8-sentence code to realize message boxa of Delphi 10.3 inline hook under win10

First of all, I'd like to thank myy of Delphi's learning and communication group for debugging for 6 hours yesterday, which was finally completed. Let's record it so as not to let some fans detour. I can't understand the information of a certain degree. I think it's better to dig a hole and fill it up by myself.Two problems should be paid atten ...

Posted by jfs0479 on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 21:26:36 -0700

The integral type of calculator can be calculated with parentheses and negative Edition

Posting on blog for the first time. In the online course of reading, you need to edit a calculator to be able to calculate negative numbers and parentheses. Think about it, regular module just learned. Think about editing it. The first idea is to do a function and realize four operations. Matching symbols and numbers with regularity 1 def ...

Posted by jenniferG on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 19:50:02 -0700

Python -- object oriented: class space problems and the relationship between classes

7.2.1 space problems Where can I add object properties? -- object properties can be added not only in init, but also outside other methods or classes of a class Where can I add static properties of a class? -- properties of a class can be added not only inside the class, but also outside the class. Object how to find the properties of a class. ...

Posted by rajmohan on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 19:39:48 -0700

Springbootmybatis02 mybatis generator GUI | PageHelper | front and back end separation

I. mybatis generator GUI Download address: https://github.com/LittlePageProgram/mybatis-generator-gui.git Usage: fill in related items and click generate Note: 1. For EntityExample, you need to drag it into the mapper layer 2. For modifying XML configuration information, the corresponding example also needs to be adjusted to the mapper lay ...

Posted by thepip3r on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 19:19:27 -0700

Spring boot integrated mongodb single data source configuration

Mongodb is used in the new project, so mongodb is installed on the virtual environment linux on the personal computer. Practice and get familiar with it. 1. Start mongodb on the virtual machine. First check the ip address of the virtual machine, forget ha~~ Command line > ifconfig Mongodb installation directory bin > sudo. / mongod - ...

Posted by coho75 on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 18:09:21 -0700

Vue select custom component

Custom select component I believe that many times you have such a demand. You can't use the Ui framework, but you have to write a select component by yourself. Of course, I have met it today. So I made a very simple select component by myself, but there is a problem with it. Let's talk about the problem later. <template> <div class=" ...

Posted by gazalec on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 16:07:06 -0700

[JZOJ3316] non palindrome number

description If a string is read from the back to the front to the back, we call it palindrome string. When a number does not contain a subpalindrome number with a length greater than 1, it is called a non palindrome number. For example, 16276 is a non palindrome number, but 17276 is not, because it contains the palindrome number 727. Your task ...

Posted by cillosis on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 12:17:45 -0700

Cf1153e service and snake [construction]

Title Link: Luo Gu NTF told me this question a long time ago. Now I want to do it... We find that if both ends of the snake are inside or outside the rectangle, the query is even, otherwise it is odd. So if we ask each row and column, we can know the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the two ends of the snake. But there is a situation ...

Posted by IceRegent on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 11:21:07 -0700

Use enumeration class of Python 3

When we need to define constants, one way is to use uppercase variables to define integers, such as months JAN = 1 FEB = 2 MAR = 3 APR=4 May=5 Jun=6 Jul=7 Aug=8 Sep=9 Oct=10 NOV = 11 DEC = 12 The advantage is simplicity, the disadvantage is the type int, and it is still a variable. A better way is to define a class type for ...

Posted by tinker on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 11:16:48 -0700

Scrapy reptile battle - crawling body color permutation 5 historical data

Website address: http://www.17500.cn/p5/all.php 1. Create a new crawler project scrapy startproject pfive 2. Create a new crawler in spiders directory scrapy genspider pfive_spider www.17500.cn 3. Modify the entry url in the crawler file start_urls = ['http://www.17500.cn/p5/all.php'] 4. Add crawling entry class PfiveItem ...

Posted by gid on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 04:32:47 -0700