Zookeeper as configuration center usage instructions

Keywords: Java Zookeeper Spring github

To keep the data highly available, we use Zookeeper as the configuration center to save the data.SpringCloud also has an official description of Zookeeper integration: spring_cloud_zookeeper

Here is a practical explanation of how to use it.

1. Add Dependent Packages

<!-- Operations and Maintenance Monitoring -->
<!-- Web application program-->
<!-- provide zookeeper - config -->

Configuration Instructions:

org.springframework.cloud#spring-cloud-starter-zookeeper-config is a configuration project for zookeeper as the configuration center.

If the web project needs to add org.springframework.boot#spring-boot-starter-web.

The configuration project org.springframework.boot#spring-boot-starter-actuator is used to communicate with zookeeper

2. Add Profile

Add the following configuration under the bootstrap.properties file


#ZooKeeper's connection string, if clustered, comma-separated nodes, in the format ip:port[,ip2:port2,.....
spring.cloud.zookeeper.connect-string =
#Specify the root directory of the zookeeper directory
spring.cloud.zookeeper.config.root = config
#zk enabled configuration
spring.cloud.zookeeper.config.enabled = true
spring.cloud.zookeeper.config.profileSeparator = :

Configuration Instructions:

Modify to be the Zookeeper address in the project, defaulting to localhost:2181

Based on the above configuration, the address read from zookeeper is: /config/config-demo:dev

Logging in to zookeeper requires manual creation or interface maintenance using zkui

3. Manually create configurations in Zookeeper


[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 3] create /config/config-demo:dev
Created /config/config-demo:dev
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 4] create /config/config-demo:dev/user.name yuesf
Created /config/config-demo:dev/user.name

4. Use in Programs

1) Create a configuration file

Example: UserProperties.java

package com.example.config;

import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;

 * @auth yuesf
 * @data 2019/10/29
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "user")
public class UserProperties {
    private String name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

Configuration Instructions:

Mark the class as a configuration file using the @ConfigurationProperties attribute

2) Activate automatic assembly

Activate profile on startup class

package com.example.config;

import com.example.config.demo.UserProperties;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.EnableConfigurationProperties;

 * @auth yuesf
 * @data 2019/11/12
@EnableConfigurationProperties(value = {UserProperties.class })
public class ConfigApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Configuration Instructions:

In the above example code, @EnableConfiguration Properties (UserProperties.class) is the UserProperties.class activation configuration

3) Program Call Configuration

Example: Call the user.name variable of the configuration center

package com.example.config.controller;

import com.example.config.demo.UserProperties;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

 * @auth yuesf
 * @data 2019/11/12
public class UserController {

    private UserProperties userProperties;

    public String getUser(){
        return userProperties.getName();

5. Interface Maintenance

The zkui deployment used by the interface. For a description of zkui, go to zkui: https://github.com/DeemOpen/zkui
There is also a local zk visualization interface ZooViewer, please move to: https://github.com/HelloKittyNII/ZooViewer for instructions on using ZooViewer

This article is published by blog OpenWrite Release!

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Posted by Rdam on Mon, 11 Nov 2019 18:43:35 -0800