Nuxt.js ajax operation of programmer's necessary programming

Keywords: Front-end axios JSON Vue

Nuxt.js(4) ajax operation for programmers

1, Integrate axiox

  • When building a project, if you select the axios component, nuxt.js will automatically integrate with axios.
  • Integration effect:
  • 1) package.json has axios version


  • 2) nuxt.config.js add axios as a module


  • Common configuration, modify nuxt.config.js to configure the baseURL (change according to your background configuration path)


  axios: {
    baseURL:'http://localhost:10010/api '/ / configure the gateway address



2, Normal ajax (nuxt and axios integration)

  • Normal axios operation

this.$axios can get the axios instance and send ajax
//get request
this.$axios.get('path ', parameter)
//post request
this.$'path ', parameter)

For example:

    //Normal ajax (nuxt integrates axios) < br / >
    <!-- Provide button, click button, send ajax Query the result and display it under the button -->
    <input type="button" @click="findAllFn" value="Click to send">

export default {
  methods: {
    async findAllFn() {
      //Send ajax
      let { data } = await this.$axios.get('/userservice/user/list')
      //Save data
      this.pageInfo =
  data() {
    return {
      pageInfo: ''





3, Sending asynchronous data using asyncData

1. use asyncData-- one request

ajax in asyncData will be executed in the "front-end server", and the browser will see that it is the data, not the ajax program.

  • asyncData method, which obtains data asynchronously before rendering components.
  • The asyncData method is called before = = every time the component (page component only) loads.
    • The asyncData method is executed before the component rendering. The component has not been rendered yet. There is no this.
    • this cannot be used in the asyncData method.                                                     


  • asyncData syntax 1: use context object

  • For example:
export default {
    //asyncData cannot use this (current component)
    //Provide the first parameter context to represent the context (all functions of nuxt)
    asyncData( context ) {
        //Send ajax
        let data = context.$axios.get('','')
        // Combine data and return
        return {
            //Name: Data


• asyncData syntax 2: deconstruct the context object, context. $Axios -- > {$Axios}

export default {
    async asyncData( {$axios} ) {
        //Send ajax
        let { data } = await $axios.get('Route')
        return {
            //Variables: querying data

export default {
  async asyncData( context ) {
      //Send ajax
      let { data } = await context.$axios.get('/userservice/user/list')
      //Composite data
      return {




Comparison between ajax and asyncData




2. Using asyncData -- multiple requests

  • Multiple requests require Promise ($axios.get() to return Promise object)
//Rarely use response objects directly
export default {
    async asyncData( {$axios} ) {
        //Send multiple requests
        let [response 1, response 2] = await Promise.all([request 1, request 2])
        //Return data
        return {
            Variable 1: response 1,
            Variable 2: response 2
//Deconstruct the response object response 1 -- > {data}
//Both "response 1" and "response 2" can deconstruct data with duplicate variable names. It is recommended to use the alias {data: alias}
export default {
    async asyncData( {$axios} ) {
        //Send multiple requests
        let [ { data: d1 }, {data:d2} ] = await Promise.all([Request 1, Request 2])
        //Return data
        return {
            //Variable 1:, 
            //Variable 2:


  • Instance 1: Promise.all sends 1 request

export default {
  async asyncData({ $axios }) {
    //Send ajax
    let [ {data} ] = await Promise.all([ $axios.get('/userservice/user/list') ])
    return {
      pageInfo :




  • Example 2: Promise.all sends 2 requests

export default {
  async asyncData({ $axios }) {
    //Send ajax
    let [ {data : d1 }, {data : d2} ] = await Promise.all([ $axios.get('/userservice/user/list'), $axios.get('/userservice/user/list2') ])
    return {
      pageInfo :,
      list :






3, fetch send ajax

  • The fetch method is used to fill the application's state tree data before rendering the page. Similar to the asyncData method, it does not set the component's data.
  • Comparison map


Of course, to send ajax using fetch, you need to learn to integrate vuex (state tree)

  • In nuxt, only the core content of vuex is written.


  • Compiling content
 //state area, equivalent to defining variables
export const state = () => ({

//Regions for modifying data
export const mutations = {
  Method name (state, value){

– pay attention to the implementation of the state area
 //state area, equivalent to defining variables
export const state = ()=> {
  return {

export const state = () => ({


For example:

  • 1) Create ~ / store/index.js and write the following
 //state area, equivalent to defining variables
export const state = () => ({
  pageInfo: ''

//Regions for modifying data
export const mutations = {
  setData( state , value) {
    state.pageInfo = value


  • 2) Complete the fetch operation
      {{ this.$store.state.pageInfo }}

export default {
  async fetch( {$axios, store } ) {
    //Send ajax
    let { data } = await $axios.get('/userservice/user/list') data )
    //Save query results to vuex
    store.commit('setData', )





At the same time, we need to pay attention to the following small knowledge points:

localStorage and sessionStorage cannot be used here. An error will appear

  • Both localStorage and sessionStorage are browser side objects, which are not available on the front-end server. If the above two variables are used in created(), the program will throw an exception (the object is not declared)



In nuxt.js, migrate the code previously stored in created() to mounted()



export default {
  //created()The function is called on both the client and the server. localStorage can only be used on the client
  created() {
    localStorage.setItem('name','Test data ')
  mounted() {
    localStorage.setItem('name','test data')



4, Customize axios

  • Purpose of customizing axios: write an api.js file for unified maintenance of request path
  • Step 1: modify nuxt.config.js and write axios baseURL


  • Step 2: create ~ / plugins/api.js file and configure it in nuxt.config.js file (only available to clients)


   plugins: [
    // { src: '~/plugins/my.js' },
    // { src: '~/plugins/my.js',mode: 'client' },
    { src: '~/plugins/my.js', mode: 'server' },
    { src: '~/plugins/api.js', mode: 'client' },



  • Step 3: modify api.js and copy fixed content
 //Custom function
const request = {
  test : (params) => {
    return axios.get('/web-service/test',{

var axios = null
export default ({ $axios }, inject) => {

  //3) Save built-in axios
  axios = $axios

  //4) Hand over custom function to nuxt
  // Usage 1: in vue, this.$
  // Usage 2: in asyncData of nuxt,$

  inject('request', request)



  • Step 4: send ajax in other components
  •  <template>
    export default {
      //Page loaded successfully
      async mounted() {
        //Send ajax
        let { data } = await this.$request.findAll()
    data )


  • Step 5: modify api.js to write specific functions
//Custom function
const request = {
  test : (params) => {
    return axios.get('/web-service/test',{
  //Method name: function
  findAll : () => {
    return axios.get('/userservice/user/list')


Custom axios: Principle Analysis


After learning this, you can almost come and go freely in Nuxt.js

Can operate to write some pages, quickly try it!




Please give yourself a compliment!

Make a little progress every day`~~~~~

Posted by --ss-- on Sun, 22 Mar 2020 08:37:51 -0700