Installing the nacos image in Mac M1

For the windows system I used before, the newly purchased M1 just arrived a few days ago. I encountered some problems when running the nacos container with docker desktop, so I make a record. I also hope my experience can help more people. First, the nacos image on the docker hub official website does not support the arm architecture. You need ...

Posted by chrisdarby on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 08:03:00 -0800

Docker ------ first command

preface Following the content of the previous blog, let's learn about the types of docker commands 1, Mirror operation 1. View docker version docker version 2. Search for images Format: docker search keyword docker search //Find images from Docker Hub docker search nginx NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED #Parameter Desc ...

Posted by Snart on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 10:13:50 -0800

Docker Basics

Content of this paper Problems solved by DockerDocker discussionDocker common commandsBrief description of Docker image, network and data volumeDockerFileDockerComposeContainer orchestration Swarm and k8s Note: the content of this article comes from the Docker video summary of crazy God talking java in station B. 1, Why did Docker appear &e ...

Posted by Kane250 on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 13:00:27 -0800

kubernetes core practice --- namespace

kubernetes core combat1. Resource creation methodCommand line creationyaml file creation2,namespaceNamespace is the organization mechanism provided by Kubernetes, which is used to classify, filter and manage any group of objects in the cluster. Each workload added to the Kubernetes cluster must be placed in a namespace.Namespace gives scope to ...

Posted by david-remone123 on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 17:51:02 -0800

Docker - Common docker commands

Docker - Common docker commands 1. Background start Syntax: docker run -d Image name Usage example: Run a container in background mode: docker run -d centos Note: when we start a container in the background mode, there must be a foreground process, otherwise the docker container will automatically stop if it finds no application. ...

Posted by BenMo on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 00:24:14 -0800

3. C++ STL: deque container

3.3 deque container Disclaimer: This article is a note on learning C++ STL - standard template library, which is convenient for later review; Mainly refer to C++ Prime, C + + standard library Dark horse programmer's ingenuity | C + + tutorial: introduction to programming from 0 to 1 Wait. 3.3.1 basic concept of deque container Fun ...

Posted by meritre on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 22:10:43 -0800

boost I container and data structure

catalogue 10, property_tree (1) Processing xml 1. Write xml and modify xml 2. Parsing xml 3.get() accesses the node through the path 4.get_child() gets a node object with multiple child nodes 5.find() shallow search 6.get_optional() 7. Get comments and attribute values (2) Deal with Jason (3) Processing ini (4) Processing info 10, ...

Posted by digitalmartyr on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 21:42:34 -0800

python numpy library summary

Guide map of this section: 1. 1. ndarray object 1.1 why ndarray list problem The element of Python list can be any object, and the pointer of the object is saved in the list. For example, storing [1, 2, 3] requires three pointers and three integer objects, which wastes memory ...

Posted by gammaman on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 05:02:05 -0800

Using podman container to build wordpress personal website

Introduction to Podman K8s has become the industry standard. If k8s is too complex, you can use Ranger 2.0 + to simplify the operation and maintenance of k8s. In CentOS 8, the default container is podman, which is no longer a docker. You can quickly manage images (similar to Time Machine with system), quickly create container environment ...

Posted by Spades on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 08:36:32 -0800

Deploy K8S1.22.3 stepping pit based on kubedm

Server node: k8s-master01192.168.1.50k8s-node01192.168.1.51k8s-node02192.168.1.52 1, To install docker, all servers need to be installed Install the dependent libraries of Docker. yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 Add the software source information of Alibaba cloud Docker CE. yum-config-manager --add-repo http: ...

Posted by madhavanrakesh on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 03:07:39 -0800