Vue Learning Notes Component
Vue Learning Notes (3) Components
component is the core function of Vue.
<div id="app">
<my-component :lists="lists"></my-component>
<div id="app1">
<my-component :lists="booksName"></my-component>
<script src="../vue.js" ...
Posted by WendyLady on Mon, 13 Apr 2020 10:26:09 -0700
Vue Learning Notes Built-in Instructions and Forms
Vue Learning Notes (2) Built-in Instructions and Forms
1. Built-in Instructions
1. Basic Instructions
v-cloak: It does not require an expression; it is removed from the bound HTML element at the end of the Vue instance compilation and is often used in conjunction with display:none of CSS.
[v-cloak] {
display: none;
Posted by jotate on Wed, 08 Apr 2020 21:06:44 -0700
Actual record of website graying on April 4
Grey record of website on April 4
It's basically implemented through grayscale
No IE 11 support
But in the case of IE 11, the performance is different
Station B, station A, Taobao, Jingdong, Baidu, Hupu, Kaiyuan China
B station
A station
html .gray {
-webkit-filter: grayscale(10 ...
Posted by johng on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 11:58:36 -0700
Real router V4 & V5 interceptor (hook), static route, route view implementation
Before the v3 version of React Router, there was the onEnter hook function, which also supports the static routing configuration; however, after the v4 version, the hook function was removed, which is officially intended to be provided to developers, who can play it freely. In this case, we can only realize it ourselves. At present, th ...
Posted by sandrine2411 on Sat, 04 Apr 2020 13:35:56 -0700
Object expansion
Object expansion
Object development review:
Object literal, object deconstruction, three dot operators
Object name attribute
Object's method name attribute, but there are two special attribute methods.
1. If it is a property method, it is obtained through the property object.
// / / object
// let obj = {
// demo() {},
// //Characteristi ...
Posted by boby on Sun, 29 Mar 2020 03:05:58 -0700
Timer-Case Analysis in JS
Making js timer
In javascritp, there are two special functions for timers:
1. Countdown timer: timename = setTimeout ("function (;"), delaytime);
2. Cycle timer: timename=setInterval ("function();", "delaytime);
The first parameter,'function()', is the action to be performed when the timer triggers. It can be a funct ...
Posted by Akenatehm on Wed, 25 Mar 2020 01:06:50 -0700
JavaScript Modular Development
What is modular development?
In front-end development, it can achieve some basic interaction effect as long as several dozens or hundreds of lines of code are embedded in script tags at first. Then js is valued and widely used. The help of jQuery, Ajax, Node.Js, MVC, MVVM, etc. also makes front-end development important and makes front-end pro ...
Posted by pmjm1 on Mon, 23 Mar 2020 10:53:05 -0700
JS common regular expression memo
Matching regularization
Use the. test() method
let testString = "My test string";let testRegex = /string/;testRegex.test(testString);
Match multiple patterns
Use operation symbols|
const regex = /yes|no|maybe/;
ignore case
Use the i flag to ignore case
const caseInsensitiveRegex = /ignore case/i;const testString = 'We use the i fl ...
Posted by stone.cold.steve.austin on Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:50:38 -0700
Nuxt.js ajax operation of programmer's necessary programming
Nuxt.js(4) ajax operation for programmers
1, Integrate axiox
When building a project, if you select the axios component, nuxt.js will automatically integrate with axios.
Integration effect:
1) package.json has axios version
2) nuxt.config.js add axios as a module
Common configuration, modify nuxt.config.js to config ...
Posted by --ss-- on Sun, 22 Mar 2020 08:37:51 -0700
Linux-Packaged Tutorial Club Series-shell
Remember the fear of being dominated by bat.It's really hard to write bat scripts than shell scripts.
Now that you understand these advanced languages, such as java js, it's easy to understand shell s.Learn simple grammar, look at scripts in familiar applications like tomcat and nacos, and learn other people's skills. It's about getting ...
Posted by mpower on Sat, 21 Mar 2020 22:14:33 -0700