Pytoch learning notes (10) -- train and test CNN network

This chapter will train a simple CNN network on CIFAR10 dataset: A simple CNN network is trained based on CIFAR-10 data set.Save the trained model and test it.Train with GPU. CIFAR dataset CIFAR data sets can be divided into CIFAR10 and CIFAR100. CIFAR-10 includes 10 categories and CIFAR-100 includes 100 categories. CIFAR-10 Features: 32x3 ...

Posted by delboy1978uk on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 01:52:01 -0800

Deep learning from introduction to mastery -- MTCNN face detection algorithm

Look at the effect first MTCNN Since the MTCNN algorithm came out in 2016, the industry has become very popular. Recently, I tried to reproduce the paper code. Subject thought Cascade network ** This paper belongs to a multi task cascade convolutional neural network, as shown in the figure, which uses P, R and O networks for de ...

Posted by jadebabe on Fri, 05 Nov 2021 16:42:18 -0700

Pytoch + text CNN + word2vec movie review practice

0. Preface reference resources: The blogger . I write my own blog to facilitate review 1. Film review data set Dataset Download: Link: Extraction code: mgh2 There are four files in the compressed package. Put the unzipped folder in the project directory The training data set is to ...

Posted by highphilosopher on Mon, 04 Oct 2021 13:06:59 -0700