[java framework] JPA -- JPA mapping relationship

1. One way one to many configuration One way one to many is configured with the @ OneToMany tag. One party has a Set attribute associated with multiple parties. A Set can be a List or a Set, but the difference is that a List is ordered and a Set is not repeated. Corresponding to the configuration of @ OneToMany on one side: /** * One way one ...

Posted by scott.stephan on Mon, 18 May 2020 10:53:00 -0700

"Vue Response Principle and MVVM Implementation" of JS Core Theory

MVVM concept MVVM represents Model-View-ViewModel. Model: Model layer, responsible for handling business logic and interacting with the server side View: View layer: responsible for converting data models into UI displays, which can be easily understood as HTML pages ViewModel: The View Model layer that connects Models to Views and ser ...

Posted by parms on Sun, 17 May 2020 17:03:12 -0700

Using Easy UI to generate asynchronous tree and add tabs dynamically

Generate asynchronous tree 1. Generate an empty tree, which is usually placed in the west module using easyui layout<ul id="menuTree" class="easyui-tree"> 2. To obtain node information from the server, the json data returned by the backend must contain the following attributes: pid (parent node id), id, text, state, url. be careful!!! ...

Posted by hagman on Sun, 17 May 2020 09:16:17 -0700

General introduction to common data structure of python

Common data structures 1, String (string) 1. Basic use Create string # Create string str1 = str("lucky is a good man") # The basic type string will automatically change to string object type when used str1 = 'lucky is a nice man' operation # String operation str3 = "lucky is a cool man" str4 = "lucky is a handsome man" # String addition (s ...

Posted by OLM3CA on Thu, 14 May 2020 23:28:11 -0700

Log Series 2 - Profile Details

Catalog 1.logback Composition of configuration file 1.1 rootnode 1.2.property node 1.3.appender node 1.3.1 ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender 1.3.2 ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender 1.3.3 ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender 1.3.4 ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender 1.3.5 rollingPolicy 2. Examples of configuration files 3 s ...

Posted by member on Thu, 14 May 2020 18:44:30 -0700

jQuery animation and queue, simple queue() in and dequeue() out implementation

#jQuery animation -1. Hide -2.show() display ```js $('. demo').show(3000, 'swing');//width height opacity padding operates on these parameters simultaneously ``` -3.toggle() is hidden to show the operation -4.fadeIn() fade in, transparency from 0-1 -5.fadeOut(), transparency from 1-0 -6.fadetoggle() fade in, fade out operation -7.fadeTo() ...

Posted by deansp2001 on Thu, 14 May 2020 07:18:57 -0700

spring framework integration quartz

spring framework integration quartz @Scheduled Spring context support has two annotations for Scheduled tasks under spring, @ enablescheduled and @ Scheduled, which are easy to use 1. Add enableschedule where spring can scan @SpringBootApplication @MapperScan("com.hsm.quartztask.mapper") @EnableScheduling public class QuartzTaskApplication { ...

Posted by forcerecon on Thu, 14 May 2020 01:48:38 -0700

Take you to understand the inheritance mechanism in JavaScript

Previous As we all know, inheritance is a common feature of all OO languages. In JavaScript, its inheritance mechanism is very different from other OO languages. Although ES6 provides us with the same syntax sugar as object-oriented inheritance, its bottom layer is still a constructor, so it is very important to understand the underlying princ ...

Posted by trulyafrican on Wed, 13 May 2020 20:10:18 -0700

First crawler and test

1, Improve the game procedures and test the game procedures. Change the end of the code slightly. If the code is correct, run it. Otherwise, output Error. from random import random #Printer introduction def printIntro(): print("19 Deng Ruoyan, No. 23, Xinji class 2") print("This program simulates two players A and B Table tennis comp ...

Posted by Deivas on Wed, 13 May 2020 10:27:12 -0700

python object-oriented three access rights underline double underline

1, Double underline If you want internal properties not to be accessed externally, you can add two underscores to the name of the property. In Python, if the variable name of an instance starts with \\\\\\\\\\. Are instance variables starting with double underscores necessarily inaccessible from outside? Not really. The reason why you can't dir ...

Posted by payjo on Tue, 12 May 2020 08:29:46 -0700