Docker Beginner Practice

Keywords: Docker JDK CentOS yum

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Install Docker

centos7 installs docker

Refer to and follow these steps for installation

  1. Remove the old version
yum remove docker \
    docker-client \
    docker-client-latest \
    docker-common \
    docker-latest \
    docker-latest-logrotate \
    docker-logrotate \
    docker-selinux \
    docker-engine-selinux \
  1. Install some necessary system tools
yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
  1. Adding Software Source Information
yum-config-manager --add-repo
  1. Update yum cache
yum makecache fast
  1. Install Docker-ce
yum -y install docker-ce
  1. Start Docker Background Service
systemctl start docker
  1. Test run hello-world
docker run hello-world

Use the docker images command to view the installed images

Building Mirrors with Dockerfile

Install jdk

First install jdk using centos base image

FROM centos

RUN mkdir /usr/local/java

ADD jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/local/java/

RUN ln -s /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_181 /usr/local/java/jdk

ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/local/java/jdk
ENV JAVA ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java

Execute the command: docker build -t centos-jdk:1.8.0-181. Build the mirror

Use the command docker images to view the built images. Because we use centos, we build a CentOS image first, and then a jdk image.

Execute the command: docker run-it centos-jdk: 1.8.0-181/bin/bash, start a container, and enter the container to check whether the JDK has been installed successfully

Execution command: The docker PS-A command looks at the list of all containers that have been started and started, and you can view the status through STATUS

docker rm container id----------------------------------- Delete container
docker stop container id--------------------------------- stop container
Doker RMI Mirror id - --------------------------------------------------- Delete Mirror

Install the application

FROM centos-jdk:1.8.0-181

ADD canal.deployer.tar.gz /data/application/canal-deploy

    chmod +x /data/application/canal-deploy/bin/*.sh
EXPOSE 11111 11112

When the container starts, it is mounted into a process, and if the process stops, the container stops. After the container is built, start it with the command docker run-itd canal: 1.1.3/bin/bash-c "/ data/application/canal-deploy/bin/"

You need to specify the startup script by the - c parameter, and the container is attached to the script process. You can also specify the execution command by CMD or ENTRYPOINT in the Dockerfile.

In the process of using the container, when the process hangs up, the container will be finished running. We need a daemon process. If the application process hangs down, it can be restarted and implemented with s6.
When building a Dockerfile, add the following commands, override the installation to the / usr directory, and add run and finish scripts to start and stop.
Note the directory structure: s6 listener directory: / data/application/service, run and finish script directory: / data/application/service/canal, can monitor the operation of multiple processes

ADD s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz /usr/

RUN mkdir -p /data/application/service/canal

COPY run /data/application/service/canal
COPY finish /data/application/service/canal

RUN chmod +x /data/application/service/canal/run && \
    chmod +x /data/application/service/canal/finish
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/s6-svscan", "/data/application/service"]

run script content is the execution of commands

sh /data/application/canal-deploy/bin/

Posted by iacataca on Sat, 27 Jul 2019 03:00:51 -0700