Django+xadmin to build an online education platform (Chapter 6 of various pit notes is attached from 0-1 whole process manual tutorial)

Create these folders first, and the files in them can be downloaded under my github. And then create these two files Note that CaptchaField will not take effect until a specific package is installed. The interpreter cannot install CaptchaField automatically here: from captcha.fields import CaptchaFiel ...

Posted by SlimSlyk on Thu, 05 Mar 2020 01:59:18 -0800

python requests log in to e-rui authorized access system and urp integrated educational administration system

Using Python requests library to crawl educational administration system When I was a sophomore, I felt that the school's educational administration system was particularly backward. It was very troublesome to use the functions of score query and schedule check. At that time, the official account of t ...

Posted by Dima on Fri, 21 Feb 2020 23:10:08 -0800

Learn python-day03-10 --- transfer from Django+Xadmin to build online education platform with online standards

Section 382: Django+Xadmin create online standard online education platform - xadmin advanced 1. Background administrator details page layout The details page of the background administrator. Blocks can be dragged and divided into many blocks The layout of this page is in the UserAdmin class in xadmin/ ...

Posted by ropic on Mon, 17 Feb 2020 19:57:48 -0800

Django REST framework quick start

start We will create a simple API to allow administrator users to view and edit users and groups in the system. Project settings Create a new django project named: < tutorial >, and then create a new app named: < QuickStart >. # Create the project directory mkdir tutorial cd tutorial   # Create a virtual environment to isolate our p ...

Posted by skymanj on Sat, 15 Feb 2020 00:42:00 -0800

Python development of Chinese chess practice (with source code)

  Pygame's Chinese chess has always been fond of playing chess. When we write python, we will try it. The level of computer walking is limited and the level of computer walking is low. We need to update the computer walking in the next version. We hope that the source code can help you learn Python better. There are four files in total: ch ...

Posted by xatter on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 08:21:45 -0800

Django rest framework source code analysis -- version

Version 1. 1. Create a new project Myproject and an app named api (1)api/ from django.db import models class UserInfo(models.Model): USER_TYPE = ( (1,'Ordinary users'), (2,'VIP'), (3,'SVIP') ) user_type = models.IntegerField(choices=USER_TYPE) usern ...

Posted by shazam on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 09:13:08 -0800

Django+Paginator+ajax dynamic load paging

How to switch pages without refreshing the whole page? In fact, the implementation is very simple. The idea is: how many pages are the Paginator backend split (for example: how many pages in total; how many pages are the current page; what is the content of this page?) , through Ajax interactive data display. Two core objects of Paginator (Pagi ...

Posted by retoto on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 06:56:11 -0800

Django 3 tutorial and CRUD example with MySQL and Bootstrap

Catalog Django 3 features Precondition Django 3 tutorial, step 1: create MySQL database Django 3 tutorial, step 2 - initializing a new virtual environment Django 3 tutorial, step 3 - install Django and MySQL client Django 3 tutorial, step 4 - initializing a new project Django 3 tutorial, step ...

Posted by envexlabs on Sat, 08 Feb 2020 02:17:36 -0800

django creates the first project

django creates the first project, using pycharm, and the virtual machine uses ubantu Create command (if Django is installed) Have a project and a virtual environment awareness. You can install Django in the virtual environment if you don't install it Virtual environment construction pip install vi ...

Posted by hypuk on Sat, 08 Feb 2020 01:07:17 -0800

Serialization operation of Django

Written in front Recently, I was trying to drum up wechat applets. I wanted to use Django as the back end to display data in wechat applets. When I write Django, I usually directly throw the QuerySet object to the template and then render it. But in the wechat applet, this object cannot be accepted. Y ...

Posted by JPark on Fri, 07 Feb 2020 07:01:23 -0800