Some tips in jQuery

In the process of using JQ, there are some tips: method The set of matching elements is detected based on the selector, element, or jQuery object. If at least one of these elements matches a given parameter, it returns true. Some small applications are as follows: <ul> <li>list <strong>item 1</strong></li&gt ...

Posted by solon on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 21:12:27 -0700

js basic carding-how to understand scope and scope chain?

This article focuses on the establishment of scoping chains in the lifecycle of the execution context. Before that, review some knowledge about scoping. 1. What is scope? In JavaScritp Advanced Programming, there is no exact definition of scope, but the concept of execution context is simply stated in "4.2 execution environment and scope&q ...

Posted by kuk on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 15:33:27 -0700

MVC Pseudo-12306 Picture Verification Code

The main purpose of this article is to satisfy my curiosity, not to prove something, if it involves any official matters, please let me know thank you. This article will share with you a similar effect that looks like a 12306 picture verification code. This is the last article to share this year's lunar calendar. The landlord will go home by tr ...

Posted by MattMan on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 13:36:28 -0700

Flex Layout in React Warfare Notes (Part I - Container Properties)

Zero, preface I've been summarizing Android recently, and I've forgotten about the front-end. Flex layout has been heard before, but it has not been studied in detail. Take the opportunity to play with React. How to learn a new knowledge, a lot of parameters are confusing, my favorite sentence is: the only way to deal with change ...

Posted by laurus on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 10:51:28 -0700

A Simple Case of Implementing lazyout Component by struts+hibernate+oracle+easyui-Emp Entity Class and Corresponding Configuration Information

Easyui is a powerful plug-in in jquery. We often encounter complex layout or write a lot of code when implementing a function, such as paging, so easyui's datagrid will replace it. Now I briefly share several cases. First, we create an employee's entity class and paste Emp.hbm generated by hibernate in reverse. The code is complete, so as to a ...

Posted by 1veedo on Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:09:20 -0800

AddiEventListener (type, fn, true/false) binds event's third parameter function and uses event bubbles to achieve event delegation

(1): The first parameter type, the type of event, such as click, mouseover, etc. fn, the function of event monitoring execution; The third parameter is the process of determining the execution of events. First, let's look at a picture: From the pictures, we can see that the event is captured before bubbling, and the third parameter deter ...

Posted by reivax_dj on Sun, 10 Feb 2019 17:18:19 -0800, and obj.on() on jquery and on click events in rows

Typically, we write trigger events through jQuery, which is obj. event type (). Here's an example of a click event: Usually we write; to achieve the effect of click events, but this writing does not support dynamic element or style binding events. Dynamic element binding events are supported by. live() and. on(). Live is not reco ...

Posted by Rhysickle on Sat, 09 Feb 2019 21:33:17 -0800

Module format: Common JS AMD CMD UMD ES6

They all define the rules of modules, such as module identification, module dependency, module implementation, module external interface, module loading; There are asynchronous, synchronous, pre-dependent, near-dependent, pre-execution, lazy execution, soft dependency, hard dependency, and support types of module objec ...

Posted by brokenme on Sat, 09 Feb 2019 06:24:17 -0800

React dynamically adds and deletes dom <li><td>

thought In the world of react, all state changes (data changes) drive dom changes. Dynamic addition of dom does not append a < li > or a < td > like jquery before, but dynamically adds dom by loading < li > or < td > data array []. The following example implements the use of antd's component library. Reference resourc ...

Posted by tinyashcities on Sat, 09 Feb 2019 00:48:18 -0800

Experience of using jquery easyui--Based on Spring and MyBatis

1. About Added and Edited this.add = function() { var selection = tree.tree('getSelected'); var treeId =; var treeName = selection.text; addDialog = $.topDialog({ title:'Newly added', iconCls:'icon-save', href:addWinPath, width : 800, height : 400, resizable : true, modal : true, o ...

Posted by gigantorTRON on Fri, 08 Feb 2019 10:06:17 -0800