Branching and Merging of svn

First, let's talk about why we need branch-merge. For example, there are two groups under project demo, and there is a trunk version under svn. Due to the sudden change of customer requirements, the project needs to make major changes. At this time, the project team decided to continue to complete half of the original work [a module] by team ...

Posted by Cerebral Cow on Tue, 02 Apr 2019 14:42:29 -0700

File Operation, File Search

I. File Operation 1. The Concept of Documentation Files are a basic form of data storage in computers. Each file is represented by a file path and file name. When accessing the file, you only need to know the path of the file and the full name of the file. In different operating system environments, the representation of file path is differe ...

Posted by kendall on Tue, 26 Mar 2019 13:12:30 -0700

BUTTERKNIFE--VIEW Injection Framework

Original address: As the saying goes, "A programmer who is not lazy is not a good programmer!" As an Android developer, are you often tired of a lot of findViewById and setOnClickListener code? ButterKnife It's a View Injection Framework that focuses on And ...

Posted by llandudno on Tue, 26 Mar 2019 08:06:28 -0700

(2)java program walk through workflow activiti

Workflow completes execution steps from process definition to creating a process instance Create a process definition (. bpmn end file) using activi-designer Upload the defined process definition and generated png images to the database through the api of Repository Service (which was mainly used to process process process defined service in ...

Posted by mobilekid on Mon, 25 Mar 2019 01:54:29 -0700

Jenkins - Custom Plugin Creation

1.        Building Development Environment 1.1      Install Java Development Kit (JDK) Set the environment variable'JAVA_HOME' 1.2      Install Apache Maven 1. Get the latest version from Then unzip it to the directory you want to install 2. Setting the environment variable M2_HOME 3. ...

Posted by stuartbaggs on Sun, 24 Mar 2019 08:18:30 -0700

JAVASE Foundation - day15 (List Collection of Collections)

15.01 Set Framework (Overview and Use of Object Arrays) A: Case demonstration Requirement: I have five students. Please store the information of these five students in the array and traverse the array to get the information of each student. Student[] arr = new Student[5]; //Storing Student Objects arr[0] = new Student("Zhang ...

Posted by eliezer on Sat, 23 Mar 2019 06:15:54 -0700

Spring Explanation 1: Introduction and Introduction to Spring

First, what is Spring? Spring is an open source framework. Spring came into being to simplify enterprise application development. Using Spring, simple JavaBean s can implement functions previously only EJB can. Spring is an IOC(DI) and AOP container framework. 2. Specific Description of Spring Lightweight: Spring is non-intrusive - objects i ...

Posted by superuser2 on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 21:09:27 -0700

LeetCode Algorithmic Question - Average of Levels in Binary Tree (Java Implementation)

This is the 277th update of Yueyue Book, 293 original works. 01 Look at the topic and prepare Today, we introduce LeetCode algorithm question 145 at the Easy level (rank 637). Given a non-empty binary tree, the average value of the sum of node values at each level is returned as an array. For example: 3 / \ 9 20 / \ ...

Posted by goldlikesnow on Thu, 14 Mar 2019 22:18:26 -0700

Getting Spring Context Object and Specified Bean Object by Bundle Based on Spring DM Management

  In the essay on service registration and reference, it is mentioned that context.getServiceReferences()Method, which can be obtained by this method OSGI The specified type of service reference in the framework container is used to obtain the corresponding service object. At the same time, the method can also pass through Bundle-SymbolicNam ...

Posted by hame22 on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 17:33:17 -0800

Vert.x Notes: 2.hello vert.x -- The first vert.x hello world Project

Hypothesis: This article and the following series assume that you already have some knowledge of functional programming and lambda anonymous functions in the new features of jdk1.8, and are skilled in using maven. Development environment configuration: Using the latest version of vert.x 3.0, you need to install jdk1.8 maven requires more ...

Posted by EdN on Sat, 09 Feb 2019 20:06:18 -0800