The integral type of calculator can be calculated with parentheses and negative Edition

Keywords: PHP calculator

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In the online course of reading, you need to edit a calculator to be able to calculate negative numbers and parentheses.

Think about it, regular module just learned. Think about editing it. The first idea is to do a function and realize four operations. Matching symbols and numbers with regularity

 1 def size(ch):           #Define four basic operations for basic calculation
 2     list_num=re.split('[-,+,*,/]',ch) #A number that defines an object to receive all operations
 3     list_sym=re.findall('\+|-|\*|/',ch)#A symbol that defines an object to receive all operations
 4     num=0
 5     list_del=[]
 6     for i in list_sym:
 7         if i=='/'or i=='*':#Judge whether there is multiplication or division.
 8             if i=='*':#If so, multiply and divide in order
 9                 list_num[num]=str(int(float(list_num[num]))*int(float(list_num[num+1])))
10             elif i=='/':
11                 list_num[num]=str(int(float(list_num[num]))/int(float(list_num[num+1])))
12             del list_num[num+1]#Delete the next element
13             list_del.append(num)#Where to store symbols to be deleted
14             num-=1#Delete an element corresponding to the above and below num Reduce 1 so that the position of the deleted symbol is exactly corresponding
15         num+=1
16     for i in list_del:
17         del list_sym[i]
18     del list_del #Remove empty list
19     num=0
20     for i in list_sym:
21         if i =='+' or i =='-':
22             if i=='+':#Add and subtract in order if any
23                 list_num[num]=str(int(float(list_num[num]))+int(float(list_num[num+1])))
24             elif i=='-':
25                 list_num[num]=str(int(float(list_num[num]))-int(float(list_num[num+1])))
26             del list_num[num+1]#Delete the next element
27             num-=1
28         num+=1
29     del list_sym      #Remove symbol list
30     return list_num[0]  #Return calculated value  #Can't have a negative low-end version

However, there is a drawback to this, that is, negative sign cannot be calculated, which is a headache.

Then there is the improved version, which directly receives various data symbols with a list. In addition, only multiplication and division are considered, and addition and subtraction are not considered. After addition, traversal list is directly used, and subtraction is directly followed by data multiplication and division.

 1 def size(ch):           #Define four basic operations for basic calculation
 2     list_num=re.findall('(\d+|-\d+|/|\*)',ch) #Define an object to receive all operands
 3     num=0
 4     list_del=[]#Based on the basic principle of four operations, no matter addition or subtraction is only about multiplication and division, the final result is added in the list, and the minus sign is treated as data directly.
 5     for i in list_num:
 6         if i=='/'or i=='*':#Judge whether there is multiplication and division
 7             if i=='*':#If so, multiply and divide in order
 8                 list_num[num+1]=str(int(float(list_num[num-1]))*int(float(list_num[num+1])))
 9             elif i=='/':
10                 list_num[num+1]=str(int(float(list_num[num-1]))/int(float(list_num[num+1])))
11             list_del.append(num-1)
12             list_del.append(num)#Record the first two elements to be deleted
13         num+=1
14     m=0
15     for i in list_del:
16         del list_num[i-m]
17         m+=1#Self reduction is required when deleting, otherwise large data will be deleted repeatedly.
18     del list_del #Remove empty list
19     sum=0
20     for j in list_num:
21         sum+=int(float(j))
22     return sum  #Return calculated value

Then we need to consider matching the contents in brackets.

How to match? To match the inner bracket, another way is to make the bracket have no other brackets.'\([^()]+\)',date).group()#Inner bracket and inner data of regular matching

There are also a variety of problems to consider, in this list of two, remove the space in the input string, and change the + and - connection to-

date=re.sub('\s*','',date)#Remove space from input string
date=re.sub('\+-|-\+','-',date)#Remove+-Symbol linking

Complete code

 1 import re
 2 def size(ch):           #Define four basic operations for basic calculation
 3     list_num=re.findall('(\d+|-\d+|/|\*)',ch) #Define an object to receive all operands
 4     num=0
 5     list_del=[]#Based on the basic principle of four operations, no matter addition or subtraction is only about multiplication and division, the final result is added in the list, and the minus sign is treated as data directly.
 6     for i in list_num:
 7         if i=='/'or i=='*':#Judge whether there is multiplication and division
 8             if i=='*':#If so, multiply and divide in order
 9                 list_num[num+1]=str(int(float(list_num[num-1]))*int(float(list_num[num+1])))
10             elif i=='/':
11                 list_num[num+1]=str(int(float(list_num[num-1]))/int(float(list_num[num+1])))
12             list_del.append(num-1)
13             list_del.append(num)#Record the first two elements to be deleted
14         num+=1
15     m=0
16     for i in list_del:
17         del list_num[i-m]
18         m+=1#Self reduction is required when deleting, otherwise large data will be deleted repeatedly.
19     del list_del #Remove empty list
20     sum=0
21     for j in list_num:
22         sum+=int(float(j))
23     return sum  #Return calculated value
24 while True:
25     date=input('Enter a string to evaluate the number:')
26     date=re.sub('\s*','',date)#Remove space from input string
27     date=re.sub('\+-|-\+','-',date)#Remove+-Symbol linking
28     if'[a-zA-Z]',date)!=None:       #Matching letters
29         print('Letters cannot be entered')
30     else:
31         if len(re.findall('\(',date))!=len(re.findall('\)',date)): #Find the length of two matching lists
32             print('Inconsistent left and right parentheses')
33         else:
34             while True:
35                 if'\(',date)!=None:
36           '\([^()]+\)',date).group()#Inner bracket and inner data of regular matching
37                     date_x=re.sub('\(|\)','',date_m)#Regular match remove bracket
38                     date_n=re.sub('\+','\+',date_m)
39                     date_n=re.sub('\*','\*',date_n)
40                     date_n=re.sub('\(','\(',date_n)
41                     date_n = re.sub('\)', '\)', date_n)#Generalize special characters
42                     date=re.sub(date_n,str(size(date_x)),date)#Computes the characters in parentheses and replaces the original string
43                 else:
44                     print(size(date))#Output result
45                     break   #Exit loop
47 #Since it is not a decimal type, there is a deviation in the output result.

This code can only calculate integer type, if decimal operation may report error or output error.

Posted by jenniferG on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 19:50:02 -0700