install memcached It is convenient to install under window s. Just double- ...

Posted by mystrymaster on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 09:12:03 -0700

Deploy web01, web02, nfs, db01, backup, build wordpress, WeCenter, share, hot standby, real-time backup

Summary Deploy web01, web02, nfs, db01, backup, build wordpress, WeCenter, share, hot standby, real-time backup 1) Install nginx and php on web01 and web02 2) Create www users [root@web01 php]# groupadd www -g 666 [root@web01 php]# useradd www -u 666 -g 666 -s /sbin/nologin -M [root@web02 php]# groupadd www -g 666 [root@web02 php]# useradd www ...

Posted by Fusioned on Sat, 05 Oct 2019 22:57:48 -0700