FileReader gets the BASE64 code of the picture and previews it

FileReader gets base64 code of picture and previews it FileReader, to be honest, I'm not familiar with it. It's just a record of usage here. Method name parameter describe abort none Interrupt read readAsBinaryString file(blob) Read file as binary readAsDataURL file(blob) Read file as DataURL readAsText fil ...

Posted by RazorICE on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 09:23:34 -0700

Native js implements Ajax requests, including get and post

Now the web requests data from the server, many of which use Ajax, but they are all wrapped with JQuery. In the previous project, because JQuery cannot be referenced, it can only be used in the native, not to speak much, please see the code. 1 /*-------------------Ajax start--------------------*/ 2 3 function ajax(options) { 4 options ...

Posted by bernouli on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 01:09:43 -0700

vue sub component transfers data to parent component (example of adding and subtracting)

Here's a common way for a subcomponent to pass values to its parent. Here is an example of addition and subtraction to explain the principle. As shown in the figure below: The value of the parent component is 0 when there is no operation When the plus sign is clicked, the value of the parent component is 1 When you ...

Posted by sinbad on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 00:31:29 -0700

Three common binding event methods in JS

In the study of JavaScript, we often encounter the event mechanism of JavaScript, such as event binding, event listening, event delegation (event agent), etc. What do these nouns mean and what are their functions? Event binding To make JavaScript respond to user actions, you first bind event handle ...

Posted by theycallmepj on Tue, 17 Mar 2020 02:55:45 -0700

Transition & Animation of Vue

Transition & Animation of Vue transition When Vue inserts, updates, or removes DOM, it provides a variety of application transition effects. Vue provides a built-in transition encapsulation component that wraps the components to achieve the transition effect. Grammatical format <transition ...

Posted by gmann001 on Mon, 16 Mar 2020 05:07:01 -0700

Events in js

Events in js Events in javascript can be understood as an interactive operation in HTML documents or browsers. 1, How to bind events 1. Inline This mode is the most traditional way to handle events. In the inline model, the event handler is an attribute of the HTML tag that handles the specified e ...

Posted by MikeSnead on Sat, 07 Mar 2020 02:20:18 -0800

Front end learning - carousel chart case

Article directory Preface Import jQuery function library Rotation chart requirement analysis Realization css html Development process html framework development Style development Dynamic page generation summary Preface Last article: Front end learning (3) - jQuery function library The last ...

Posted by skissiks on Tue, 03 Mar 2020 20:58:21 -0800

249. Responsive layout of bootstrap (grid system)

Responsive layout# I. purpose: the same set of pages can be compatible with devices of different resolutions. 2. Implementation mode: using grid system to achieve: A row is divided into 12 squares. You can set an element to occupy several squares according to the size of the screen. III. steps: Step ...

Posted by antonello on Tue, 25 Feb 2020 20:06:38 -0800

The usage and source code analysis of three java thread Synchronizers

Functions of three Synchronizers This paper mainly introduces three thread synchronizers, their functions are as follows: CountDownLatch: make sure that all sub threads are summarized after execution. There is a counter inside. After execution of a sub thread, count down and return; CyclicBarrier: a ...

Posted by biocyberman on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 06:10:07 -0800

JavaScript to achieve magnifier effect (including throttling)

requirement analysis It is required to make a magnifying glass as shown in the figure, with mouse following, turning on and off when right clicking, including transition animation. The general idea is to bind mouse events and dynamically modify the background position. The difficulty lies in that the ...

Posted by myharshdesigner on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 04:56:57 -0800