General introduction to common data structure of python

Keywords: Python encoding REST Attribute

Common data structures

1, String (string)

1. Basic use

  • Create string

    # Create string
    str1 = str("lucky is a good man")
    # The basic type string will automatically change to string object type when used
    str1 = 'lucky is a nice man'
  • operation

    # String operation
    str3 = "lucky is a cool man"
    str4 = "lucky is a handsome man"
    # String addition (string splicing)
    str5 = str3 + str4
    print("str5= %s"%(str5))
    # String multiplication (duplicate string)
    str6 = str3 * 3
    print("str6= %s"%(str6))
  • Member judgment

    # Member judgment
    str7 = "lucky is a good man"
    print("lucky" in str7)
  • Content acquisition

    # Content acquisition
    str8 = "lucky is a good man"
    # Gets the contents of a string based on the subscript (index), starting with 0
    # String [subscript]
    # Intercept a part of the string [start: stop] [start, stop)
  • formatted print

  name = "lucky"
  age = 18
  height = 175.5
  print("My name is%s,This year%d Age, height%f,Specific height%.1f" % (name, age, height, height))

  # The content of known print is printed on one line by default, and another print will print on another line
  # end defaults to \ n
  print("lucky is a good", end="*")
  print(" man")

2. Common escape characters

str12 = "su\\nc\tk is a go\no m\"a'n"
# If there are a lot of characters in the string that need to be escaped, you need to add a lot of \. To simplify, python allows r "" to be used to indicate that the string inside "" does not escape by default
#  \\\t\\

3. Compare sizes

Principle: get the characters from the left side of the two strings in order. Compare the two characters. Whose askoma value is large is which string is large. If it is equal, continue to compare the next one

str1 = "abc"
str2 = "ab"
print(str1 > str2)

4. Built in features

Note: the string itself cannot be changed

  • eval()

    Prototype: eval(str)
    Function: evaluate the string as a valid expression and return the result
    Return value: calculated number

    num = eval("123")
    print(num, type(num))
    # print(int("12+3")) #report errors
    #Note: errors will be reported if there are non numeric characters in the string (except for mathematical operators)
    # print(eval("12a3")) #report errors
    # print(eval("a123")) #report errors
    # print(eval("123a")) #report errors
    # It means that variables are OK
    a = "124"
    # print(eval("a+1")) #report errors
  • len(string)

    Prototype: len(str)
    Function: calculate the length of the string (by the number of characters)
    Parameter: a string
    Return value: length of string

    print(len("lucky is a good man"))
    print(len("lucky is a good man Kai"))
  • lower()

    Prototype: lower()
    Function: change all uppercase letters in the string to lowercase

    str1 = "lucky Is a GoOd MAn!"
    str2 = str1.lower()
  • upper()

    Prototype: upper()
    Function: change all lowercase letters in the string to uppercase

    str3 = "lucky Is a GoOd MAn!"
    str4 = str3.upper()
  • swapcase()

    Prototype: swapcase()
    Function: change the uppercase letters into lowercase and lowercase letters into uppercase

    str5 = "lucky Is a GoOd MAn!"
    str6 = str5.swapcase()
  • capitalize()

    Prototype: capitalize()
    Function: change the first character in the string to uppercase and the rest to lowercase

    str7 = "lucky Is a GoOd MAn!"
    str8 = str7.capitalize()
  • title()

    Prototype: title()
    Function: get "title" string, the first character of each word is uppercase, the rest is lowercase

    str9 = "lucky Is a GoOd MAn!"
    str10 = str9.title()
  • center(width[, fillchar])

    Function: returns a middle string with the specified width, fillchar is the fill string, and the default is space

    print("lucky".center(20, "#"))
  • ljust(width[, fillchar])

    Function: returns a left aligned string with the specified width, fillchar is the fill string, and the default is space

    print("lucky".ljust(20, "#"))
  • rjust(width,[, fillchar])

    Function: returns a right aligned string with the specified width, fillchar is the fill string, and the default is space

    print("lucky".rjust(20, "#"))
  • zfill (width)

    Function: returns a right aligned string with the specified width, and fills 0 by default

  • count(str[, beg= 0[,end=len(string)]])

    Function: returns the number of times str appears in string. If be or end is specified, it returns the number of times in the specified range

    str11 = "lucky is a very very good man very"
    print(str11.count("very", 13))
    print(str11.count("very", 13, 25))
  • find(str[, beg=0[, end=len(string)]])

    Function: check whether str is included in the string. By default, it looks from left to right. If it exists, it returns the first occurrence of the subscript. Otherwise, it returns - 1. If be or end is specified, it will be detected within the specified range

    str12 = "lucky is a very very good man"
    # print(str12.find("nice"))
  • index(str[, beg=0[, end=len(string)]])

    Function: check whether str is included in the string. By default, it looks from left to right. If it exists, it returns the first occurrence of the subscript. Otherwise, it returns an exception (error report). If be or end is specified, it is detected within the specified range

    str13 = "lucky is a very very good man"
    # print(str13.index("nice"))
  • rfind(str[, beg=0[,end=len(string)]])

    Function: check whether str is included in the string. By default, find from right to left. If it exists, return the first occurrence of the subscript. Otherwise, return - 1. If be or end is specified, detect within the specified range

  • str12 = "lucky is a very very good man"
    # print(str12.rfind("nice"))
  • rindex(str[, beg=0[, end=len(string)]])

    Function: check whether str is included in the string. By default, search from right to left. If it exists, return the first occurrence of the subscript. Otherwise, return an exception (error report). If be or end is specified, check within the specified range

    str13 = "lucky is a very very good man"
    # print(str13.rindex("nice"))
  • lstrip([char])

    Function: cut off the characters specified on the left side of the string, the default is space

    str14 = "     lucky is a good man"
    str15 = str14.lstrip()
    str16 = "######lucky is a good man"
    str17 = str16.lstrip("#")
  • rstrip([char])

    Function: cut off the characters specified on the right and left of the characters. The default is space

    str18 = "lucky is a good man      "
    str19 = str18.rstrip()
  • strip([chars])

    Function: executing lstrip and rstrip on strings

  • split(str=" "[, num=string.count(str)])

    Function: cut the string according to str (silent space) to get a list, which is the collection of each word

    str20 = "lucky     is  a good man"
    print(str20.split(" "))
    str21 = "lucky####is##a#good#man"
  • splitlines([keepends])

    Function: cut by lines ('\ r', '\ r\n', '\ n'). If keeps is False, it does not contain line breaks, otherwise it contains line breaks

    str22 = """good
  • join(seq)

    Function: specify string elements in character splicing list

    str23 = "lucky is a good man"
    li = str23.split()
    str24 = "##".join(li)
  • max(str)

    Function: returns the largest character in the string

  • min(str)

    Function: returns the smallest character in a string

  • replace(old, new[, max])

    Function: replace old in string with new. If max value is not specified, replace all. If max value is specified, replace no more than max times

    str25 = "lucky is a good good good man"
    str26 = str25.replace("good", "cool")
  • maketrans()

    Function: create conversion table of character mapping

    t = str.maketrans("un", "ab")
  • translate(table, deletechars="")

    Function: convert characters according to the given conversion table

    str27 = "lucky is a good man"
    str28 = str27.translate(t)
  • isalpha()

    Function: returns true if the string has at least one character and all characters are English letters, false otherwise

  • isalnum()

    Function: returns true if the string has at least one character and all characters are English letters or numbers, false otherwise

  • isupper()

    Function: returns true if the string has at least one character and all the letters are uppercase, false otherwise

  • islower()

    Function: returns true if the string has at least one character and all letters are lowercase, false otherwise

  • istitle()

    Function: returns true if the string is titled, false otherwise

  • isdigit()

    Function: returns true if the string contains only numbers, false otherwise

  • isnumeric()

    Function: returns true if the string contains only numbers, false otherwise

  • isdecimal()

    Function: check whether the string contains only decimal digits

  • isspace()

    Function: returns true if the string contains only blank characters, false otherwise

    print(" ".isspace())
    print("   abc".isspace())
  • startswith(str[, beg=0[,end=len(string)]])

    Function: check whether the string starts with str, if yes, return true; otherwise, return false, and specify the range

    str29 = "lucky is a good man"
  • endswith(suffix, beg=0, end=len(string))

    Function: check whether the string ends in str, if yes, return true; otherwise, return false, and specify the range

  • encode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='strict')
    Function: Code in the encoding format specified by encoding. If there is an error, a ValueError exception will be reported, unless the value specified by errors is ignore or replace

  • str30 = "lucky A good man"
    str31 = str30.encode()
    print(str31, type(str31))
  • bytes.decode(encoding="utf-8", errors="strict")

    Function: decode in the format specified by encoding. Note that the format used in decoding should be the same as that used in encoding

    str32 = str31.decode("GBK", errors="ignore")
    print(str32, type(str32))
  • ord()

    Function: get integer representation of characters

  • chr()

    Function: change the number code to the corresponding character

  • str()

    Function: convert to string

    num1 = 10
    str33 = str(num1)
    print(str33, type(str33))

Two. list

1. When do I use lists?

  • reflection

    Store 5 people's ages and average them

    age1 = 18
    age2 = 19
    age3 = 20
    age4 = 21
    age5 = 22
  • reflection

    Store age of 100 people

  • solve

    Use list

2. Basic use

  • essence

    Is an ordered set

  • Create list

    Create list
      Format: list name = [element 1, element 2 , element n]
    #Create an empty list
    li1 = []
    print(li1, type(li1))
    #Create a list with elements
     #Note: the types of elements in the list can be different, but this situation will not exist in future development
    li2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "good", True]
  • Access to list elements

    # Access to list elements
    li3 = [1,2,3,4,5]
    # Add elements to the end of the list
    # Get element list name [subscript]
    # print(li3[9]) #Subscript out of range, overflow
    # print(li3[-1]) # The subscript can be negative, - 1 indicates the subscript of the last element, - 2 indicates the penultimate, and so on
    # Modify element list name [subscript] = value
    li3[2] = 33
    # li3[6] = 10 #Subscript does not exist
    # Intercept list
  • List operation

    # List addition (list combination)
    li4 = [1,2,3]
    li5 = [4,5,6]
    li6 = li4 +li5
    # Multiply list (duplicate list)
    li7 = [7,8,9]
    li8 = li7 * 3
    # Member judgment
    li9 = [1,2,3]
    print(1 in li9)
    print(4 in li9)

3. 2D list

Concept: an element in a list is a list of one bit lists

Essence: one dimensional list

li1 = [[1,2,3],


4. Built in features

  • append(obj)

    Add a new element at the end of the list

    li1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
  • extend(seq)

    Append more than one element at the end of the list

    li2 = [1,2,3,4,5]
  • insert(index, obj)

    Insert the element obj into the list by subscript, the original data will not be overwritten, and the original data will be moved backward in order

    li3 = [1,2,3,4,5]
    li3.insert(2, 100)
  • pop(index=-1)

    Remove the specified subscript element in the list, remove the last one by default, and return the deleted data

    li4 = [1,2,3,4,5]
    data = li4.pop()
    print(data, li4)
  • remove(obj)

    Remove the first occurrence of obj element in the list

    li5 = [1,2,3,4,5,2,4,2,5,6,7]
  • clear()

    clear list

    li6 = [1,2,3,4,5]
  • count(obj)

    Returns the number of times the element obj appears in the list

    li7 = [1,2,3,4,5,2,4,2,5,6,7]
  • len(seq)

    Returns the number of elements in the list

    li8 = [1,2,3,4,5]
  • index(obj)

    Get the subscript of the first occurrence of an element in the list, otherwise a ValueError exception will be thrown

    li9 = [1,2,3,4,5,2,4,2,5,6,7]
  • max(seq)

    Returns the largest element in the list

  • min(seq)

    Returns the smallest element in the list

  • reverse()

    List reverse

    li10 = [1,2,3,4,5]
  • sort()

    Sort the list elements according to the rules given by func function. The default is ascending

    li11 = [2,1,3,5,4]
  • list(seq)

    Convert other types of collections to list types

    str1 = "lucky"
    li12 = list(str1)
    print(li12, type(li12))

5. Memory problems

  • assignment

    • ==And is
    num1 = 1
    num2 = 1
    print(id(num1), id(num2))
    print(num1 == num2)
    print(num1 is num2)
    num3 = 401
    num4 = 401
    print(id(num3), id(num4))
    print(num3 == num4)
    print(num3 is num4)
    • assignment
    a = [1,2,3,4,5]
    b = a
    print(id(a), id(b))
    print(a == b)
    print(a is b)
    c = [1,2,3,4,5,[7,100,9]]
    d = c
    print(c == d)
    print(c is d)
    c[5][0] = 60

  • Light copy

    Copy only surface elements

    from copy import copy
    a = [1,2,3,4,5]
    b = copy(a)
    print(id(a), id(b))
    print(a == b)
    print(a is b)
    c = [1,2,3,[4,5,6]]
    d = copy(c)
    print(id(c), id(d))
    print(c == d)
    print(c is d)
    print(id(c[3]), id(d[3]))
    print(c[3] == d[3])
    print(c[3] is d[3])

  • Deep copy

    Note: no matter the deep copy or the shallow copy, a new content space will be generated in the memory (recreate the copied content in the memory)

    The premise that the two are different: there is another list in the element

    Note: deep copy recreates all child elements in memory

    from copy import deepcopy
    a = [1,2,3,4,5]
    b = deepcopy(a)
    print(id(a), id(b))
    print(a == b)
    print(a is b)
    c = [1,2,3,4,5,[6,7,8]]
    d = deepcopy(c)
    print(id(c), id(d))
    print(c == d)
    print(c is d)
    print(id(c[5]), id(d[5]))
    print(c[5] == d[5])
    print(c[5] is d[5])

3, Tuple tuple

1. Overview

  • essence

    Ordered set

  • characteristic

    1. Very similar to list
    2. Once initialized, it cannot be modified
    3. Use parentheses

2. Basic use

  • establish

    Create format:
      Tuple name = (element 1, element 2 , element n)
    #Create empty ancestor
    t1 = ()
    print(t1, type(t1))
    #Create tuples with elements. The element types of tuples can be different
    t2 = (1,2,3,4,5)
    #To create a tuple with one element, you need to add a comma
    t3 = (1,)
    print(t3, type(t3))
  • Tuple element access

    # Value tuple name [subscript]
    t4 = (1,2,3,4,5)
    # print(t4[7]) #Subscript out of range
    # print(t4[-7]) #Subscript out of range
    # Note: the element cannot be modified, but if the tuple element is of list type, the element in the list can be modified
    t5 = (1,2,3,4,5,[6,7,8])
    # t5[3] = 100 # report errors
    # t5[5] = [1,2,3] # report errors
    t5[5][0] = 60
  • Tuple operation

    t6 = (1,2,3)
    t7 = (4,5,6)
    t8 = t6 + t7
    print(t8, t6, t7)
    print(t6 * 3)
  • Tuple truncation

    t9 = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
  • Tuple symmetric assignment

    # For functions to return multiple return values
    num1, num2 = (1, 2)
    # If there is only one placeholder, you can omit the parentheses, but it is better not to omit them
    print("num1 = %d"%num1)
    print("num2 = %d"%(num2))

3. Operation method

  • len(seq)

  • max()

  • min()

  • tuple(seq)

    Convert sets of other types to tuple types


4, dict dictionary

1. Overview

  • concept

    Using the form of key value pair to store data has extremely fast search speed

  • characteristic

    1. key in dictionary must be unique

    2. Key value pairs are unordered

    3. key must be immutable

      a: Strings and numbers are immutable, and can be used as key s (generally strings)

      b: The list is variable and cannot be used as a key

  • reflection

    Save a student's information (name, student number, gender, age, height, weight)

    str1 = "lucky#1#male#18#173.5#80"
    li1 = ["lucky", 1, "male", 18, 173.5, 80]
    t1 = ("lucky", 1, "male", 18, 173.5, 80)
  • Problem solving

    Using dictionaries

    Definition format: dictionary name = {key1:value1, key2:value2 ,keyn:valuen}

2. Basic use

  • establish

    # Create a dictionary to save a student's information
    stu1 = {"name": "lucky", "age": 18, "sex": "male", "height": 173.5, "weight":80, "id": 1}
    stu2 = {"name": "liudh", "age": 57, "sex": "male", "height": 180, "weight":75, "id": 2}
    stus = [stu1, stu2]
  • ACCESS Dictionary values

    stu3 = {"name": "lucky", "age": 18, "sex": "male", "height": 173.5, "weight":80, "id": 1}
    # Get dictionary name [key]
    # print(stu3["money"]) #Error will be reported when getting non-existent property value
    # Get dictionary name.get(key)
    print(stu3.get("money")) # Get the nonexistent property and get None
    money = stu3.get("money")
    if money:
      print("money = %d"%money)
      print("No, money attribute")
  • Add key value pair

    # Add key value pairs. If no key is added, some will be modified
    stu3["nikeName"] = "kaige"
    stu3["age"] = 16
  • delete


3. Compare list with dict

  • list

    Advantages: small memory space occupied, little memory wasted

    Disadvantage: the efficiency of finding and inserting will decrease with the increase of elements

  • dict

    Advantages: the speed of searching and inserting is extremely fast, and the efficiency will not be reduced with the increase of key value

    Disadvantages: need to occupy a large amount of memory, memory waste too much

5, Set set

1. Overview

Feature: similar to dict, it is a set of key s (no value is stored)

Essence: disordered and unrepeated set

2. Basic use

  • establish

    #Create: need a list or tuple as the input set
    s1 = set([1,2,3,4,5])
    print(s1, type(s1))
    s2 = set((1,2,3,4,5))
    print(s2, type(s2))
    s3 = set("lucky")
    print(s3, type(s3))
  • effect

    # Function: List de duplication
    li1 = [1,2,4,6,7,5,4,3,22,2,3,46,7,8,1,3,5]
    s4 = set(li1)
    li2 = list(s4)
  • add to

    s5 = set([1,2,3,4,5])
    # Cannot insert a number element directly
    # s5.update(6) # report errors
    # s5.update([6,7,8])
    # s5.update((6,7,8))
    # s5.update("678")
  • delete

    s6 = set([1,2,3,4,5])
    # Delete from left
    data = s6.pop()
    print(data, s6)
    # Delete by element, if the element does not have an exception reporting KeyError
    # s6.remove(7)
  • ergodic

    s7 = set([1,2,3,4,5])
    for key in s7:
      print("--------", key)
    for index, key in enumerate(s7):
      print(index, key)

3. Intersection and union

s8 = set([1,2,3,4,5])
s9 = set([3,4,5,6,7])
print(s8 & s9)
print(s8 | s9)

6, Null

Note: is a special value in python, represented by None

Note: None cannot be understood as 0, because 0 is meaningful, and None has no practical significance


1. When defining a variable, you do not know what the initial value is to be assigned. You can write the assignment as None. Assign when you have a certain value

2. If no data is found in the dictionary, a None will be returned

c = None

7, Variable type problem

The type of variable should be determined according to the corresponding data. The type of variable is variable

a = 1
print(a, type(a))
a = "lucky"
print(a, type(a))
a = True
print(a, type(a))

8, Type conversion


s1 = set([1,2,3,4,5])
s2 = set((1,2,3,4,5))
s3 = set("lucky")
print(s1, s2, s3)

2,tuple/set/string ->list

l1 = list((1,2,3,4,5))
l2 = list(set([1,2,3,4,5]))
l3 = list("lucky")
print(l1, l2, l3)


t1 = tuple([1,2,3,4,5])
t2 = tuple(set([1,2,3,4,5]))
t3 = tuple("lucky")
print(t1, t2, t3)

9, Mutable and immutable objects

1. Description

In python, strings, tuples, and numbers are immutable objects, while list and dict are modifiable objects

2. Immutable type

The data in the value corresponding to the variable cannot be modified. If it is modified, a new value will be generated to allocate the new memory space

Immutable type:

  • Value (int,float,bool)

  • String (string)

  • tuple

Result: two different storage addresses

3. Variable type

The data in the value corresponding to the variable can be modified, but the memory address remains unchanged

Variable type:

List (list)

Dictionary (dict)

Set (set)

Result: two identical storage addresses

['Liu Bei', 'Guan Yu', 'Zhang Fei', 'Zhao Yun']

Result: two identical storage addresses

{'name': 'Liu Bei','age': 20}

Posted by OLM3CA on Thu, 14 May 2020 23:28:11 -0700