Mathematics arithmetic game for pupils

Title requirements: 1 And implement a small arithmetic game CAI Software systems that require friendly interface design (good people) Computer interaction), easy to operate, helps pupils perform four arithmetic operations of one digit (primary) or two digits (advanced). 2 , the main interface gives the rules of the game, p ...

Posted by robs99 on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 09:44:29 -0800

[data structure] dynamic sequence table

1, Data structure Preface 1. Data structure: data and organization between data 2. Program (data and function composition) = data structure + algorithm 3. Time complexity Concept: the number of execution times of a statement of an algorithm program (rather than the running time of the algorithm); Time complexity is a function T ...

Posted by Goat on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 08:11:27 -0800

Experimental instruction for data structure and algorithm R (2020)

preface: LPT inner roll: Brush questions every day Experiment 1 linear table 1. Let the data elements in sequence table A increase in order, try to write A program to insert x into the appropriate position of the sequence table so that the table is still orderly. #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100 ...

Posted by sgtpepper on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 05:01:39 -0800

Dynamic memory allocation: malloc, calloc, and realloc

1, Why dynamic memory allocation When we declare an array in c language, we must first specify the size of an array, but in practice, we often can't know the size of the array we set in advance. For example, suppose we want to count the data of all students in a class, but the number of students in different classes may be different. In ...

Posted by mnetsys on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 02:51:57 -0800

[business decision] simple finite state machine design method

Catalogue of series articles Tip: you can add the directories of all articles in the series here. You need to add the directories manually TODO: finishing after writing preface Limited cognition, I hope you will forgive me. If you have any problems, I hope to communicate with you and grow together! This paper first makes a brief in ...

Posted by rajivgonsalves on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 19:14:51 -0800

Linux Installation - VMware + RedHat

1 install VMware virtual machine The default installation is OK. If you change the installation location, remember to use the VMware installation directory after the changed location 2. Install RedHat red hat system 2.1 virtual machine settings: Create a new virtual machineCustom (Advanced)Select virtual machine hardware compatibility ...

Posted by peDey on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 06:06:50 -0800

Bidirectional circular linked list of leading nodes (C language)

Concept: bidirectional linked list is that each node has a precursor pointer in addition to the subsequent pointer. and Single linked list Similarly, the two-way linked list also has the structure of the leading node and the structure of the non leading node. The two-way linked list of the leading node is more commonly used; In addition, the tw ...

Posted by Pethlehemm on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 03:06:36 -0800

[C language] final review of Peking University of Posts

Due to the closure of the school in the first half of 2020, C language is an online homework at the end of the term. The following is the requirement, which is to make a calculator. CPF course 2020 Write a program that can help primary school students practice mathematics. a) The program will first ask the user for his ID number (including ...

Posted by bassguru on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 23:22:22 -0800

IO multiplexing (select, poll, epoll)

The TCP server can be explained with the following diagram: Welcome is equivalent to listenfd, which has been listening to the client's requests. When a customer arrives, guide the customer to the waiter in the lobby. At this time, a connection is established. The lobby waiter is equivalent to connfd, and all interactions with the current clien ...

Posted by egiblock on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 13:28:56 -0800

C + + self implementation String

Mstring infrastructure #ifndef MSTRING_H #define MSTRING_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define MSTRING_NUM_SIZE sizeof(int) / / reference count size #define DEFEALT_LEN (10+MSTRING_NUM_SIZE) class Mstring { public: Mstring(const char* str); Mstring(const Mstring& src); Mstring& operator=(const Mstring& ...

Posted by FinalMjolnir on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 12:55:24 -0800